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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
ATM Rock -
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jermy101 |
This card has the most use in modified because many people use
Rare Candy and Double Rainbow Energy; ATM rock discards the
evolutions so their Rare Candy will have gone to waste, their
Double Rainbow Energy may have to be discarded too if only the
Basic Pokemon remains, and often 1 or more pokemon will be koed!
Unlimited - Not much use here, no one really uses Double Rainbow
Energy, and rare candied pokemon can easily be rare candied back
by use of Computer Search, Item Finder etc.. 1/5
Modified - It took the place of SS Omastar. You will see 1-2 of
these in tons of modified decks. DREs might have to be
discarded, and rare candies go to waste. It is especially good
against ex Pokemon(stage 2s). Take Gardevoir ex for instance.
It has 150 HP which means it could take a lot of time to kill.
Well with the Rock, all you have to do is get 70 damage on the
Gardevoir ex somehow, then next turn use the rock. Gardevoir ex
goes back to the hand, Kirlia is knocked out, BUT you only get 1
prize which is the only downside. 4/5
Draft - Let's see, no rare candy, no Double Rainbow Energy,
barely any ex Pokemon, it's not that good. But it is alright
for removing their top stage and maybe knocking the pokemon out
by knocking its HP down by 40 or so. 2/5

Hedge |
ATM Rock
This card peeves me… It’s as if,
“Your 150 HP bex REALLY only has 70 when I want it to…”
Ugh. I dunno what to say ‘bout
this thing… man this song is good… ;x.
Let’s say that 1 or 2 of these
is pretty good in just about any deck with 4 or more normal
(non-ex) evolutions. Ya never know; reminds me of Mystery
Plate Gamma (XD). “You won’t see this one coming you foolish
rival!!!!11one11”… ok… as my friend Matt would say,,
””O-Kay, what have YOU been smoking? ;/. “
Err, yeah… gawd sorry folks
but it’s mighty late… =/…. Yeah, Rock TM is pretty good;
they can’t play rarecandies… well they can, but it puts them
on the edge if they do.
Like burninating torchic said on
his review of Vileplume ex, it IS blocked by that card… plus
Vile ex blocks A TON of other stuff… alas, another
review that is. So for good ol Rock TM, just play 1, say… I
dunno if I’ve told you guys out there this, but I like
power, and surprises. This card has both, if played at the
right time. This is also another card that you need to have
a good Poker face to play. Don’t let on that you’re holding
one… ;x;x
Yeah… anyways I g2g so bye Pojo
crew… if this review doesn’t make sense, just remember, when
I’m tired, I do not think well. Bye.
Johnny Blaze |
With the new ruling by PUSA on Rare Candy(See last review of
Rare Candy), this little Tool is going to find its way into many
decks at Worlds and beyond.
Unlimited – 3/5 One of the better tools around (Focus Band still
being the best), ATM Rock can cause some problems. With multiple
Slowkings out it is still a flip to use it and against a 1st
Turn Rare Candied Vileplume EX it is not going to see any play
because of its “Trainer” status. Otherwise against a heavy evo.
Metagame such as Blastoise then this is the Tool to use
especially if your opponent does not play any middle evolutions.
Modified – 4/5 Again with the new ruling on Rare Candy this card
will see a lot of play and with Modified being Evo. Heavy this
card can win games. A smart player can play effectively against
this tool. But Candy is just so good to use and thus ATM Rock
will be heavily played at Worlds in 2 weeks.
Limited – 2/5 By the time you can get this card out in play the
damage has already been dished. Not as effective in this format.
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