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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Dewgong - Fire
Red and
Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Overview: This is one thing I have been waiting for: a holo
dewgong. The PokeBody, SafeGuard, prevents all effects including
damage done to Dewgong by Pokemon-EX. This is nice considering
Blaziken ex, Ninetales ex, Legendary Birds-ex, and the Blastoise
ex. All cant even touch this thing. Then the first attack, Cold
Breath does 10 damage, plus the defending pokemon is asleep, for
1 water energy. 3 colorless does 40 damage with Aurora Beam.
Weakness to Metal makes Magneton an issue, and retreat of 2 is a
tad high. 80HP for a stage 1 is also a little low, but will work
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: With this card being exempt from Pokemon-ex, it makes
it pretty nice to use. 3/5
Draft: 4.5/5
The Bottom Line: Pretty nice and solid card with some good
attacks, and the prevention of effects/damage from Pokemon-EX
also good. I would definitley play it.

Dewgong is basically a Water version
of Sandstorm Wobuffet, but it is inferior in every way. Sure, it
has Safeguard that protects it from ex Pokemon, but other than
that, it is weak for a Stage 1 and Wobuffet just does the job
better, being a Basic (or evolved via Wynaut if that's more
useful to the situation). Seel, it's Basic, is also a waste and
exposes you to danger if that's all that you drew for your
opening hand.
Unlimited: Not worth playing. 1.5/5
Modified: A little better, but still not a good choice. 2/5
Unlimited: Worth using here. If you run into an opponent that
was lucky enough to pull an ex Pokemon, you could derail them
with this and easily get 2+ prizes which, with Limited's 4 prize
games, will take them out. 4/5

Johnny Blaze |
Dewgong – I’ve been waiting for a new
and improved Dewgong since the Base Set version, sadly I’m still
waiting. This is a Safeguard version so similar to all of the
other Safeguard Pokemon (Wobbuffet, 9Tales), this Dewgong has 80
HP and a max damage of 40 for 3.
Unlimited: 1/5 – Don’t bother here. Really the only Water deck
to use in Unlimited is BS Blastoise’s Raindance and there are
much better options than Dewgong to use in Raindance.
Modified: 2/5 – I still haven’t seen a really great Water deck
that has enough power to dominate in Modified since Gatr.
Dewgong wont be that answer. But if you are playing Water, a
Dewgong here or there wouldn’t be too bad solely for its
Safeguard power.
Limited: 4/5 – With a decent Seel to evolve from 1W for 30 if
you flip heads, Dewgong will see its better days in draft. Its
Metal weakness is non-existant in draft so you wont have to
worry about that. 1W for 10 and auto sleep is good and 40 for 3
of any color Dewgong can be easily splashed. Plus with all the
EX that are very playable in FR/LG, Dewgong can give those
problems. A Very good card to draft and use.
Young John |
Dewgong -
Unlimited: Not so hot here, not
much damage really... it has little speed and little
power... I guess it could be used to try and stop blastoise
ex but there's better stuff for that IMO.
Well... it'll stop ex Pokemon
but I think that Wobbuffet is better for that.
Limited: It's not terrible here,
nice damage, nice HP and it'll stop those big exs that
people get lucky to draft.
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