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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Corsola -
Ruby Sapphire
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Overview: A new corsola =o. Lets see how good this one is. For 1
colorless, Coral Glow lets you draw a number of cards equal to the
amount of Basic Pokemon your opponent has in play. The drawback
here is you cant draw more than 10 cards in that way. Then for 2
colorless energy, Surf does a pretty nice 40 damage. Weakness to
Grass makes Vileplume ex, Heracross, and Bellossom(saw a lot of
these played at prerelease) a problem. 70HP is wonderful for a
basic Pokemon as well.
Unlimited: 2 for 40 just doesnt cut it here. 1.5/5
Modified: Could be good in killing the stages of Blaziken ex
before it becomes the monster Blaziken ex ;/. And the draw is
pretty good as well. 3/5
Draft: Good draw power, pretty nice damage for 2 colorless. I'd
play it. 4/5
burninating torchic |
Name: Corsola
Set: Hidden LegendsSingle
Modified: 1/5 This card doesn't fit into any decks I know of, and
is a waste of space. As my friend Jason knows, if it isn't (W)(C)(C)
or (P)(C)(C) or whatever for 50, it isn't good enough. For example
Surf should do 10 more damage, but it doesn't. Oh darn. And coral
glow isn't very impressive draw power.
Team Modified: 1.75/5 Is there any
reason it should be better in team? Yes! It gets a whopping .75
points added to it's score because you can draw more cards from it
in Team!
Single Limited: 3.5/5 This is not a
bad Draw Power card in sealed and draft. Since it, Luvdisc, and
Steven's advice are the only draw power in Hidden Legends(right?),
it is more valuable when that is the only set you can use. Almost
everyone who gets it plays it.
Team Limited: 4.25/5 Once again,
.75 added to the score because you can get more cards! yay!
Single Mutant Modified: 2.5/5 Erm...yeah.
It's better in this because it can evolve into Milotic and
Team Mutant Modified: 3.25/5 I just
love adding .75 for team, don't I.
Single Mutant Limited: 4/5 Draw
power and a Milotic? YAY!
Team Mutant Limited: 4.75/5 I
really don't think an explanation is needed.
Total Score: 3.125/5 An average
card. This'd be soooo much lower if it weren't for the great
limited Draw Power. And the Milotic thing. Come to think of it,
you could rare candy this into a Swampert...or evolve into
Marshtomp then Swampert EX...in mutant that is. Hmm.
I think this is much better!

Hedge |
This card reminds me of RC cola. ;/
Gotta make these upcoming cotd’s quick… Leaving for Australia
tomorrow. :O
Corsola….. hmm…. It’s ok, but I like Luvdisc more.
Save it for the binder. Rain Castforma dn Luvdisc both beat it out
in efficiency.
John |
Unlimited: Not at all worth
considering IMO... Cleffa is unlimited times better than this.
Modified: Not that much better as
it's only decent like turn 2-3 of the game when they have used
SAR or something... other than that it's useless for it's first
attack and the second attack isn't really that special it's not
gonna OHKO anything big in the fire department so I can't see
this becoming good...
Draft: Here is this things better
area.... as it will draw you some cards for a few turns and then
can be a nice attacker with decent HP... basically take it in
draft as any form of draw is very nice in draft. Rain castform
pwns this in all ways but hey draw is draw in this format! 4/5
Chen |
Corsola... Weak Steven's Advice?
Retreat 1, pretty normal, 70 HP on a basic is hefty. Grass
weakness may be bad
because of all of the Muks and stuff running rampant. It might be
a good
change from Electric weakness that many good Water Pokemon
possess. Water Type
is nice vs. the dominant Fire decks.
Coral Glow. The only reason someone would even take a second look
at Corsola.
Unfortunately, it would only be a passing glance. It can't get
your hand
bigger than 10. It provides a Steven's Advice- like effect, except
it only
works on basic Pokemon. It might get you 4 cards on the second
turn of the
game most of the time, but this effect isn't even that great
compared to
Strike and Run or Alluring Smile, where you know what you are
going to get.
This attack is pretty average. WCC for 40 is decent for a Basic.
Torchic would call WCC for 50 "broken." Unfortunately, he isn't
the most
brilliant and WCC for 40 is quite bad.
Unlimited: 1/5
It deserves the LOWEST ranking. Cleffa will prevent this pathetic
card from
ever attacking, at with so many good starters out there, this is
just an extra
prize for sneasel.
Modified: 2/5
This card might be like a poor man's Dunsparce, but it's not
reliable. Even if
your opponent starts with a Dunsparce, they might not even want to
search for
that many Pokemon until your Corsola slows you down.
Limited: 3.5/5
First attack is decent, second attack is quite a bit of damage.
WCC for 50 and
it would be too awesome. Solid card, especially for the strongest
Legends type (Water), one of the best basics in the set.
Johnny Blaze |
Corsola – A sort of built in
Steven’s Advice in a Pokemon. They must be basic Pokemon however.
Draw power seems to be a mini-theme in Hidden Legends. How does
Corsola add up? Unlimited - Waaay too
many options here for this card to be effective. OHKO against
Scyther too. Not very good.
Modified – More so in little kids decks
here. Can be used in this format however. 3 for 40 against the
popular Blaze = 80. Other than that it doesn’t stand up too much
else and with the low HP it’s a goner in one turn.
Limited – More use in this format. 3 for 40
is decent in draft and with the Vulpix ascension into any version
of 9Tales not too bad here. Also there is a lot of Water that is
popular and amny basics are played.
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