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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
VS Seeker
- Fire Red and Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jermy101 |
VS Seeker is a very good. You can reuse any supporter. So
it's like having a Steven's Advice, TV Reporter, Oak's
Research, all in the power of 1 card.
Unlimited - It's called "Item Finder". 1/5
Modified - Pretty good here. Recyclable Brineys and such.
Limited - Good only if you got any supporters in the first
place, but draw is good. 4/5

VS Seeker is a card that people have
been waiting for since the beginning of Modified Format when
Item Finder was no longer allowed in most Premeire events!
Finally a Trainer that will get other Trainers out of the
discard pile. Now, it is limited to only pulling Supporters, but
on the other hand, it has no cost. Overall, I expect this card
to be very popular.
Unlimited: Normally, new cards don't match up to the older,
overpowered Trainers. In this case, I think VS Seeker could find
a place in some Unlimited decks that rely on some supporters.
It's not as flexible as Item Finder, but the lack of a cost
helps make up for that. 3.5/5
Modified: This will be a staple. Many of the deck engine
Trainers are Supporters. This will allow much more flexiblity in
their use. 4.75/5
Limited: Any Trainer is a top pick in Limited, and a Trainer
that lets you bring back another Trainer such as Celio's Network
or Prof Oak's Research? No question about it. 5.0/5

Johnny Blaze |
VS Seeker – I still cant get over that picture. It reminds me of a
computer mouse. We need a lot more recursion in Pokemon and this
fits in well with the Recursion theme. Recursion in TCG lingo is
basically getting the best use out of your discard pile over and
over again. This is what VS Seeker is for.
Unlimited: 2/5 – Basically for Trainer recursion Item Finder is
the way to go here. Sure you have to discard 2 cards from your
hand but you can get any trainer, not just a Supporter. If your
deck is Supporter heavy in Unlimited for some reason, then use 4
VS. Seekers. But I suggest Item Finder over VS. Seeker.
Modified: 3/5 – With the ever lack of recursion in Modified why
didn’t I score this higher? Well for 1 there is this nasty
little deck that is running around in my area that is called
Vileplume Ex. If it becomes real popular then Vs. Seeker is
simply not worth it. With Vileplume EX your opponent cant play
non-supporters which VS. Seeker is. You are better off playing
the full line of 4 Oak’s Research for example. Another reason is
that if you run 4 VS. Seekers over your regular supporters, I
can guarantee that you are going to start with at least 2 VS.
Seekers and no Supporters. That is the downside tot his card.
The upside is that you can re-use your supporters over and if
you plan on teching in 1 or 2 Supporters and want to reuse them
later on then definitely play VS. Seeker.
Limited: 4/5 – If you are lucky enough to pull one of the
popular Supporters here and VS. Seeker then you are in luck. If
you don’t pull any worthy supporters, then VS. Seeker would
basically be useless to play.
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