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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Zubat - Team
Rocket Returns
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Zubats are all about getting to Golbat
and Crobat. Or in this case, Dark Golbat and Dark Crobat. So,
this review will focus on how this Zubat stacks up against the
other ones that are available to choose in the various formats.
In Modified, you have a choice of this Zubat and the Hidden
Legends one. They have identical basic stats, only their attacks
are different.
Of the two, Hidden Legends is the better choice with a great
hand- disruption attack. TRR Zubat is not bad, though. Just that
a flippy Paralyzation attack and mediocre damage attack don't
stand out. 2.75/5
In Unlimited, there's a swarm of Zubats to choose from. Seven,
to be exact. Here, you have to balance Retreat Cost against Hit
Points. Your main choices are Revelation Zubat with 40 HP, a
free retreat, and an auto-Poison attack verses Hidden Legends
Zubat with 50 HP, a One Retreat Cost, and a hand disruption
attack. TRR Zubat is down around choice 4 or 5. Not a stand out.
In Limited, you don't have a choice among Zubats. Unless you are
drafting TRR along with the original TR set. That's worth
considering, though. I recommend trying it. You can usually get
TR boxes or packs pretty cheap because it was the most
over-produced set, coming right when the popularity of the game
took a tumble. So, being the only Zubat, let's consider it
against other Common Basics. In that light, it is still fairly
mediocre. It has a standard HP, average attacks, and a standard
Retreat. It's Psychic Weakness is not bad since there aren't a
lot of Psychic type commons in the set. However, there is
nothing special about it. It's main purpose is to get you to D
Golbat. This card is good, but only if you can "Swarm" it. Since
you're not likely to pull many copies of this uncommon, I
wouldn't plan on being able to do that. It's very unlikely that
you'll get up to the Crobat since it's a rare holo. Therefore,
unless you were lucking in drawing the evos, skip the bat. 2.5/5

Johnny Blaze |
Zubat – We are taking a look at the
whole Dark Crobat line from Team Rocket Returns this week and
what better Pokemon to take a look at then its basic stage of
In current Modified format you have 2 different versions of
Zubat to choose from. There is the TRR’s version and also the
version that appeared in Hidden Legends. My review will be based
on the Team Rocket version. Although the HL’s Zubat is a decent
one too.
Zubat has the typical weakness to Psychic. Its 1st attack, Dark
Streak for 1C, lets you flip a coin and on the result of heads
your opponents active Pokemon is paralyzed. Its 2nd attack is
Ambush for 1C+1G, It does a base damage of 20 and on a coin flip
of heads it deals an extra 10 damage.
Unlimited – 3/5 :You will be using it to evolve into Crobat or
Dark Crobat so it really doesn’t make a difference here.
Modifed – 3/5: You need it to evolve into Dark Crobat and its
2nd attack can do a possible 60 to Grass weak Pokemon on a heads
Limited: 4/5 – For 2 energies one of them being colorless and
dealing a possible 30 or 60 to Grass weak Pokemon Zubat is a
good pick here.
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