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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Skitty -
Ruby Sapphire
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Skitty R+S Uncommon
Overview: Lets take a look at Delcatty's basic form. For 1
colorless energy, Minor Errand-Running lets you search your deck
for 2 basic energy cards and put them in your hand. Ofcourse you
also have to show them to prove you're not cheating and Shuffle
afterwards. Then for 1 colorless as well, Lullaby does 10 damage
and the defending pokemon is asleep. Very nice, automatic sleep.
40HP for a basic is kind of low in my opinion, and 1 retreat for a
40HP is a little high. Weakness to Fighting.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: I would only play this card if you are playing Delcatty.
Otherwise, there are better basics. 2/5
Draft: I suppose this card can be pretty good in Draft. It gives
both draw power if you are in an energy crisis, and status effect.
Both are nice to have. Low HP though, so odds are it won't last
long. 3/5
Jermy101 |
There are 3 Skittys in RS so I will review the best one, the Minor
Errand Running one. Personally I would use the SS Skitty over all
of them. Anyway the MER skitty's attacks are pretty good. His
first attack thins your deck by getting 2 energy which can prepare
for a Delcatty Energy Draw. Also 10 and sleep isn't bad for one
energy. But Skitty isn't meant to attack, he's meant to evolve
into Delcatty. So never put him active unless you have to.
Unlimited - Delcatty isn't used here, so no Skitty. 1/5
Modified - Eh I like the SS Skitty over this one, but this one is
still alright. 2/5
Draft - Pretty good for fishing out energy. 3/5

Ralphy |
A new twist on the Card o' the Day
today, select your favorite Skitty to review. A trend that will
continue through the end of the week with... well, I can't
disclose that information. My favorite Skitty the one from
Sandstorm. Why? You'll just have to read on to find out.
Unlimited- This Skitty is most
usable in Unlimited. Simply because it is so easy to "dump"
energies into the discard pile in Unlimited. Delcatty isn't
necessarily needed in Unlimited though, simply because there are
so many more options. Many of which are trainers. If this was a
basic that had a more usable evo in this format, I would rate
this high. I just can't rate it that high. I give a respectable
2/5 here.
Modified- It was a very tough call
here. The two of the other Skitty's from R/S have nice
tablesetting attacks as this one does, but they both had only 40
HP. FTKO anyone. The only one with 50 HP from that set, well,
it's not my cup of tea. The only drawback to this card here is
that it is not as easy at all to dump energies, but it can be
done. 2.5/5
Limited- Dumping energies at will
can be nearly impossible here. But wasting a turn to put Skitty
in and get back an energy might not be that bad. For one thing,
there is a good chance that a mid game Draft attack won't do 50
damage, when Modified certainly would. All in all, 3.25/5 here.
Johnny Blaze |
Skitty – Some will disagree but I feel
that the best Skitty to use is # 44 from Ruby and Sapphire with
the Minor Errand-Running attack. So I will base my reviews on this
card. Unlimited (1/5): I haven’t seen too many Delcattys in
Unlimited and you probably wont either because of the many methods
for drawing cards.
Modified (4.5/5): Im giving this card a 4.5 because the Skitty/Delcatty
combo is a must for any Blaze variant that is played out there.
Not only in Blaze decks but Skitty/Delcatty combo is also viable
with Swampert decks and decks that run the Magneton from Dragons.
Of course the Oracle/ Delcatty combo is one of the most broken out
there. To get back to Skitty the Minor-Errand version is the best
because of the fact that there are going to be games that you
start out with only 1 Skitty and this one gives you the best
chance of surviving until you get set-up. Minor-Errand running
lets you search your deck for 2 basic energies and put them in
your hand. This is great when you are holding the Delcatty and
also to thin out your deck. Its 2nd attack for only 1 * energy
provides 10 damage with auto sleep. Again another good attack to
stall if you start with the lone Skitty.
Limited (3.5/5): Not too shabby here. Again to draw up to 2 energy
from your deck 1st turn is a great way to thin out your deck in
Limited to get to your other cards faster. Also auto-sleep,
auto-any status effect is great in draft.

Patriarch |
Well, time for yet another review, hmm? Oh boy,
looks like the Mad Catter, the Skittyphrenic, the one of .9
What I am reviewing is a Skitty of the
uncommon genre, mind you, so don't expect a review about why the
card stinks as a basic Pokey, simply because I opted to review the
higher-tier of Skitty. So what do we have on our hands? Let's find
40 HP is considered by many a serious danger
zone in all formats: FTKO's from Tyrogue, a variety of fighting
Pokemon (ie Swampex), Rayquaza ex, and many more. However, the
risk can pay off big time, since this Skitty pulls you energy with
Minor Errand Running: a pretty sweet deal first turn of the game.
I have won many a round due to Skitty's MER saving me from early
game energy starvation. In other words, I like it! ^_^
Unlimited (1/5): Terrible here. Feed it to
the hounds.
Modified (3.5/5): Although most of these
tiny basics don't quite make a big difference, this one stands
above all other skitties, should you get a bad hand. I don't even
see what makes that pseudo-awful Sandstorm Skitty even a contender
to this. Limited (3.25/5): Not too amazing, but hey, it's basic,
it pulls energy if you don't have it, and it has status effects,
to boot! since you're drafting Ru/Sa though, almost everything
will be massacred by the ex Pokemon in this set. Not bad, though!
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