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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Blaziken ex -
Team Aqua Magma
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Blaziken ex is a solid card. Combine
with RS Blaziken for even more fun. First attack is decent,
nothing special. Second attack is great, though. 100 damage to
anything. If you can get him up quick, and with Blaze RS you can,
you can stop your opponent from getting his deck going.
Works well in a straight Blaziken deck, as an added hitter in BAR
or Blaze/Tails.
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 4/5
Limited 3.5/5 If you can get him up you'll win. The key is getting
him and getting him up.
Thundachu |
Once again, Blaziken ex.
Overview: The Pokemon said to be unstoppable and wanted banned by
Jermy101 as well as numerous others. Lets just see how good it
really is. Blaze Kick for 1 fire and 1 colorless dowes 30 damage
automaticly, plus a coin is tossed. Gasp! If heads, it does 20
more damage, bringing the total to 50. And if tails...ohhh if it
is Tails... it does 30 damage and the defending Pokemon is now
burned. If that isn't broken, I don't know what is. Then for 2
fire and 2 colorless, Volcanic Ash makes you discard 2 Fire energy
attached to Blaziken ex. For what you may ask? For those 2 energy,
you get to do 100 damage to any of your opponent's Pokemon. Don't
apply weakness or resistance for benched. Wow. Just wow. JUST FOLD
and Never speak to me again. This card SHOULD be banned. Plus, it
has an awesome amount of HP, 150. Not only are the attacks simply
tremendous, the HP also blows me away. And, a retreat of 0NLY 2 IS
AMAZING. 150HP stage 2 with only an HP of 2. There are still a few
drawbacks for playing this card though. One being, the 2
weaknesses. With such a high HP, this Pokemon is weak to Water and
Psychic. That makes Gardevoir and Suicune ex a SLIGHT problem. And
an ex Pokemon. If this is knocked out, it gets 2 prizes, though I
doubt knocking it out will be much of a problem. One thing that
possibly COULD knock it out easily is Misdreavus/Dark Gengar in
Unlimited. Put it to sleep, then if it fails on flips, Perrish
Song gets rid of it. Nice little technique there, but it requires
risk and the test that Misdreavus or Dark Gengar will still be in
play after this baby gets started.
Unlimited: SER makes this card a little weak, as well does
Blastoise, and the whole Misdreavus/Dark Gengar combo. Not to
mention the 2 weaknesses and it being an ex. I would stick just to
Typhlosion from Neo Genesis in this format. 3/5
Modified: Gardevoir could make a small problem, as could
Feraligatr, but other than that, this card is unstoppable and
probably WILL takeover the Modified format. 4.5/5
Draft: Being a stage 2, it will be hard to draft, but if you are
able to draft all the stages, please, play it. If not, someone
else will and your butt will be toast ;x. 2.5/5
Sealed Deck: Doing a sealed deck with Team Aqua Vs Team Magma
only, it is impossible to play this card, as the other stages
arent in the set(I found that to be a tad stupid...), but if your
sealed decking with other sets, and can draft all the stages, play
this card. End of story. 3/5
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