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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Lanturn -
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
Lanturn (Hidden Legends)
Modified 4/5 - It's actually a great card in the middle and late
Combined with other
Electric Pokemon like Zapdos ex or Ampharos ex, this is a killer
card. It can take one Energy from a KOed Pokemon and transfer it
to HL Lanturn. Very efficient - and gives you a third Pokemon to
attack with, when HL Lanturn is KOed.
Limited 4.5/5 - One-hit KO Basics, and maybe two-hit KO other
big Pokemon.

Hidden Legends Lanturn is not bad for
an Uncommon card. 80 HP for a Stage 1 is average and it has a
moderately useful Power that allows it to power up more quickly,
but you have to wait for you Active to be Ko'D. Still, there are
many other cards that speed up energy placement and are more
flexible. At least it has an attack that can do moderate or
heavy damage, but at a high cost.
Unlimited: Not in the running. 1.5/5
Modified: There are much better choices that do similar things.
Limited: As an Uncommon with a Basic that appears twice in the
set as Commons, you have a decent chance of building the
evolution in your games. There are many decent cards in the set
that are weak to Lightning, so that's good too. An option, but
keep your eyes open for better choices. I'd give it a 3.5/5
Thundachu |
Overview: Lets see here. The PokePower Energy Grounding allows
you to whenever a Pokemon is k0ed by an opponent's pokemon, you
get to take an energy from the k0ed pokemon and attach it to
Lanturn. I suppose this is pretty good for a fast powerup. The
attack Lightning Strike, for 2 lightning energy and 1 colorless,
does 50 damage automaticly, but gives you the choice to discard
all Lightning energy attached to it in order to do 90 instead. 3
for 90 is automaticly ownage, but the energy thing could be an
issue. Weakness of Fighting and no resistance is bad. Retreat of
2 is not so bad, and HP of 80 for stage 1 is nice.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 3 for 90 would be good here if you didnt have to
discard all the L energy on it. 2.5/5
Draft: Here, we have 3 for 90 even with the discard being quite
good. 3/5
Jermy101 |
Lanturn is a good pokemon in the modified format. LLC for a
possible 90 damage is good for the cost, and the power is
very good for swarming multiple Lanturns.
Unlimited - Throw in Garbage can card - Base Gastly Superior
material. Do not use this card. There are better ways of
doing 90 damage. 1/5
Modified - Here is where it's good. It swarms and KOs many
things in 1 hit, doing 90 damage and all. Despite what
Hedge might say, Lanturn/Rhydon is awful and has no
synergy. Like, lanturn has weakness to fighting, Rhydon
does not cover that weakness by having resistance to
fighting or anything. Likewise Lanturn does not cover for
Rhydon's weakness to Grass. So I don't know what that deck
is about. sry hedge ;/.
Anyway this card is good and combos with many stage 1s and
stage 2s. It's a good card, try it out sometime. 4/5
Limited - If you got some Chinchous, sure take it. 50/90
damage is great. And it has that great power. 4/5

Johnny Blaze |
Lanturn – Nice Pokemon for just an
uncommon. This Lanturn is one of the strongest Lanturn out
there. When teamed up with TA Lanturn, HL Lanturn can hit for a
whopping 90 damage on Turn 2. Lanturn decks even made a showing
at Worlds 2004.
Unlimited: 1/5 – Unfortunately for Lanturn, a little guy named
Tyrogue ownz Lanturn in this format.
Modified: 3/5 – A decent Lightning choice for this format. With
Pidgeot and most of the good Water types weak to Lightning,
Lanturn is a good choice here for a Lightning deck. Of course
watch out for Fighting types and the ever popular Team Magma
Limited: 2/5 – A little slow here in this format. If you decide
to Lightning Strike to ko a Pokemon then most likely by the time
Lanturn is rebuilt it is going to be ko’d.
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