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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Regice EX -
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
Regice ex
Unlimited 1.5/5 - It simply doesn't work. It takes 3 Water
Energies for 60 damage, and the effects doesn't do much because
it's easy to retreat, and 90 HP for ex is easy to KO.
Modified 2.5/5 - It's decent, but simply isn't game-breaking.
I've seen a few Swampert decks run it, but it doesn't work very
well. It simply doesn't do enough damage - you can do much more
with Suicune ex or Kyogre ex.
Draft - 4/5 If you get this, then you'll get reliable KOs on
opponent's draft Basics. It's worth the 2 prize-risk.
Thundachu |
Regice ex
Overview: Alrighty, I get to pick the COTDs this week, and todays
is Regice ex. Regice ex is my favorite of all the reg-pokemon
because it looks cool and is pretty good. The PokePower Crystal
Body, prevents all effects of all attacks except damage ofcourse,
done to Regice ex. Nice thing about it is that it includes ex
pokemon as well. Then for 2 water and 1 colorless, Freeze Lock
does 60 damage(niiice =o), and lets you flip a coin for a chance
at prohibiting your opponent from playing energy cards on the
defending pokemon next turn. Drawbacks are ofcourse, your opponent
can still attach to bench. Weakness to Metal makes Metagross an
issue, but not too much(I've heard mixed things on Metagross from
it sucks majorly to omgz, best ever). 90HP isn't really THAT great
for an ex pokemon, but retreat of 2 isn't that horrible either.
And ofcourse there is always the problem of if being knocked out,
your opponent gets 2 prizes, which could be a bad thing in Draft.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: Depends upon if you're going up against a metagross
hater or a metagross lover ;/. The Freeze Lock really isn't useful
if your opponent has a bench with Gardevoir or Blaze ex. 3/5
Draft: I suppose it's ok here. The ability to stop energy cards
from being played to the defending Pokemon, plus preventing Regice
ex from being hurt with special conditions. 4/5
Sealed Deck: This ex card has to be the most common one I saw at
the Hidden Legends prerelease. If you get it, I highly suggest
playing it. 4/5

Hedge |
Regice ex (& the two other Regi’s)
The regi- ex’s are all rather lame…
They are all weak to common types nowadays, they have few HP for
ex’s, and they have all have one, pricey, semi-situational
attack. All three sport defensive Poke-bodies, simply to make up
for their low HP. The trend macro is also that they all avoid
Desert Ruin’s damaging effect one way or another, seeing as they
are found in that location in the gameboy. What more can I say?
I won’t cotd the other two also because they are so alike. I
should also note for the collectors out there however that
Regice seemed to be the most commonly pulled from packs; I have
5, and a lot of my friends agree. O_o

Ralphy |
A nice little card. A few ups, a
few downs. This is a card I could really see myself playing.
Unlimited- I thought about just
bashing this card without even reading it just because it is
an Ex, but I did read it, and it's not too bad. I love the
power, and with the basics in Unlimited relying on small
amounts of quick damage, 1 counter every turn could effect
the game. 60 and a plus power KO's the great basics of the
format, and if no PP is available, do the 80-30. 2.5/5 here.
Modified- The power may not
matter all that much as this is the OHKO format. The vast
majority of big hitters will KO this in two hits without the
power, some in one. Then they get two prizes. Not good. I do
like the ability to do 80, that will KO quite a few of the
heavy hits of the format. Not a big fan of the self 30, but
hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. 3/5
Limited- A KO is half the game,
not good, but 60 will take down many draft pokes. 80 almost
certainly will. The power will chip away nicely at the
average draft attack. 3 retreat means no retreat pretty
much. Overall, I like it. 3.5/5 here.
Johnny Blaze |
Regice ex – This week’s theme is
taking a look at all the Legendary Regis. I love the artwork on
all the Regis and by making them all Reverse Holo they all look
sweet. The 1st and probably the best is Regice. Arguably the
best Regi there is out there right now. If you plan to use any
Regis use this one. Lets take a look at how Regice stacks up in
the different formats:
Unlimited – 2/5 If at all the best use is in Raindance. Other
than that not much use in this format.
Modified – 3/5. I’m giving Regi a 3 here because of his power
and due to the fact all the Blaze in the format. 1st off his
power keeps him safe from all the Crobat decks that are out with
the Triple Poison ability. Secondly since Regice is Water type
for only 3 energies he is hitting Fire types for 120 damage. His
Freeze Lock can also prove useful if you can flip a heads to
prevent the opponent from attaching energy next turn. Watch out
for Metagross decks because of his weakness and also watch out
for Wobbuffett.
Limited – 4/5. This is where this card scores its highest. I
have seen so many games and draft tournies won just by using
Regice. 3 for 60 and possible no energy attachment next turn for
your opponent is just devastating. Also in draft where status
effects rule Regice ignores all status effects. Just watch out
for that HL 9Tales with the Safeguard power.

Otaku |
Regice ex
Hidden Legends
Crystal Body
all effects of attacks, except damage, done to
Regice ex by the Attacking
(WWC) Freeze Lock 60
Flip a
coin. If heads, your opponent can’t attach Energy cards
from his or her hand to the Defending Pokémon during his
or her next turn.
Regice ex is a Basic Pokémon ex.
The upside: he can be put into play directly from hand if
you have room on your bench. The downside-basic Pokémon ex
tend to have relatively low HP: this one is in the middle of
the pack at 90, but most under
100 tend to be too small. Remember, since it’s worth two
prizes, it needs to last about twice as long. Were this not
a Pokémon ex, 90 would be quite good.
ex is a Water Pokémon. This is pretty good right now, as
Water decks are common counters to the Firestarter
variants. However, most “anti-BAR” decks tend to perform
close to average again Firestarter decks, get slaughtered by
certain “rogue” decks, and only do a little better than
Firestarter does against other Firestarter decks. In the
end though, its better than a lot
of other types.
that is pretty bad is Weakness to Metal. This set had some
fierce Metal Pokémon. I can’t believe that none of them are
capable of playing with the big boys, so I am betting I am
just not hearing about them as much as the normal whining.
:-p No Resistance is the worst Resistance, and seems almost
lazy. A Retreat of two is costly enough you’ll want to
avoid it, but low enough that you will more often than not
be able to pay for it-in other words, average.
Regice ex has a very solid Poké-Body.
Crystal Body means that Regice
ex only has to worry about effects of attacks that aren’t
applied to the Defending Pokémon. Note, damage in general
is not considered an effect. This will block Special
Conditions, and things like Smokescreen.
ex also has a solid attack that inflicts 60 damage, and has
a 50% chance of preventing the Defending Pokémon from having
Energy attached from the controllers hand.
The problem? Even though this is
greatly discounted (normally the 60 damage alone would
require four Water Energy), we
must remember that it is this Pokémon’s only attack, and as
such it will be nearly dead if forced to power up while
active. More over, it is a Pokémon ex, so its attack is
expected to be quite potent. The effect of the attack,
while nice, it easy to circumvent on most popular decks
(Energy attachment from the hand only is prevented). So
while neither ability is bad,
they don’t compliment each other.
Not a lot I can think of: Suicune ex is better for most
Water decks as a high HP (10 more) big damage Basic Water
Pokémon ex. There are several sizable Basic Water Pokémon
too that can be considered. I guess you could run it with
High Pressure System to make the Retreat affordable.
1.25/5-I think it’s just a bit
too big and awkward. Blastoise
makes it faster, but so many other Pokémon work better in
that deck.
1.5/5-Same as above, but insert Water Call Swampert in for
Even here, there is a lot of competition.
4/5-Fantastic. There is some Metal that could hurt it (even
without the Metal Energy), and it’s still slow to power up,
but here it likely will get the time. The effect is great
in this format, where Special Conditions and attack effects
become so much deadlier. Once it’s powered up, most basics
from the set won’t have a chance to hurt it significantly
unless they two have three energy
on them. To take down the one I faced at the Iowan Hidden
Legends Pre-Release required a lucky, last minute
1.35/5-Now the Energy denial aspect is much harder to fully
utilize-they’ll just power whatever you don’t hit.
Pending-I am still learning the new rules for this, and need
to actually test it.
good idea, poor execution, except for Limited.
So unless it was made for Limited, it’s a bit of a letdown,
even outside or major archetypes.

Hung |
Regice ex
Unlimited 1.5/5 - It simply doesn't work. It takes 3 Water
Energies for 60 damage, and the effects doesn't do much because
it's easy to retreat, and 90 HP for ex is easy to KO.
Modified 2.5/5 - It's decent, but simply isn't game-breaking.
I've seen a few Swampert decks run it, but it doesn't work very
well. It simply doesn't do enough damage - you can do much more
with Suicune ex or Kyogre ex.
Draft - 4/5 If you get this, then you'll get reliable KOs on
opponent's draft Basics. It's worth the 2 prize-risk. |
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