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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Crobat - EX
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Crobat (Hidden Legends)
Overview: In my opinion, the Crobat from Neo 3 is the best of them
all, but lets see how this one stands up to it. For 1 colorless
energy, Flutter Attack does 20 damage automaticly, which is nice,
then you get to flip a coin. Flip heads and you get a look at your
opponent's hand(not ever a bad thing), and choose a card to
discard. Meaning syonara to a Blaze ex or Rare Candy or Ancient TM
Rock, etc. Then for 1 grass and 1 colorless, Triple Poison does
not only 10 damage automaticly, then it also poisons the defending
Pokemon and between turns, defending Pokemon takes 30 instead of
10. Very nice indeed. Weakness to psychic makes Gardevoir a
problem in Modified, and Crobat really wouldn't stand a chance
against Crobat. No retreat cost is nice for a stage 2 and the 90HP
is a nice touch as well.
Unlimited: There are better ones out there, and it takes too much
time to get up and ready. If playing in Unlimited, I highly
suggest playing Crobat Neo 3 instead. 2/5
Modified: Triple poison is nice for eliminating Pokemon powers
like Delcatty's Energy Draw, and Flutter Attack gives you a nice
advantage to discard any card from your opponent's hand. I'd play
it. 4/5
Draft: The high HP, free retreat, and automatic poison is great in
Draft, plus discarding any card from your opponent's hand is
pwnage and could possibly ruin your whole game in Draft. The only
problem I have against it, is that it's a stage 2, but if you can
manage getting Zubat, Golbat and this, I highly suggest playing
it. 3/5
Sealed Deck: I didn't see very many of these drafted at the Hidden
Legends prerelease, but lots of people did get Zubat, very few
Golbat. I say if you can get it, play it. 2.5/5

Hedge |
If only Random was here today…. ;D
Crobat is icky like this font, he just keeps using triple poison
and making the game slimy
:P Regardless, that does put it well. Triple poison is
devastating. And with Gorebyss, Bannette, DRE, and tons of Mirage
Stadiums/Nurses, the game gets mighty hard to win for your
Johnny Blaze |
Crobat – I saw quite of few of these
things flying around at Pokemon Nationals teamed up with Gorebyss.
Did it do that well? A friend of mine’s deck just missed making
the Top 16 in the 15+ by miniscule percentage points.
Flutter Trick is pretty decent for only 1C. It does 20 damage and
then you get to flip and on a heads look at your opponents hand
and discard a card. Let me tell you if Heads keep on getting
flipped like it did against me then there goes my draw power 1
turn and the that Switch to get out of the next attack:
Triple Poison looks real good for only 1 G and 1C. Instead of 10
points of poison damage it will actually deliver 30 at the end of
each turn. Nothing at all to sneeze at.
One of the main reason that this card does not see major play is
because of its weakness. Psychic is a major force to be reckoned
with and there is just so many times that this deck will beat a
Psychic deck consistently.
Unlimited: 3/5 Might be an interesting card to play teamed up with
Breeder. Any hand disruption is great and with low energy costs
this card is not very prone to ER. Psychic is not that big in
Unlimited and teamed up with Mirage Stadium or Rocket’s Training
Gym your opponent will have a difficult time retreating.
Modified: 3/5 As mentioned before all the Psychic decks mainly
Gardy gives Crobat a hard time. With a decent start this deck can
beat psychic.
Limited: 3/5 Disruption is real good here and with the limited
amount of healing if you can pull off drafting all the basics and
Stage 1 then this will be hard to beat.
torchic |
Set: Hidden LegendsSingle
Modified: 4/5 Everybody loves this thing. Crobat/Gorebyss is a
popular and good deck. I just get the sneaking suspicion that it
is overrated though. Triple Poison is great, as is Flutter Trick.
And it gets played with a great Anti(in this case) card, the
infamous Gorebyss. So, not bad, I guess.
Team Modified: 3.25/5 Remember how
I gave Corsola +.75 in Team? This thing gets a -.75 in team. Why?
Poison is alot worse in Team. That's why. It's still a good deck,
I guess...
Single Limited: 4/5 You're lucky to
be able to get this thing out in limited. It would be a better
rating then modified, but you really need Gorebyss to back this
thing up, and that's harder to get as well.
Team Limited: 3.25/5 You know my
Single Mutant Modified: 2.75/5 Why
is it worse? Because Blaze is a heck lot easier to get out and
burninate you with. Wait, it's weak to psychic? Change the Blaze
to Garde/Metagross then =/ .
Team Mutant Modified: 2/5 Yuuup.
Single Mutant Limited: 3/5 Same as
my reasoning on the non-mutant categories, more deadly but harder
to get out balance eachother out. Fortunately for the little
Crobat, Garde is no longer a threat, so it raises by .25
Team Mutant Limited: 2.25/5 If you
think I need an explanation, let's just say you're what the
japanese people call a "baka".
Total Score: 3.0625 Wow, it
averaged out nicely. So much for that Uber Overrated Crobat you
all know, huh? "Averaging: The Anti-Uber Factor."
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