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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Electrode ex
- Fire Red and Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Electrode ex:
Modified 2/5 - I have a problem running this card in a deck in
general. The Fighting Weakness is so bad right now, plus it's an
ex! Easy OHKO for the opponent.
Limited 4/5 - Definitely game-winning card. 50 damage will KO
nearly all Basics in this format.
Thundachu |
Electrode ex
Overview: Extra Energy Bomb Pokemon-Power is generally suicide.
You can knock out Electrode ex, in order to search your discard
for 5 energy cards and attach them to any of your pokemon in any
order you want. There are a few downfalls to this. The first is
the fact that you are knocking out Electrode ex, meaning your
opponent gets the prize, but because of the ex, your opponent
gets 2. Could be game breaking decision. Is it worth the 5
energy? The other downfall is that you can't attach the energy
to your Pokemon-Ex. A bright side however is that you can get
non-basic energy. But still, IMO 5 energy isnt worth 2 prizes.
Then for 1 Lightning energy and 1 colorless, Crash and Burn does
30 damage automaticly, and lets you discard as many energy as
you like from ANY OF your pokemon in play, and it does 20 more
damage for every energy attached. Not a bad attack considering
you can discard from more than just Electrode. Weakness to
Fighting(anyone notice a trend here?), and a retreat cost of 1
is not very bad. 90HP for a stage 1 ex is pretty bad. There are
better ex out there.
Unlimited: Crash and Burn could probably do some good damage
here from numerous pokemon. I suppose it is ok. 3/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Draft: The attack can be pretty good depending how many pokemon
you can get out. The power just sucks. Ill leave it up to you.

Johnny Blaze |
Electrode EX – Another incarnation of
an old version of Electrode. This time you lose 2 prizes instead
of one and the energy cannot be placed on a Pokemon EX.
Electrode EX does have 90 HP so you can run him with Desert
Ruins with no drawback. His Crush and Burn attack is real
efficient 2 for 70 if you decide to discard the 2 on Electrode
but he has better uses than that.
Unlimited: 2/5 – Probably not a safe bet here with Tyrogue but I
do like its raw power with Crush and Burn.
Modified: 4/5 – Team Electrode up with Firestarter Blaziken and
you can be doing an avg. of 70-90 damage a turn depending on how
many Blazikens you have in play. When Electrode is ready to die
you could always use its suicide(Extra Energy Bomb) attack to
power up the rest of your attackers. Again the ever popular
Desert Ruins does not harm it. Just watch out for Fighting
Limited: 4/5 – I thought I had the game won with Zapdos EX and
then Electrode EX hit the board. I lost 2 prizes because of
Zapdos being weak to Lightning. But this card is really good in
draft and the Voltorbs are just as better.
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