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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Jirachi -
Promo from DVD
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Not terrible. Third eye is a decent starter
attack, and a late-game psywave could be a decent closer. Actually
kinda playable. Draw power is pretty good. Combo him in a Blaziken
deck for more draw AND discarding fire.
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 3.75/5
Limited Nice Try |

Hedge |
OMG It’s late….. sooo sorry, gotta be real quick.
This card is ok. Needs more HP. I might throw in a couple into
my blaze decks, for speed and spice.
~Hedge Really sorry guys ~Bye! |

Patriarch |
Jirachi is quite the interesting
card. We don't quite know how good it is yet, but it will see a
little play.
The Third Eye is basically Delcatty's power, attack-ilized.
Psywave is a horrible attack, though, so don't even think about
making this guy your attacker, even in desperate circumstances.
Unlimited (1/5): Pure, untouched crap. If you play with this
guy, you're busy losing turn 1 of the game, not using "the third
eye" or whatever. Garbage, garbage, garbage.
Modified (2.5/5): This isn't really amazing here, but it's still
pretty fun. Third Eye, then next turn you firestarter, then
power shift, Third Eye again. Lather, rinse, repeat. However, a
combo like this is not practical, and would almost never really
be that useful. In psy decks, I would easily choose to run
Hidden Legends Jirachi over this.
Limited (~/5): Can't rate it. However, card drawing is BLOODY
helpful. Don't like ditching my attach for the turn, but hey, if
it were in limited, I'd give it 3.25/5. Yay-ness =D
"The Cabal is here, and everywhere." |
Torchic |
Card: Jirachi(Promo)
General Notes: Ooh boy, a Jirachi. I love Jirachis. I have an
inside joke about Jirachis. Jirachis rock. Woo. Good Movie BTW.
HP: 4/5 Sure, whatever. 70 HP one was better though =/ .
Type: 5/5 Yup.
Weakness/Resistance/Retreat Cost: 10/10 Yup, fine.
Art: 9/10 Uh-huh, this is cool. Not awexome, but cool.
Attacks/Power/Body: 35/50 First attack is delcatty-ish. But it
ends your turn and you discard from him, not your hand, so worse
then catty. Only thing better then catty is that it's basic =/ .
Psywave is your usual Little Dude trying to do some damage
attack. Kinda like that promo mew(non lilypad)...Anyways, not
too great.
Total Score: 63/80 |
Bullados |
The current standard for Basic
Pokemon feels very low for this GB powerhouse. However, it
doesn't really come as a surprise considering there are no
Mew or Celebi cards with more than 60 HP. That still
doesn't make it right. Weakness to Psychic isn't the best
thing, as Gardy is still a powerhouse in this format, and
will continue to be for a long time. No resistance, no
mention. Retreat of 1 is very payable. Go right ahead and
retreat this bugger if you have to...
Attack #1: "The Third Eye"
Nintendo is trying to make a
Cleffa-like card that isn't as broken. Unfortunately, with
the low HP and terrible weakness, it isn't really worth it
to use up your attack for a TV Reporter type effect. 3
extra cards isn't enough for an attack on a legendary.
Attack #2: "Psywave"
This is the exact same attack as
the SS Ralts (I think). It's good on Ralts b/c it will
normally see very little play and only generally after a big
KO of his evolved form. It is not good here b/c this guy is
built to be a starter, not a late game hit.
Psychic is terrible in this
format with Sneasel still being the most broken Pokemon
ever. Also, MP Mewtwo and M2X are fairly heavily played in
this format, and both take a relatively small amount of
energy. For the first attack, you have Cleffa, which is the
best draw in any format, IMO. Don't play this Jirachi
here. 1/5
Still pretty bad, even though
attacks have all but replaced Trainer cards. I'd say stay
away from this card in favor of Sparce, Wynaut, Linoone, or
Delcatty. 1.5/5
If you play this in LImited, I'd
automatically DQ you from the tourney. As a promo, it can't
be found in any pack. N/A
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