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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Ditto - Fire
Red and Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jermy101 |
Ditto is an interesting Pokemon. His poke-power is always
the one that stands out, not his attacks. This one's
poke-power acts like any basic you want, it can even be like
a 5th basic. For example get that Treecko back that just
died, so it's like you have 5 Treeckos in your deck. This
can be useful in decks like Blaziken that use multiple
evolutions on their basics(Blaziken ex and Blaziken RS).
You should NEVER use it's attack(unless you're playing
Unlimited - No there are better cards to recycle pokemon
here such as Town Volunteers, Nightly Garbage Run etc. 1/5
Modified - Here it's pretty good. Get that 5th Treecko from
your discard pile so that you can evolve into Sceptile
again. Watch out for Mt Moon though. 3/5
Limited - Pretty good here. It's attack is awful though.
Get back your cubone that just died so you can evolve it
into Marowak or something. 3/5

This is an interesting Ditto but it
doesn't give you too much more than a little flexibility. You
won't surprise your opponent since you have to switch it with a
Basic from your discard pile, but it does allow you to bring
back that crucial Basic that you need or protect a weak Basic by
bringing out the Ditto first, waiting a turn, then switching to
the weak Basic and evolving right away!
Unlimited: I could see this being useful in an "insane"-type
deck which dumps a lot of cards into the discard and runs light
on Pokemon. 2/5
Modified: Useful in a deck that requires multiple lines, get
that basic back that you need. 2.5/5
Limited: Not bad here, but not that great. It is a 60 HP Basic
that can do up to 30 damage, then you can switch it out to
something else to take advantage of W&R. 3/5

Johnny Blaze |
Ditto – Nice little card to recur a
basic that you lost to the discard pile. Did you need another
Dunsparce to Strike and Run? Or maybe you are using a tech card
and you tossed it for TV Reporter thinking you wouldn’t need it.
Well Ditto can get it back for you. Of course the Fighting
Weakness doesn’t help it to survive very long against certain
decks and watch out for Mt. Moon stadium card which would shut
down Ditto.
Unlimited :1/5 – Don’t even try using this here all you need to
do is go 2nd and start with this Ditto and your opponent has
Tyrogue = GG.
Modified – 4/5: 4 for certain decks but it is really good here.
With little to no recursion in this format, Ditto can bring back
that basic you desperately needed to Rare Candy into an evolved
EX Beast to win the game.
Limited: 3/5 – Not too bad here. On par attack and if you needed
to use the power to get back that lone rare non EX-basic that
you drafted but was KO’d earlier Ditto can do that for you. Hang
ten dude ;-)
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