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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Claydol - EX
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Claydol Hidden Legends
Overview: Claydol Claydol Claydol, I made it out of clay, and when
it's dry and ready, Claydol I shall play. Now, getting down to
buisness. Claydol's PokeBody, Primal Pull is actually not a very
good one, because it affects you to. As long as Claydol is your
active pokemon, each player's evolved pokemon (yes, even yours)
pays 1 more energy to attack. Sucks. If it wasn't both players, it
might actually be good. Then again, it is only if Claydol is
active, so it could be worse. Then Muddy Eye does 10 damage times
the number of basic energy attached to both Claydol and the
defending pokemon. Can be good assuming you aren't going up
against Sneasel with all darkness in Unlimited ';/. Weakness is
Psychic which means a few things could get in the way like
Gardevoir. Retreat of 1 is not very bad, and 80HP for a stage 1 is
very good as well.
Unlimited: Whatever happened to "I'd rather use base set gastly"?
;/. 1.5/5
Modified: The PokePower pretty much eliminates any hope that this
card is good here ;/. 1/5
Draft: Because of the lower ammount of evolved Pokemon here, I
suppose this could be pretty good. The attack could also be pretty
nice too. 2.5/5
Sealed Deck: Because there aren't many evolved pokemon in Sealed
like draft, and there are ZERO special energy cards in Hidden
Legends, this card isn't half bad here. 3/5

Hedge |
Claydol is lame. Sorry. But ya know, think of a clay doll trying
to fight off a thing that looks and acts like Inferno from the
original Soul Calibur (that’s my bad description of Blaze
K ) It
goes up like ashes, with primal pull or not. If I speak of the
wrong claydol here, the fighting one is even worse. Sorry!
Johnny Blaze |
Claydol – I’ll be reviewing the
Holo psychic Claydol here. As a stage 1 with 80 hp and a nifty
little Poke-power that makes your opponent’s evolved Pokemon pay 1
more energy to use their attacks only while Claydol is active. Im
surprised not to see this card get more play. There hasn’t been a
card released before with this type of Power and if you can keep
Claydol alive long enough then your opponent will have a hard time
attacking. Its Muddy Eye attack is very similar to R+S Gardevoir.
It will do 10 damage times the amount of energy attached to the
defending and active Pokemon. Once Team Play gets rolling Im sure
to see more of this card being played. Again this card suffers
from its weakness. You can always play Ancient Tomb to prevent
that. Unlimited: 2/5 This card may be
decent to play in some sort of weird lock deck where you make
Energy Removal heavy and your opponent will have a difficult time
attacking due to Claydol’s power. Other wise not enough powerful
attacks to make a real difference.
Modified: 2/5 Gardy owns Psychic in Modified
for this card to make a big difference.
Limited: 3/5 A stage 1 with a power like
that is pretty decent in draft.
Team Play: 4/5 This card gets the best rank
once Team Play becomes more popular.
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