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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Schemer - -
Team Aqua & Magma
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Heidi Craig
2000 WCSTS
Team Magma and Team Aqua Schemer
Modified 2.5/5
These are decent search for the modified format. As some of the
other search go away these trainers would be pretty good. The do
limit you because you have to discard a Pokemon and sometimes that
isn't possible.
Unlimited 1/5
There is better search for this format.
Draft 5/5
They rock for search in this format. The Team Magma vs Team Aqua
prerelease's were the first in a long time that had great search
and everybody loved it.
x-act |
Team Aqua/Magma Schemer
First of all, this is not X-Act’s return to COTDing. This is just
meant to be a surprise (pleasant or bitter, depending on whether
you love me or hate me). As you will probably notice from this
COTD, my Pokemon knowledge is very rusty, so you might want to
take my advices with a pinch of salt. Heed my advices at your own
That said, these cards are interesting. You discard a Pokemon from
your hand, and draw 3 cards. Or 4 if that Pokemon was a Team Magma
Pokemon, in the case of Team Magma Schemer, or a Team Aqua Pokemon
in the case of Team Aqua Schemer. Drawing 4 cards is pretty good,
but the cost to do it is pretty high. And don’t even bother to use
any of these cards if you’re not playing any Team Magma/Aqua
Pokemon… in that case, Bill’s Maintenance is better.
Unlimited: In Unlimited they’re not worth it, not even if you’re
playing Team Magma/Aqua Pokemon. Stick to the tried and tested
card drawing here.
Modified: Team Magma Schemer makes a (rather convoluted) combo
with Maxie. You first discard the Team Magma Pokemon to draw 4
cards, then next turn (because both Team Magma Schemer and Maxie
are Supporters) you get it back from the discard pile and put it
in play with Maxie. Granted, since you had the Pokemon in your
hand, you could have played it with Maxie immediately, but you
ruin the opportunity to draw 4 cards. Another card that combos
with Team Magma Schemer (and with Maxie) is Team Magma’s Mightyena
(the Call For Help one). You could use it to get Team Magma
Pokemon quickly with Maxie and/or for sheer card drawing using
Team Magma Schemer (or both). Team Aqua Schemer has a similar
combo with Team Aqua’s Mightyena (the one with Aqua Call attack).
Aqua Call lets you get 3 Team Aqua Pokemon in your hand. This is
weaker though because you limit the use of Archie in this way.
Thus Team Magma Schemer is slightly better than Team Aqua Schemer
3/5 for Team Magma Schemer, 2.5/5 for Team Aqua Schemer
Draft: Well draft them. It’s sheer card drawing, and even if you
don’t draft too many Team Magma/Aqua Pokemon, drawing three cards
is still nice.
Thundachu |
Team Aqua Schemer and Team Magma
Overview: Both cards do the same thing, pretty much. Team Magma
Schemer allows you to discard a pokemon from your hand and draw 3
cards, and if you discarded a Team Magma pokemon, you get to draw
4 while Team Aqua schemer lets you do the same, but if you
discarded Team Aqua, you get 4 cards. Kind of like a Juggler with
Pokemon. Pretty good for getting cards out such as Blaziken ex, as
well as it's evolutions, but could come out bad. I actually prefer
Team Aqua because IMO, Team Aqua has more better cards which you
might be able to draw than Team Magma.
Unlimited: No. Use Oak or Bill if you're just using them for Draw
power, and if you're using them for search, use Computer Search.
Modified: Pretty good here. Try and get out Blaziken ex and such,
but I still think Copycat and Oracle are better. 3/5
Draft: Any draw power in Draft is good. 5/5
Sealed Deck: Kind of like draft and Draw power is good in both,
but if you're sealed decking with EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, it
is espeacilly good, to get out your good cards in your deck. 5/5 |
Jermy101 |
These cards are good in decks that use
lots of Magma or Aqua cards. Most of the Magma/Aqua pokemon are
weak so this trainer would be most usable in fun decks. TV
Reporter is pretty much better than this, since you can draw cards
and THEN discard 1.
Unlimited - No. There are better trainers out there. Plus no
Magma/Aqua pokemon are good in unlim. 1/5
Modified - Use TV Reporter. 2/5
Limited - A great card in draft. Anything that draws cards is
good. 4/5 |
Bullados |
Card Advantage. This is something that we haven’t really had a
whole ton of in the Modified format, and it gives the whole scene
a very major shot in the arm. Card Advantage for Team Discard.
This greatly helps the TATM cards in that most of them really
aren’t all that good without some type of giant advantage to using
Others are better. This is very simple. Juggler is better b/c it
gives you more cards for a much more replaceable commodity,
energy. TV Reporter is better b/c you can discard anything, and
aren’t limited to Pokemon only. Very limited in abililties. This
is just the nature of the card. The very nature of the card makes
it virtually unusable in any deck outside of TATM decks.
Worthless. None of the TATM Pokemon are really worth using in this
format. By default, this makes TA/TM Schemer a little worse. Also,
you have to discard a truely precious commodity in Unlimited, a
Pokemon, and that isn’t worth 3 extra cards in this format. 1.5/5
Not much better. It’s only useful in TATM decks, and only TA
Walrein is really worth using as a main attacker. In that deck,
it’s decent at best, because Pokemon are a very precious commodity
in Modified. Don’t use it unless it’s all you’ve got. 2.5/5
Here, it’s good. All the cards are TATM cards, and individual
Pokemon are more expendible because about half of your deck will
be Pokemon. Also, draw is very precious in Limited, and you need
to run as much of all of it as you possibly can. 4.75/5 (Archie
and the Balls are better) |

Otaku |
these two cards are almost identical, and I’ll often refer
to them as one card. They are not, but they are almost
identical, only differing in “team allegiance” which
affects name and which Pokémon trigger the added effect…
Team Aqua Schemer
Team Magma Vs. Team Aqua, #/69/97
You can only play one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When
your turn ends, discard this card.
any 1 Pokémon from your hand. Then draw 3 cards. If you
discarded a Pokémon with Team Aqua in its name, draw 4
cards instead.
Team Magma Schemer
Team Magma Vs. Team Aqua, #/70/97
You can only play one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When
your turn ends, discard this card.
any 1 Pokémon from your hand. Then draw 3 cards. If you
discarded a Pokémon with Team Magma in its name, draw 4
cards instead.
This is a Trainer, and a Supporter at that. That means that
it’s easy to run, but you will probably drop another
Supporter that does the same thing for it so as not to slow
your deck down. I don’t think this would have been good any
other way.
Draw Power with a modest discard cost. As long as you have
a Pokémon in hand, you can use this. Most of the time,
that’s what I end up discarding for TV Reporter anyway,
since I don’t run the decks that need Energy in the discard
and that’s what I can usually safely chuck. What keeps this
from being as good as TV Reporter is not really that, but
that you discard before you draw your cards. Of course,
this would be hard to do differently-if you discarded
afterward, but didn’t have a Pokémon and counted on drawing
one… yeah, that’d be a mess. I guess they could have made
it so that you just had to show a Pokémon card to your
opponent, then stuck in the two draw clauses, then required
you discard a Pokémon adding that if you showed one with the
Team name, you had to discard one with the Team name, but
that’s really complicated. So yeah, this is probably the
best way to do it.
If you have a good Pokémon count for your deck, especially
if there are a lot of the appropriate team’s Pokémon, this
is a great source of draw power. Between this, Juggler, and
TV Reporter, we finally have good, balanced “pure” draw
power (as opposed to “cycling” with things like POR or
Copycat). Oh, and to state the obvious, you can use a Town
Volunteers to offset the discards quite easily the following
turn. There are also some Pokémon tricks that come to mind
with this, such as discarding an Omanyte or Kabuto with
Underground Lake in play to get those Pokémon in play first
1.5/5-Only consider it if you are running a deck with the
appropriate Team’s theme (and that doesn’t look likely).
3.25/5-Note, that’s only because it’s still the lesser form
of “general” draw power when compared to the standard fair
for this format… but in a Team themed deck treat it like its
half a point (.5) higher.
4.25/5-While still not ridiculously powerful, any draw is
usually good in this format, and this is a set where almost
every Pokémon is Team affiliated, meaning you can probably
almost always get 4 cards with it.
A good,
balanced source of draw power for modified, but definitely
not something you’d use outside of a hardcore Team
Aqua/Magma themed deck in Unlimited.
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