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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Milotic -
EX Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Overview: Alrighty, a new water stage 1. Lets see if it is any
good. The Poke-Power Healing Shower lets you once during your turn
when you play Milotic from your hand to evolve from Feebas, you
get to remove all damage counters from all of your Pokemon. Sounds
good right? Well, you also have to remove them from all your
opponent's Pokemon as well. There is another drawback too, it
excludes ex Pokemon, so your Blaziken ex stays all damaged up and
such. Wave splash does a pretty solid 30 damage for just 1
colorless and 1 water. Then for 2 water and 2 colorless Distorted
Wave does 80 damage, but a drawback is before doing the big
damage, you have to remove 3 damage counters from it, which on
some Pokemon could result in it living another turn, which is a
bummer. A weakness to Lightning which could make Electrode a
problem(if anyone really plays that). A retreat cost of 2 is
pretty nice for a stage 1 with 100HP(also nice.)
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: IMO, it helps your opponent too much in order to use
here. 2.5/5
Draft: Assuming you can get Feebas, I highly suggest playing this.
Damage removal(even if your opponent is also included) and pretty
solid attacks as well.
Jermy101 |
Milotic is a cool card with an interesting power. Removing all
damage in play is pretty good. Take that Exploud! It's just that
Milotic's power is useless against OHKO decks.
Unlimited - No. Feebas is weak and will get plasmad. Milotic is
weak to ER and SER. 1/5
Modified - Right now he's not very good for anything except
killing Blaziken ex in 1 shot. This format is mostly about OHKOs
so his power won't do any good. But when Blastoise ex comes out
in the next set.... 2/5
Draft - Feebas' attack lets you evolve to Milotic first turn! Yes
take it! 4/5

Hedge |
I’m personally not fond of this card… I can’t say that it is
horrible, yet I refuse to preach that is THE card… I just don’t
like giving my opponent ANY leeway, ya know? Plus you can’t even
boost it’s second attack to much effect… Meh. Most people are
waiting for this card’s limelight in the next set when Blastoise
ex shows its ugly face, but I still won’t play the deck. Sure,
I’ll try it, but I won’t play it. I started with Blaze in R&S, and
I’m still a diehard Blaze player, and I never liked Water anyways.
I didn’t like Feraligatr or Swampert either. But that’s getting a
little off topic… ;x Save this guy for the gameboy. =/
^^^ The Bottom Line.
(Hedge is in Nationals right now
most likely, so wish him luck! :P )

Ralphy |
Mixed feelings here, there, and
everywhere. I wanna say all good things about this card. At
first glance 100 HP, 80 Attack, and a power. But all can't bee
seen with a simple glance, as you will soon find out.
Unlimited- Can't say it's not good,
but it's not bad either. Well, I guess it is not good here. It's
basic has 30 HP for one thing. In general, when you get a weak
basic, it's to keep the evo from getting to abused. Like the
Gyarados - Karp relationship. Not really worth it, in my view.
1.75/5 here.
Modified- As I said, this card looks
good from the outside, and yes, it's attack and power look good.
But in general, you do not want to help you opponent at all. The
power removes all damage counter from both players pokes. I
guess it could work if your opponent plays lot's of ex Pokes,
but who really does that? The attack more or less boils down to
50 damage, and for 4 energy, I don't like it. 2.75/5
Limited- Feebas searches out the evo,
so I kind or like this here. Any card that has search power in
draft is king like. The 80 attack could bring a lot of OHKO's
too, so the damage removal won't matter too much. All in all, I
like this card in draft. 3.5/5 here.
Chen |
Milotic... Brings back memories of
Pokemon Center, eh?
Let's look at its stats... 100 HP for a Stage 1 ex is pretty nice,
but its low
HP basic makes it prone to an early Ancient TM Rock. Lightning
weakness is
great, Lightning isn't played much anywhere. Two retreat is meh,
but at least
its not 3, right? Its Water type makes it awesome against Blaziken
Healing Shower:
This is the substance of Milotic. Healing Shower is awesome,
especialy if you
don't play exs. Its effectiveness is curbed by the OHKO-dominated
However, it is useful to heal stuff like Wob's self damage,
Gardy's Psyshadow,
and soon to come, Blastoise ex's Rain Dance.
Wave Splash:
Two energy for 30 is pretty decent, OHKOs Torchics. Pretty meh
Distorted Wave:
Hmmm... 4 for 80 is always good :). Think about it... Double
Rainbow Energy +
Boost = 70. 70 is the HP of most good Stage 1s (delcatty for
example). Since
Double Rainbow's -10 damage effect is applied after weakness, it
amounts to
150 damage on a Blaziken ex... just enough to OHKO it :). However,
it gets
weak against Pokemon it can't OHKO... it amounts to 50 net damage
a turn...
except for Water weak Pokemon :).
In self-damaging decks that play few exs, in decks that are
anti-ex. In decks
that play lots of Double Rainbow Energy and Boosts. In decks that
need healing
because of self-damage from a Pokemon Power or Attack.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
There is no damge to heal here, its all KOs. Don't play this, too
slow, too
Modified: 3/5
Useful in many decks, but it could be difficult to use if your
damage output
doesnt OHKO the opponent. Play with caution here!
Limited: 5/5
If you draft a 2/2 line of this beast, ggnore. Feebas+1 water can
2nd turn. Good Lightning for Limited is lacking in Hidden Legends,
and the
Stadium Island Cave can heal off status problems. At 80 a turn,
you'll be
OHKOing mostly everything.
Johnny Blaze |
Milotic – Ah yess. With the
current ruling on Ascension that lets you search your deck on 1st
turn and lets Feebas evolve into Milotic this card should see a
lot of play. Not only that, it is Water type and since Blaze is
still popular and with Ninetails Ex and its Vulpix’s Ascension
attack Milotic is a very useful card. A 2nd turn Wave Splash for
30 is nice and against Fire it is 60 2nd turn. Nothing to sneeze
at. Then distorted wave for 2 W and 2 C it does 80 after you
remove 3 damage counters from your opponents Pokemon. Now a common
mistake that kids are making with this card is that Wave Splash
does 50 damage. This is not true. It is very important that it
dishes out the complete 80 damage after healing 30. With it
dishing out 80 who cares if you remove 30 especially if it is
going up against Blaze-EX it is OHKO. You can do a possible 3rd
turn 70 with a Double Rainbow on it. Not too shabby.
No here is a little nifty combo with its Power,
with 100 HP Milotic isn’t going to survive very long. With Healing
Shower: Once during your turn when you play Milotic from your hand
to evolve 1 of your Pokemon, you may remove all damage counters
from all of your Pokemon and your Opponent’s Pokemon. (excluding
Pokemon-Ex.) Your Milotic is ready to die and you have 110 damage
on your Walrein (or insert any Pokemon here) use Mr. Briney’s
Compassion on Milotic. Play Feebas then Rare Candy into Milotic
and viola the damage on Walrein and other Pokes or gone. Hopefully
their Blaze- Ex is damaged since EX Pokemon are not affected by
this power.
Limited: With Lightning and ER prevalent not
as good. But it could work in a nifty Stall-Damage Swap deck. 2/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3.5/5 If you can draft it with
Feebas you can manage to get it out every turn if it is not stuck
in your prizes.
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