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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Shiftry - EX
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Hedge |
I’ve seen this card combo’ed with Desert Shaman and Copycat, to
use the 2nd attack to full effect… I don’t like it too much
though. GL trying it,
Johnny Blaze |
Shiftry – Not a card to sneeze
at. I saw many Shiftry decks try their run at Nationals and Wynaut?
(Pun intended) With a resistance to the ever popular Gardy. Watch
out for Magnetic Storm though that Gardy players are now playing.
Its attacks are sweet too. A possible Turn 2 Push Aside for 40
with Darkness and place your opponents evolution at the bottom of
their deck. With a Boost energy and a rightly timed CopyCat it can
also dish out a Turn 2 80!! Nice combos with this deck. Also
Desert Shaman and hope they draw the same amount of cards as you
do. With the ever popular Gardy watch out for more Shiftry on the
Horizon. Unlimited – Maybe if MP
Mewtwo and more Evolutions were present. Not enough ways to get
your opponents hand size the same as yours. 2/5
Modified – 3/5 Decent card to use in this
format. Just watch out for the early Fire to roast Seedot.
Limited – No Darkness available. Too risky
with all the good fighting Pokemon to use in Hidden Legends Draft.
Chen |
Shiftry... an over-hyped card, IMO.
Let's look at its stats first. 110 HP, okay for a Stage 2, can't
be OHKOed by
Blaziken ex. Dark type... not much is weak to it, but nothing
resists it. The
ability to use Darkness Energy helps it a lot. Fightning Weakness
is good,
because Fighting is one of the weakest types right now. Psychic
Resistance is
also good, because of Gardevoir/ Wobbuffets, which are pretty
common. 2
retreat is meh. The other Shiftry from Sandstorm isn't worth
using, so this
should have no competition in that area. Nuzleaf and Seedot are
okay from
either Sandstorm or Hidden Legends, nothing too special.
Push Aside:
DC for 30. This is nice, if you use two Darkness Energies, this is
2 for 50. A
really nice number, it will kill many basics turn two.
Supernatural Power:
This is where it gets interesting. CCC for 40 is average, but the
effect is
interesting. If you have the same number of cards in your hand as
opponent, it does 80. With DDC this is 100, a good number for
killing most
Pokemon. Boost for 80 isn't too shabby either. How do you get the
same number
of cards in your hand? Copycat is the sure-fire way. Desert Shaman
can also be
used, but be warned! You must draw your cards first, and your
opponent (if
he's smart) will draw less cards. Then, you'll have to get rid of
some of your
cards to do the 80.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
This is just a waste of Darkness Energies for your Sneasel, just
the fact that
he is a Stage Two makes him unplayable in Unlimited.
Modified: 3/5
He could be abused in a deck around him, but he needs speed and 2
Energies turn 2 isn't going to be easy to find. The biggest
problem I see with
a Shiftry deck is consistency. It needs a lot of cards to do good
damage, and
once it falls, the Darkness Energy you waste will hinder your
future plans
Limited: 2/5
He takes a lot to draft, being a Stage 2 and all. Most likely, you
going to be able to use Darkness here, so Supernatural Power will
be his only
attack. CCC for 40 is something you can get better from other
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