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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Lanturn - - Team
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Heidi Craig
2000 WCSTS
Champion |
Team Aqua's Lanturn
Modified 2.5./5
The hit points aren't bad for a stage one Pokemon. Weakness to
fighting but that isn't very popular right now. Used with Low
Pressure System it has 10 extra hit points which can help keep it
alive an extra turn.
The Pokemon Power helps get an extra energy into play each turn
but may only be placed to Lanturn. This can make it possible to
deal 50 damage on turn two with the second attack, 50 damage turn
2 is pretty good. If you combined this card with Team Aqua's
Manectric you can move the energy to another Pokemon allowing a
Powerful Pokemon with a high damage attack to attack quickly and
dealing lots of damage early in the game. Since, Lanturn does
damage itself every time you use it's Pokemon Power I might
recommend some healing so it doesn't get K.O.
Lightning Ball deals 50 damage which is decent and since you can
be doing it second turn may hurt your opponent in early game.
Unlimited- 2/5
Water Pokemon may be making a big come back with the Blastoise/
Suicune combo. Combined with the Pokemon Power and Double
colorless energy could deal some high damage quickly to water
Pokemon even with energy removal in the environment because you
can place all the needed energy in one turn. How durable this card
would be against other deck types may cause some problems.
Draft 2.5/5
Giving you the ability to place an extra energy each turn and the
ability to deal 50 damage on second turn makes this card a good
choice for draft. However, since fighting is popular in draft the
weakness could cause you some real problems along with the self
damage it inflicts.
I decided to put some humor in the Swampert EX review feel free to
leave it off. I am just in a silly mood. Perhaps it's because I
have some free time finally because I finally got a break from
running premiere events
Thundachu |
Team Aqua's Lanturn
Overview: Lets seeeeee.. Pokemon Power Auxiliary Light allows you
to attack a basic energy from your hand to Team Aqua's Lanturn
once per turn. Drawback is you have to put 2 damage counters on it
if you use it. Then for 1 lightning energy, does 50 damage with
Lightning Ball. A retreat of 1 isn't bad, and 80HP is nice as
well. Weakness to Fighting and resistance to Metal.
Unlimited: Not fast enough and SER will eat at it. 1/5
Modified: Fast poweruper thanks to the power, but 80HP is kinda
low here. 2.5/5
Draft: I suppose if you get Lanturn and Chinchou, it could be kind
of good with the power and resistance. 3/5
Jermy101 |
TA's Lanturn is good and has a few combos going for it. You can
combo it with TA's Manectric by piling nrg onto Lanturn then
moving it with Manectric. This makes slow decks more speedy. It
is archieable too which makes it faster. By using his power you
can do 50 damage turn 2.
Unlimited - I use this in my Base Gastly deck. 1/5
Modified - It's not bad...some people use this with TA's Kyogre or
other water pokemon to help get surprise OHKOs on Blaziken ex. 3/5
Limited - 50 damage and decent HP for a stage 1 is nice. 2.5/5

Hedge |
Team Aqua’s Lanturn
This card can be good with either Dragonite ex or magneton
Play energy quick with this guy, then do some big dmg with
magenton. Same goes for Dragonite ex. Other than that, this card
is a quick staple in the Aqua beast that’s out there, and that’s
about it.
Mod. 3/5
Draft. 4/5
Unlim: 1/5 Useless -_-
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