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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Mr. Mime ex -
Fire Red Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jermy101 |
Mr. Mime ex is not as good as his Jungle predecessor. Your
opponent can just play most of the cards in their hand, and now
you have a Mr. Mime doing only 10-20 damage. Besides the
poke-body is very get-aroundable by Strength Charm, Double
Rainbow Energy, and most decks have Pokemon that do both odd and
even damage so the body is not hard to get around. I'm not
seeing its goodness.
Unlimited - I would rather use Mr. Mime jungle version, or Base
Gastly. 1/5
Modified - Still worthless here, the attack is unreliable. 1.5/5
Limited - Nice here. Your opponent doesn't have a lot of choice
to do odd or even damage, and controlling their hand size could
be harder than in constructed formats, so Mr. Mime ex should do
more damage. 3/5
Johnny Blaze |
Mr.Mime ex – Very interesting concept
with the release of the 2 new Mr. Mime’s. Notice that there is
no weakness to Psychic as there was to the original Mr. Mime.
Why is that? Simple, the Odds + Evens Power would virtually fall
apart if weakness was applied. Safeguard Wobby cant hurt the Odd
Mr. Mime and on the flip side Mr. Mime cant touch the Wobby.
Evens Mr. Mime can hurt Safeguard Wobby.
It can definitely become very frustrating if all your pokes only
dish out odd damage and your opponent has Mr. Mime Odds. Same
thing with Evens Mr. Mime. Desert Ruins don’t hurt Mr. Mime
because of his HP. Basically you want to make sure that when you
build your deck to take into consideration these Mimes and don’t
build an all Even damage or all Odd damage deck. Also Strength
Charm can mess up these Mimes. Just watch the look on your
opponents face when he has Evens Mr. Mime out and your Pokemon
is dishing out 80 damage then you attach a Strength Charm and
OHKO it with 90 damage. Like his original counterpart, the new
Mr. Mime hates status effects.
His one and only attack is an exact replica of Gardy EX. With
the loss of Desert Shaman and CopyCat in the new format expect
people to have larger than usual hands using Delcatty, Steven’s,
TV Reporter to increase their hand size. Mr. Mime loves large
hands. And remember that it places damage counters so that his
attack goes through Weakness and Metal Energy.
Unlimted: 3/5 – Very interesting concept at work here. With his
low energy attachment and in combo with Slowking your opponent
will be hard pressed to play Plus Powers to screw up Mr. Mime’s
Modified: 3/5 – Like I said before, if you aren’t prepared for
him, Mr. Mime can be very annoying. I expect larger than usual
hands in Modified once the Wotc sets get rotated out so Mr. Mime
will play a factor.
Limited: 2/5 – I give him the lowest rating here because large
hand sizes are rather uncommon in draft and more than likely you
will have a means of dishing out odds or evens damage just
because of the variety of Pokes to choose from.
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