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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Vileplume EX -
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
Vileplume ex
Unlimited 4/5 - Nothing but Supporters means game over for the
opponent. There isn't a Supporter that switches Pokemon, and
Unlimited decks don't run enough Supporter cards to win against
Vileplume ex.
Modified 2.5/5 - Unfortunately, this format is dictated by
Supporters, so it doesn't work that well.
Draft 3/5 - It really isn't that good - because the dominant
Trainer is Steven's Advice. It's still a decent Stage 2 with
status, and definitely worth running in your draft deck. |
Vileplume EX
Set: Hidden
Modified: 3/5 I have seen quite a few of this deck in modified.
In fact, I have a friend who refused to play in nationals
because he did not have this deck. Unfortunately, this isn't one
of the Archetypes, and is just a ATM Rock counter for some
people(like him).
Modified: 3.5/5 This would be better, because both opponents
would recieve this effect.
Limited: 3.5/5 Quite a good card for limited, as there isn't
much else in the set other then Gorebyss, Wigglytuff EX, Milotic,
Exploud...ok, so there is quite a bit in the set.
Team Limited:
4/5 Same reason.
Single Mutant
Modified: 4/5 Muahahahaha, this lets you play it with SceptiMuk!
Team Mutant
Modified: 4.5/5 No explanation needed.
Single Mutant
Limited: 3.5/5 It's the only good [G] Pokemon in the set...so
this is no different from regular limited.
Team Mutant
Limited: 4/5 mm-hmm.
Total Score:
3.75 Not bad, I guess
Thundachu |
Vileplume ex
Overview: PokeBody Block Dust is really worthless in Modified
these days considering most trainers played in decks are
supporters, though stopping Rare Candy isnt a bad thing, and
stadiums like Desert Ruins as well. Special Formula is pretty
nice. Does 50 for 1 grass, 2 colorless then you flip a coin. If
heads, the defending pokemon is asleep and poisoned and if
tails, confused. 140HP is great for a stage 2, but as always,
it's an ex which will get your opponent 2 prizes.
Unlimited: Not many supporters played here, so the body can be
pretty helpful. Status effects are nice as well. Would take too
long to get powered up though. 2/5
Modified: Stops Ruins and Rare Candy. 50 for 3 is ok. 2 prizes
though if it gets k0ed. You decide if it's worth it. 2.5/5
Draft: What little draw power that comes from trainers in Draft
would be gone thanks to him. 140Hp is a very nice feature here.
Status effects and solid damage are both also good as well. If
knocked out, 1/2 the game is over. And he is an evolution, so it
will be hard to draft. Ill give him a 3.5/5
Jermy101 |
Vileplume ex isn't bad but is kinda below average for an ex
Pokemon. The weakness to psychic hurts with Gardevoir
everywhere. It also can't damage Wobbuffet and takes 100 damage
from it so that's pretty bad. Also 140 HP is a record low for a
stage 2 ex. The poke-body ownz. Often playing against
Vileplume ex I forget about the poke-body and play a Switch to
escape and then find out I can't. It also stops rare candies.
Vileplume ex combos with Mirage Stadium because of his special
conditioning attack, then your opponent cannot countergym
because of Block Dust. No getting rock TMed either, so feel
free to Rare Candy your Oddish to Vileplume.
Unlimited - There aren't many supporters here, most of the
trainers are regular, which is good for the poke-body. Let's
see, it can't get gusted to the bench, you're safe from energy
removal, they can't oak, elm, computer search.....wow the more
and more I think about it, Vileplume ex ownz here. But I can't
say I came up with this myself because I know Pooka plays
Vileplume ex in unlimited. BEWARE OF MUK! 4/5
Modified - Not too good here. It is disruptive, but it does a
low amount of damage. 2/5
Limited - You got Oddish and Gloom? Take it, but it might be
hard to get a stage 2 out here. 3/5

Hedge |
Vileplume ex
Vile ex…. I used this at side events
in Origins. ;;xx
With Mirage Stadium, Rarecandy, and
Gorebyss, this card can do a major lockdown on the opponent. No
switches, no warps, no ATM rocks, no other stadiums, no
rarecandy, they can’t even play simple masterballs or pokenavs
(not that they would). It’s really fun, but I find it loses to
faster decks, like Blaze and Garde. Ah well, try it out. Ya
never know, you might actually like it.
Johnny Blaze |
Vileplume Ex – Another EX counterpart
from a previous set with a similar ability. Problem with the
current Ex’s is that they have to be active in order for their
power to work.
Unlimited – 3/5 Definitely a card to look at in this
environment. Although it has to be active, the controller can
still play trainer cards. Unlike the Jungle Vileplume. How many
supporter cards are actually used in Unlimited? The majority of
good Trainers are non-supporters. With 1 Grass, a DCE, and
Breeder Vileplume is ready to go Turn 2. That’s why Vileplume
has to be considered in this format now.
Modified – 1/5 Not as viable here since Supporters are rampant.
Also with Gardevoir decks rampant the Psychic weakness kills
this card. And 50 damage just doesn’t cut it in this format.
Limited – 1/5 Again not very viable here with the lack of
regular trainer cards.

Otaku |
Vileplume ex
Hidden Legends
2 (Evolves from Gloom)
Block Dust
As long as
Vileplume ex is your Active Pokémon, your opponent can’t
play Trainer cards (except for Supporter cards) from his or
her hand.
(GCC) Special Formula [50]
Flip a
coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now
Asleep and Poisoned. If
Tails, the Defending Pokémon is now
Vileplume ex is a Stage 2 Grass Pokémon that Evolves from
Gloom, which in turn Evolves from
Oddish. This card also has the
advantage of being part of a branched Evolution line. Now,
sometimes this can act like a disadvantage-if the
alternative forms are really, really good, then why use the
other one? In this case though, I think they made a wise
choice hat I will touch on more in the Uses/Combinations
section. As for the lower Stages of Vileplume ex, I suggest
you avoid the Hidden Legends Oddish,
if possible-given that we have a tiny Basic we hope to
Evolve, you should think defensively. In Modified, you can
chose from Expedition and Aquapolis versions, as they do
have ways of keeping themselves alive longer. In Unlimited,
Either of those or the Oddish
from the Team Rocket set look to be solid choices, depending
on how Grass heavy the deck is. As for Gloom, Hidden
Legends is the clear choice for either format.
now to Vileplume ex, we must remember that, as a Pokémon ex,
it has to be worth the cost of two prizes. So let us keep
that in mind as we review stats. For example, it has 140
HP. For a Stage 2 Pokémon ex, this is about average.
Moving on, we see a Psychic Weakness. This will hurt it
badly in Modified, were Sandstorm Wobbuffet is in most decks
and one of the biggest, best decks in the format is
mono-Psychic with huge damage (Gardevoir/Gardevoir ex).
Still, this might be best, since the primary alternative is
Fire, which would be worse (Blaziken ex actually doesn’t
OHKO this!). Resistance, sadly, is lacking (Water here
would have really helped this card). Finally, a retreat of
two is average-it will not be easy to pay, but neither
should it be impossible.
Ah, memories of my lovely, lovely Black Rose… @};-
Of course, I speak of Dark Vileplume, the original master of
Trainer Denial. Vileplume ex lacks the raw power of my
beloved Black Rose, but has better “control”-by being active
and only the opponent is affected (even if they can still
use Supporters). Supporters are important for Modified, but
remember-their main use is Draw/Search power… for everything
else. And in Unlimited, Supporters are scarcely seen. I
myself usually run 2-4 in every deck, and of them, only two
are draw power-the other two are recursion. Block Dust, all
though lame in name, is a potent effect.
As for
attacks, Vileplume ex gets only one, but it’s solid. For
(GCC), we get not only 50 damage (15 more than paid for),
but either Sleep and Poison or Confusion.
Pretty spiffy.
synergy with these
abilities-there are no Supporters that I know of the change
out an opposing Active. This means that they have to have
an attack that can bench Vileplume ex, or they have to KO it
to get access to their normal Trainers. Half the time, they
should either be Asleep or
failing a Confusion check… unless they can afford to retreat
out and still attack.
This card needs to be the focus of its own deck. In
Unlimited, try backing it up with healing and just laughing
as you do everything like normal but your opponent has to
rely on maybe three Supporters… and Cleffa. Yes, Cleffa
will help them a lot, but it helps everyone a lot. For
Modified, I have heard that Bellossom
from Hidden Legends makes a good partner to it-it’s the
other Stage 2 a Gloom can evolve into, and this one means a
guaranteed 20 healed each turn, and is a solid attack in its
own right.
3.5/5-This is another tentative scoring. I have heard some
great things about this card here.
3.5/5-Less potent here, since Supporters are the back bone
of most decks.
Still, it has potential.
4/5-But for different reasons. Well, you do have a good
chance at shutting down all their Trainers… but only because
there is a single Supporter in the set that can’t be
negated. However, most decks won’t have a lot of Trainers
anyway. What really matters is the decent drafting odds. I
had bad luck-only one Oddish and
Gloom, but two Bellossom (so
far, about 1 in 10 of my HL packs have
Bellossom). So if you get Vileplume ex, good chance
of supporting it. The big thing is of course, the Special
Conditions-these things are so wicked in Limited.
3.75/5-Combine with Armaldo for a total lockdown of Trainers
for your opponent while you can use anything but Supporters!
wonderful new card, though you gotta
work to play it right.
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