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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Desert Ruins -
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Desert Ruins
Overview: This has to be IMO, one of the best trainer cards in
the set. Desert Ruins adds 1 damage counter per turn to each ex
card in play. The good thing is, it also counts for your
opponent's pokemon. The bad thing, the player can choose at what
time during the turn to add the damage counter, which gives him
or her to get rid of this stadium. This card IMO, should be in
any deck, as it does have the potential to by itself, get rid of
Blaziken ex, Gardevoir ex, and Vileplum ex(as well as any other
ex cards your opponent may play.)
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: With EX: FireRed LeafGreen coming out, expanding the
ex card world(Blastoise ex), and with the popularity still of
Blaze ex and Rayquaza ex, I still say this is a must play card
in any modified deck. 5/5
Draft: There is always the chance your opponent will draft an ex
card(and will probably play it if he or she does), so I say if
you can draft this, play it for defensive purposes. 3.5/5
Jermy101 |
Desert Ruins is basically a poison on all ex pokemon in play,
whittling down their HP so you can KO them easier. Now those ex
pokemon aren't so bad anymore.
Unlimited - There aren't many ex pokemon here. Suicune ex yes,
but rain dance uses Pokemon Center. Base Gastly ex on the
otherhand is strong so I suggest this card for playing against a
Base Gastly ex deck. 1/5
Modified - Pretty much a staple in all modified decks that don't
use ex pokemon. It forces the decks that DO use ex pokemon to
play counter gyms just because Desert Ruins is so good. 10
damage after each turn will add up quickly and get you the 2
prizes you deserve. 4/5
Draft - Pretty good..it doesn't touch Regirock, Ninetales ex,
Registeel, and Regirock though. But it helps against Kyogre ex
and Groudon ex. 2/5
Johnny Blaze |
DESERT RUINS– As of Hidden Legends,
Gym stadium cards have made a huge comeback. If you are playing
Ex’s with over 100 HP in your deck then this Gym stadium card is
the main reason you need to play a counter Gym. 10 damage at the
end of each player’s turn is equivalent to having 2 Plus Powers.
There are plenty of competitive non-Ex decks out there running
multiples of Desert Ruins.
Unlimited – 2/5 Unless your area’s metagame has a lot of EX
unlimited decks I wouldn’t bother to use it here.
Modified – 4/5 As long as player’s decks consist of EX’s then
this card is viable in this format for a long time to come.
Limited – 2/5 Not much use here. Most of the draftable and
usable EX’s in Hidden Legends are 90 Hp and below.
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