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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Venucenter -
Fire Red Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
Venusaur ex
Modified 3/5 - Okay, it has potential with Team Aqua's Lanturn.
But being weak to Fire and Psychic is a major problem. Also, I
like the Status Attack, but it's unreliable. People can retreat
to get rid of Confusion easily. However, the more important
problem, would be Sceptile ex can OHKO (One-hit Knock Out)
Pokemon with more reliability. It will OHKO Wailord ex,
Dunsparce (Poison Ring), and lots of others.
Limited 4/5 - It's difficult to get it out, but again, if you
get it out, this will be a game-winning card.
Thundachu |
Venusaur ex
Overview: The return of Venusaur. Can this one match up to Base
set? Well, the power can. Energy Trans lets you as often as you
like on your turn, move 1 grass energy from 1 pokemon to
another. Then the first attack, Pollen Hazard, does 20 damage,
and the defending pokemon becomes Burned, Poisoned, and
Confused, which is nice. Then for 3 grass and 2 colorless,
Solarbeam does a huge solid 90 damage. Not very bad at all. 1
issue with this card is 2 weaknesses. It is weak to both Fire
and Psychic, meaning Blaziken ex, and Gardevoir ex will be
problems for it, among other things. It does have a hefty 150HP
though to stand up to them. And a retreat of 3, which is kind of
high. Also on the negative side as an ex, if knocked out the
opponent gets 2 prizes, so be on the look out for that.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: The ability to move energy is nice, even if it is only
Grass. Plus the 2nd attack for 3 special effects isnt bad
either. 3.5/5
Draft: Assuming you can draft it and Bulbasaur/Ivysaur, I would
definitley play it. 5 for 90 is super, and the
Burn+Poison+Confusion+20 combo attack is wicked as well. 4/5
Jermy101 |
Venucenter returns! ...Well not really. He has the same
power as his base predecessor but much better attacks.
You can throw in 4 rainbows and then tech in a
couple legendary birds or some other powerful basics that
energy can be transed to them immediately. Pollen Hazard can
really disrupt the opponent. And GGGCC for 90 damage isn't
bad at all. The weakness to fire and psychic hurts though.
Unlimited - Way too slow for this format. There won't be
anything left to trans after your opponent has super energy
removaled your butt. True there are hardly any fire or
psychic pokemon in this format. And true its second attack
can be powered up with just a Grass and DCE. But Base
Gastly only needs ONE energy to attack!! You can't beat
that kind of speed! 2/5
Modified - It could be good in this format if only Pokemon
Nurse was still allowed. There is Briney, but that can't
pick up ex pokemon, so it's sorta useless here. I'd rather
use Sceptile and Sceptile ex. They have much more power and
Sceptile ex has a less common weakness. 2/5
Limited - Got a couple Bulbasaur and Ivysaur? Then yea of
course use it. Special conditions own this format. It's
also quite a valuable card, so that's good too =) 4/5

Hedge |
Venusaur ex
Meh I’m not too fond
of this card…. The stat effects are cool, but a little
overpriced for an ex and stat effects are ALWAYS easily
avoidable. The straight dmg from its second attack blows w/o
boost, so…. I have to put this card a little low on meh
IF it had
resistance to water, it’d be a LOT better, but it
doesn’t, so, play gengar, it beats this POS. :P
IS BACK (utter pwnage bottom line IS IT ;/ )

Johnny Blaze |
Venusaur ex – The artwork on this card is great. Good ole Venusaur
is back. Too bad VenuCenter is not. With the loss of Pokemon
Nurse in the R+S on format Energy Trans.is not the Power it used
to be. For its attack’s, Pollen Hazard is very similar to R&S
Sceptile’s Lizard Poison. And Solarbeam 5 for 90 is about
average. Weakness to both Fire and Psychic which are still
pretty popular hurts this card too. With the lack of resistance
to Water as its cousin Sceptile has, Im afraid to say that
Venusaur has the disadvantage of the 2. Granted you have to run
both Sceptile’s (Lizard Poison + Energy Trans one) just to get
the same effect but I’ll take my chances running 2 non-Ex Pokes
over running Venusaur EX.
Unlimited: 2/5 – BS Venusaur is the better choice here.
Modified: 2/5 – Like I mentioned before if you want to run an
Energy Trans deck go with the Sceptile lines. Otherwise without
Pokemon Center or Nurse Energy Trans. Is pretty much weakened in
this format.
Limited: 3/5 – If you can get lucky to draft all evos and get
this thing running then you might have a chance.
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