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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Gorebyss -
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Overview: eh.. lets see. For 1 colorless energy, Stun Needle does
10 damage automaticly then a chance at paralyzing the defending
pokemon. Not bad. Then for 1 water and 1 colorless, Mystic Water
does a solid 20 damage, then an extra 10 for every psychic energy
in play. The nice thing is there is no limit to how much can be
done. Weakness to Lightning makes Electrode a problem possibly.
Free retreat is great for a stage 1, but 70HP is a little low.
Unlimited: No comment needed. 1.5/5
Modified: The paralization attempt is pretty nice, and the Mystic
Water can be good if your opponent is playing Gardevoir. 2/5
Draft: I would only play it here for the evolution or the
paralysis attempt. 3/5 |
Jermy101 |
Gorebyss is a popular card in modified. The reason it's popular
is all you need is 1 energy, a Double Rainbow Energy, to
attack. Quick and fast. Mystic Water comboes with Double
Rainbow Energy to do more damage quickly. 70 HP is kinda bad
for a stage 1 but it does have free retreat which is good. Your
Clamperl will be fairly safe because of EXOSKELETON! It's funny
when people attack Clamperl thinking it will be knocked out
because they forget about that pokebody. You will probably
never use Gorebyss' first attack.
Unlimited - I would rather use Base Gastly. 1/5
Modified - A cool card. It is anti-Blaziken because it's water
type and swarms quickly, overcoming Blaziken most of the time if
the Gorebyss player gets a decent start. This also helps
against Gardevoir because it abuses Gardevoir's Psychic Energy.
So in theory Gorebyss beats the top 2 archetypes in eon. It's
not bad against rogue either since after a few turns you'll be
doing big damage. 4/5
Draft - It's good here. Clamperl is hard to touch and big
damage is cool in draft. 3/5 |

Hedge |
Wow. This is the best card in
Hidden Legends. For a DRE, you do 30+. Not bad for one energy
card. Not much else to say here, except to note part two of
nasty Gorebyss, which is its free retreat cost. GG.

Ralphy |
Things have been crazy around here,
but I am going to try to get back into a more regular review
schedule. One quick word, if you see a move entitled
"Independent Investigations," go see it. It's mine.
Anyway, not much to say about
this card. It's pretty standard. Looks like a Psychic
killer. One question remains though: Do we really need any
Psychic killers?...
Unlimited- Not much use here as
Psychic cards have been pretty much scared away. Too many
Colorless cards. Most notably Chansey, Wiggly, and Clefable-y.
Without a lot of Psychic cards, this is just one for the
binder, or the discard pile. 1/5 here.
Modified- Psychic might try to
make a comeback, but I just don't see one in the cards,
ever. Maybe a little one, but it can never be what it once
was. With that said, it's not too bad, but certainly not
that good. 2/5, maybe lower but I'm in a good mood.
Limited- Best here. I like the
power that Clamperl has for this format, 40 HP is a little
weak though. 20 possible para is a nice draft attack for a
basic, and 10 possible para for a colorless energy is nice
too. I don't see much Psychic seeing play in this format
either, but give this card a try, you might be pleasantly
surprised. 2.75/5 here.
Johnny Blaze |
Gorebyss – As I mentioned
earlier this week this card found its way into many decks at
Nationals. It’s a real good counter to Blaze and can be splashed
into many, many decks. Heck because of its 2nd attack it is real
good against Gardy too. With its free retreat and decent basic
expect to see this card played at Worlds in August. It can be
abused with DRE and remember that DRE counts as 2 Psychic which
further adds to the damage done by Mystic Water. Gorebyss’ 1st
attack is also splashable and deals out 10 damage with a possible
paralysis for only 1C. Unlimited: 2/5
Buzz can kill this thing in 1 shot. Not very useful here.
Modified: 4.5/5 I’m giving this such a high
ranking here because of the endless combos that Gorebyss can be
used here. With Blaze and Gardy decks rampant in Modified this
card is just that good to use against those 2 Top Tier decks.
Limited: 3.5/5 Pretty cheap attacks for
limited. If you can also draft Psychic this thing can do a lot of

Patriarch |
Hmmm, interesting lil bugger. However,
how does he quite stack up?
At 70 HP, it's a tad weak. However, it's got some things going
for it. Free retreat cost is VERY combo-licious with Warp Point.
Stun Needle can be useful in a pinch, but most of the focus is
on attack #2: Mystic Water. How, oh how will you get the Psy
out? People have tried a variety of things, including Gardevoir
and Metagross. However, the only way for it to be truly good is
to get a CRUDLOAD out very, very fast. None too bad to swarm
with, but a bit of a pill, especially early game.
Unlimited (1.5/5): This guy just won't cut it. Elekid eats him
for lunch, should it even be running around. Also, should
Rocket's Zappy see some play vs this...it'll have a field day.
Modified (3.25): He's got some uses, both as Blaziken tech and a
nice lil guy to deal quick, early game damage with. However, the
problem is that most players and their decks focus too much
around gorebyss, so it's easy to divide their field, and proceed
to tear the poor Gorebyss player apart.
Limited (3/5): Gorebyss is not that amazing, really. Huntail is
a lot better in draft, especially if you can get a hold of ole
Shiftry ^_^
I'm out. Later, peepz
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