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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Clefable EX
- Fire Red and Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Johnny Blaze |
Clefable EX
We’ll have to see how this card
plays out. Being an EX with only 100 hp and weakness to Fighting
is not good in modified. But Metronome is always a useful and
annoying attack to deal with. Moon Impact 2 for 40 is nice for
those times that Metronome wont do anything to the defending
Unlimited: 2/5 – I would stick with its Jungle counterpart
Clefable. Jungle Clefable has the resistance to Psychic and is
not an EX. Maybe Splash in a Celfable EX but as always the cute
little Tyrogue will wreck havoc on this card.
Modified: 2.5/5 – Im giving it a 2.5 because like I said before
we’ll have to wait and see how this card plays out. I can think
of a few possibilities how this card could be a decent wrecking
machine, but with Fighting becoming more popular with Monarchy
and the ever looming Team Magma around Clefable could be in big
trouble. Along with Desert Ruins Clefable does not like to have
only 100 hp.
Limited: 4/5 – Im giving Clefable the best rating here because I
have been housed twice by this little guy in FR/LG pre-releases
that I have attended. I thought I had the game won twice only to
see Clef-EX hit the board and toast my only threat that I had
Young John |
Clefable Ex:
Unlimited: It's kind of the same
thing as the jungle one... it might actually see some
play. 2/5
Modified: It's fighting weak...
not a good thing in the RSON format with Nidos running
around... that's gonna hurt it a lot. 2/5
Limited: It's actually pretty
good here if you think about it, it's got good HP the
attacks aren't bad for their costs in this format... but the
lower HP for the ex (kinda contradicting what I said I know)
can also hurt because two prizes is MAJOR in a game with 4
prizes. I'd pick it but becareful with it. 3.5/5

Clefable ex
Finally we get a usable Clefable and a usable Metronome coming
back into Modified. Of course, they have greatly reduced the
power of the card by upping the cost of the attack and changing
some of the wording.
Unlimited: You would never use this card in Unlimited. The
original, Jungle Clefable, has the same attack at a lower cost
and doesn't have to worry about energy discards like this card
does. Also, Clefable ex costs you two prizes when KO'd. If
Jungle Clefable didn't exist, this would be a good card. 2.0/5
Modified: I love Metronome and I've missed being able to play it
for the past few years. The original Metronome was "broken" and
Nintendo had to write a lot of cards' text with convoluted
phrases and exceptions in order to limit it's power. They then
put out some cards with versions of Metronome that were so
watered down that they were unplayable. This version, finally,
is playable without being over- strong. You get to copy the
attack of the Defending Pokemon for two Colorless energy. So,
for the most part, you can be faster than your opponent. The
biggest concern is it's low HP (for and ex) and it's Fighting
Weakness. These can be worked around, however. Give it a try.
Limited: You're only going to get one of these in a box, so you
won't be able to build a strong evo chain. However, Clefairy is
also a good pick because of it's Gust-like attack so it's worth
grabbing in case you do get any Clefairy. 4.0/5
Jermy101 |
Clefable ex is...not as good as Jungle clefable. 2 Energy
to use Metronome? ex Pokemon? only 100 HP? Desert ruins
bait? Bad bad bad. He's just weak.
Unlimited - No way. Use the Jungle Clefable (or base Gastly).
Modified - No. He is as useful as Lapras ex. 1/5
Limited - Heeeeeeere it's good. Copying attacks is good,
100 HP is good, it's all good. 4/5
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