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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Ninetails EX-
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Hedge |
Ninetales ex
The first attack on this card is broken, no doubt about it. For
one colorless, you get to gust one of their men from the bench
and burn/confuse it. Broken. The second attack is VEERRRYY
boost-able. This card also keeps a nice 90 HP, just under the
devastating 100 HP that allows desert ruins to reek havoc upon
it. One retreat makes this card High Pressure system-able, and
the Vulpix ascension stuff makes this card ffaasstt. All around,
here we have a fast, flexible, streamlined, powerful, tricky,
shiny and pretty card, that evades Ruins and retreats for free
with a little trainer support. Verryy nice. Also note the one
errata here that most people know, but just to make sure before
Worlds (If Worlds is still not re-scheduled… The hurricanes down
there in Florida are nuts… Good Luck to anyone who’s living down
there, we’re hopin’ for yas) Feebas was errated and Vulpix was
not. ::
* EX Hidden Legends Feebas is receiving errata for its
"Ascension" attack to bring it in line with the Japanese version
of the card. It should read, "Flip a coin. If heads, search your
deck for a card that evolves from Feebas and put it on Feebas.
(This counts as evolving Feebas.) Shuffle your deck afterward."
Please note that this only affects Feebas; Vulpix's "Ascension"
attack does not require a coin flip. (Jul 22, 2004 PUI Rules
Soo, Vulpix now has the better ascension attack… ah well, one
more reason why Nex is might quick and all-around strong.
Johnny Blaze |
NINETAILS EX– Ninkin is back. Not
really, its still an Ex that is Wobby bait and when Boost energy
is rotated out of the Nintendo block this weakens 9Tales Ex. On
a side note, I sure hope that Nintendo reprints Boost Energy.
There are so many decks that benefit from it: Wailord, SceptEX,
GardyEX, WigglyEX, HL Shiftry, Wobby evolved from a Wynaut,
9Tales, etc etc. I was real mad when Recycle Energy was rotated
out. Nintendo keep all the special energy cards that you can, it
gets people playing other decks.
Back to the review, with the new evolution ruling you can get
9Tales from Vulpix’s Ascension attack and up and running full
powered 2nd turn with a Boost energy. Granted 9Tales will be
energyless after a 100 damage Fireblast but the flip side is
that its 1st attack can run on only 1 Colorless. So he can be
ready doing damage and bench manipulation with Intense Glare. 90
Hp for an Ex is kinda low but with its speed and free retreat
with a High Pressure System in play this is the way to play it.
Unlimited: 2/5 – Not much here. With Raindance being more
popular than ever it is too risky to play Fire in this
Modified: 3/5 – This deck could be a real contender at Worlds
with the 1st turn evolution ruling. A 2nd turn 100 is nothing to
sneeze at. Team it up with it’s non-Ex counterpart and you have
a nasty FireFox to deal with.
Limited: 4/5 – Definitely play it if you get the Vulpix. Unless
its stuck in your prizes you can get it out very quickly and
dishing out damage in no time.
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