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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Delcatty -
Ruby Sapphire
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Delcatty R+S Holo
Overview: Yum. We got to pick which Catty we thought was best for
this COTD, and the win IMO has to go to the holo from Ruby and
Sapphire. The PokePower Energy Draw lets you discard 1 energy card
from your hand per turn in order to draw 3 cards. The good thing
is it doesn't have to be a Basic Energy, and the bad thing is it
can't be used if Delcatty is affected by a Special Condition. Then
for 1 colorless energy, Max Energy Source does 10 damage times the
number of energy attached to all your active Pokemon. Not very
good if Delcatty is only your active Pokemon, but can be good at
times I suppose. A weakness to Fighting is obvious being a
colorless Pokemon, but a retreat of 1 and 70HP is nice for a stage
Unlimited: There are better draw cards and better attackers in
Unlimited. 2/5
Modified: This is one of the most played cards in Modified decks
online for the reason being the draw Power. Once per turn you can
get 3 cards for 1. A very nice power. 4/5
Draft: Draft this card is god-like. The Power is Draw Power, which
like always is VERY hard to come by in Draft, so if you Draft
this, definitley play it. The only drawback is that it is a Stage
1, but Skitty shouldn't be hard to come by. 4.5/5

Ralphy |
As many of you have already guessed,
the COTD today is Delcatty. The theme today, as it was
yesterday, is choose of lose. Why? Simply put, I like the way
that sounds. Now on another note, my favorite Delcatty is the
Rare one from R/S.
Unlimited- Not your best choice as
it is an evo with, well, not the strongest of attacks, a weak
basic, and fighting weakness. The list is endless of better
choices. Most notably, a small, 30 HP, Pokemon, who goes, "Eeeeeeek."
1.25/5 here.
Modified- Undoubtedly combolisious.
I just made up a word, but it is fitting, don't you think?
Anyway, Delcatty has been around for awhile now so we all now
how it can be used. I don't want to be the one to beat you over
the head with that so I will just give you the rating... which
is a 3.25/5.
Limited- Colorless attack,
splashable and decent draft basics, power that draws cards. You
should be lovin' this card in draft, and many of you'd do. And
if you don't, now is a good time. Okay? 4.5/5 here.
Johnny Blaze |
Delcatty - Im reviewing the Energy
Draw Delcatty as this is the most superior Delcatty there is in my
opinion. Unlimited (1/5): Same score as Skitty. I haven’t seen too
many Delcattys in Unlimited and you probably wont either because
of the many methods for drawing cards. Can you say Oracle then
Bill? Modified (4.5/5): Im giving this card a 4.5 because the
Skitty/Delcatty combo is a must for any Blaze variant that is
played out there. Not only in Blaze decks but Skitty/Delcatty
combo is also viable with Swampert decks and decks that run the
Magneton from Dragons. Of course the Oracle/ Delcatty combo is one
of the most broken out there. For those that have been under a
rock the past year or so. You play Oracle to find those 2 cards
that you need. Then drop an energy, draw those 2 and get an extra
one. One of the best combos in the game right now. Limited (3/5):
I would probably go for the Cannonball Delcatty here as quick and
easy damage is the way to go in Draft. However don’t pass up the
Energy Draw Delcatty if you pull it.

Patriarch |
I must say, although I won't be
touching ground on the obviously-good holofoil delcatty, I'm a bit
shocked that the averaged-out review was a mere 3.2 in modified,
so I'll give it a 4 in modified. Yay-ness. Now for the MAIN
review! ^_^
Sandstorm Delcatty is the only one that hasn't been reviewed by
the staff, so I'll talk about it. CC for 30 is so white it's
poser. However, Ultra Energy Source is your bling-bling in 2-on-2.
This guy means business by dealin' damage for all energy in the
active positions.
Unlimited (1.5/5): Not very good to take advantage of. T2, Scizor
and Sneasel will be doing a LOT more than this =/
2-on-2 Modified (4.25/5): In regular modified, I'd be giving it a
1.25, but meh, better to be nice than not ;x. In my opinion, you
could basically play Blaziken/Delcatty in 2-on-2, and be dealing
massive damage each turn. It's like a mini gex here!
Limited (4.5/5): IMO, the best evolution in the set. 30 for CCC is
a godsend for limited; anything better than a tiny basic!!!
However, this guy can efficiently deal massive amounts of damage,
since you ARE playing 16-20 energy per deck.
That's it. Later, buds."The
Cabal is here, and everywhere."
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