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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Raichu - Fire
Red and Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
Modified 2.5/5 - I see a lot of potential with a turn 1 Rare
Candy Raichu, but even that and other Pokemon together may not
get the job done. I've tested it with other Lightning Pokemon
like Zapdos ex, Amphy ex, Rapidash, etc. Something isn't right.
I think I can
test Raichu some more - perhaps with Wally's Training or
something. I just know if the card(s) in your deck can't help
you win games consistently, then you'll have a lot problems.
Limited 4.5/5 - If you have Pikachu, then by all means go for
it. Another game-winning card.
Thundachu |
Overview: Pikachu and Raichu. 2 of the most common cards we see
in sets these days. For 1 colorless energy, the FRLG Raichu's
Recharge lets you search your deck for upto 2 Lightning energy
and attach them to Raichu. Then you shuffle your deck
afterwards. I suppose this is a nice attack for a quick power
up. Then for 2 Lightning 1 colorless, Thunder Reflection (props
to Nintendo for the title of the attack ;x), does 50 damage, and
you can move as many Lightning energy as you want from Raichu to
another one of your pokemon. IMO, this card is about quick
powerup for it, and others, and quick powerup is always a good
thing. The weakness of Fighting is common with lightning pokemon,
and 80HP for stage 1 is pretty good I guess. Retreat of 1 is not
that horrible, so if anything extremly drastic happens, easy
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: Quick energy powerup for Lightning, as well as others
that take lightning. Can be pretty useful. Other than that, I
wouldnt use this card for much. 3.5/5
Draft: Quick powerup is good in draft to get out the good
pokemon fast. If you can get some good ones like Zapdos EX and
this, I would definitley use it for quick energy, and attack.
Note: Remember, as of October 1st, Modified is now RS On.

Hedge |
This is a good card. A
friend of mine, Magnechu, made good use of this card
early on. It is good with zapdos ex, it gets energies
out VERY quick, and it can move it around; just like the
old trick of teching in expedition electabuzz, only
quicker, stronger, and generally more profitable.
There’s not too much else about this card; nothing
hidden, no advanced combos… Therefore I have no choice
but to end my review.
Also view the RG Kingler for a water simpatico version.
To magnechu: 1 |337 j00
c4|\|”7 r34|) 7|-|12!!!11 rofl ;}
P\/\/|\|493!!! ~Hedge

Raichu (FRLG ex)
Raichu cards are usually mediocre. They're not horrible, but
they just don't make the cut to be worth putting in a deck. This
one is no exception. Recharge is a decent attack for powering up
quickly, but only if the companion attack is worth the effort.
And it doesn't do any damage, so that's another negative.
Thunder Reflection only does 50 damage, and that just doesn't
cut it. Raichu will be lucky to get off one damaging attack, and
then it will be gone. Not good enough.
Unlimited: Not worth it. It's not horrible, but not good enough.
Modified: Even in Modified it is not worth playing. Even with an
attack that speeds up energy placement. Maybe comboed with
Dragon Magneton... but that would be about it. 2.5/5
Limited: Here... not so bad, but not great. It's a foil, so
you're only going to get one of it in your deck. It does have an
attack that does the magic damage of 50 that will take out most
Basics. Worth considering, but not the best pick. 3.0/5

Johnny Blaze |
Raichu – My friend Joe has this nice
little combo deck with this card and Charizard EX, it may not
work all the time but it is fun when it does.
Unlimited: 1/5 – I hate to always bring this up but with Tyrogue
running around in Unlimited, fighting weakness is a bad thing to
have in this format.
Modified: 3/5 – Pretty decent here. Again watch out for fighting
types such as Team Magma. But any card that you can Candy to on
1st turn and then do a 50 2nd turn with 3 energies is pretty
good in this format. When Raichu is ready to get ko’d just use
his Thunder Reflection to one of your benched Pokes.
Limited: 4/5 – You can search your deck for 2 Lightning and
attach them to Raichu. This is a good thing in draft. Anything
that lets you search your deck and thin it out is good. Take it
and use it.
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