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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Double Rainbow
- Team Aqua Magma
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Double Rainbow Energy
Solid card. If you aren't running an EX or BBP deck, play this.
Adds speed, let's you recover faster and is just a playable card.
Unlimited 2.5/5
Modified 4/5
Limited 4/5
Meganium45 |
Hey, I'm back with a COTD review -
Double Rainbow Energy....
Don't underestimate this little gem,
provides 2 energy of any color to a non-evolved non-ex pokemon,
got that? The only drawback is that it does 10 less damage to
your opponents during an attack (but still does the same damage
to yourself and your Pokemon..)
Example - Blaziken has a double
Rainbow and a fire energy on it. It discards the Fire Energy
for its attack, which usually does 50 damage to the defending
pokemon and 10 damage to each of the benched pokemon of your
opponent. Since double Rainbow is attached, it will only do 40
damage to the active, and 0 damage to each benched...got it? Ok
, you have a Sandstorm Wobbuffet that evolved from Wynaut, is it
evolved? Yes. According to Nintendo it is (there is a pokemon
under the card, therefore it is evolved), Wobbuffet has a
psychic energy attached and a doublerainbow energy, therefore it
does 40 (instead of 50) to the defending pokemon, but it still
does 10 to itself (self damage is not reduced)....
So, who should be using this
energy? Any evolved Pokemon that needs multiple types of
energy, yet is not an ex, preferrably one that does not discard
energy....such as Salamance, works great with him, also, believe
it or not, works great with Garde EX, that counts the energies
on the board (double rainbow counts as 2, but of course, you
cannot attach it to Garde EX)
Bonus question, I have a Combusken,
I attach a double rainbow to it.....evolved, non-ex, should work
right? Right. that is fine. then I evolve into Blaziken EX!!!
Does the Double Rainbow stay? NO it is discarded.
What about if I have a double
rainbow on Salamance, and Salamance gets "pulled down" back to
Bagon (yes, I used Rare Candy), then the double rainbow is
discarded as well...
OK, extra credit!!!! What if I use
Suicune's attack to move a double rainbow from a Salamance (on
the bench) to a bagon (also on the bench), the energy gets
discarded, right???. Sorry, wrong, the ruling is you cannot move
double rainbow energy to a pokemon using Suicune's attack that
cannot receive the energy....would really be cool though.
OK, ratings...
Unlimited. Sorry, big fat honking
1 - Too many better energies to play here, double colorless and
recycle. If you are playing a poke that can use this, you are
in trouble already.
Modified. Some uses, I like it with
Salamance, and some Garde variants (espeon), but not much else,
maybe some new HL stuff, but we will see (Crobat) 2.5/5
Draft....Ummm yes. This is a top 2
pick, and you would really have to get a great card for me not
to choose this one (being the rare in the pack) too versatile
in draft where an energy advantage can mean GG (GoodGame)
OK, that's enough for Now - hope to
see you all in Memphis this Weekend for HL!!!
Torchic |
Card: Double Rainbow Energy
Not a bad card to run. No damage to
the Pokemon you attach it to is a definate advantage. The only
reason people see this as a bad card is because it only works on
evolved Pokemon. Well, lemme tell you something, folks. The only
time you'd play this on a basic is when you're in a rush to get
energy attatched before you evolve, and maybe, Just MAYBE, on
Kyogres in Aqua Decks. I personnally play Aqua, and would not play
this on my Kyogre or any card in my deck, though. But there aren't
many decks with basics as a main card in them, so this card is
pretty usable. I would actually probably run this in some of my
decks, but I'm a freeloader who uses other people's deck lists :P
. Anyways, most people seem to not like this card for the reason
mentioned above, they are always in a rush to get their basics
powered up to evolve. The only format I can see people playing
this in is limited. Man, were there alot of these things at the
Magma Aqua Prerelease. My point, basically, is that it is only
good for slow decks. Who am I kidding, nobody wants a slow deck.
In fact, despite the fact that it is practically two energies a
turn, and rainbow energies at that, it slows decks down. Waiting
to attach until you're evolved usually just won't do it. So don't
play this ;) . So, that was my first review, how do you all like

Patriarch |
Okay, first let me state that
this card...is the bomb-diggity. No really, it is.
Let me state that this card could have been
done differently in many ways. However, in the state that the
card's currently in, it won't see as much play as one would hope.
First, it must be played on an evolved pokemon only. Sorry
Sneasel-go'ers, this doesn't mean T1 Beat Up
Also, there's a slight problem of -10
damage, which makes a HUGE difference in a modified format where
dealing 100 damage could make or break the game. I'm sure you
could just use Strength Charm to make up that difference
(temporarily), but there's no card advantage in that! However,
with all the setbacks, it finally becomes darn-useful. Two energy
for the price of one=neat!
Unlimited (2/5): In my personal opinion,
there is just so much more energy manipulation that could be
played in place of this, like Double Colorless or normal Rainbow.
However, don't just discard it altogether...it...could be
modified (3.5/5): In some of the weirder
decks that rely off of non-ex Pokemon, such as Alakatech and
Gojira, this is the only energy manipulation you'll get. This card
should only go in the right deck, but when it has found its niche,
it can be lethal to the opponent.
Limited (3.75/5): Again, the -10 damage
makes a big difference. However, in Aqua/Magma, there are a
crud-load of evolutions that could manipulate this card! Not as
vital to play as a draw card, but it's still very solid for any
limited deck.
Oh, by the way, when the Stadium Challenge
and Worlds are done, expect a GIANT report on the tournament
season as a whole ^_- ~
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