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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Tangela - Fire
and Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jermy101 |
Tangela is one of those unusable Pokemon, no matter how many
sets they print one in, it will never be good. Some other
examples are Pinsir, Glailie, Grumpig, and more. Vine Tease
is somewhat good though, but a waste of an attack. If you
are playing 1 copy of a card in your deck and afraid it may
be in your prizes, use Tangela! Find that card if it's in
your prizes. The status effect attack isn't bad.
Unlimited - lol. 1/5
Modified - If you're using like, a 1-1 Manectric line, go
ahead and use it, so you can fish out the Electrike/Manectric
from your prizes. 1/5
Limited - I used this in my prerelease deck and it pwned
(even though I got 9th place, but don't worry it wasn't due
to Tangela, it was due to my luck.) There was some cool
stuff in my prizes that I got with Tangela. And the status
effects were good too. 3/5

Hedge |
Heheh, this card is sort of cool. I
like the 1st attack… It is pretty good if you think
about it. It is basically a small oracle/handy 909 hybrid in an
attack from a weed. ;/
Which can be pretty good. On
your 2nd turn you draw 1 of 6 choice cards, and
you get to arrange your prizes and do a little card-count
thing to make sure you get good prizes when you ko stuff.
Plus the 2nd attack can mess around with the
opponent if you’re using a grass deck/multi –rainbow
energies. I DO like this card… I will find a good excuse to
play it somehow. Everyone else try it too, maybe someone’ll
find a wicked deck to play it in :P

Tangela is a very interesting utility
card. Something that we don't see often enough in Pokemon. You
can use it to either pull a needed card out of your Prizes or to
auto-Confuse or auto-Poison. With 60 HP and 1 Retreat Cost, it
can perform it's duty and still be around on the next turn to be
retreated to the bench. I think it has some possibility as TecH,
especially considering how many decks run only 1 or 2 copies of
needed card. If they're in your prizes, this gives you a chance
to survive.
Unlimited: Not too bad, even here. Auto status effects cause
your opponent to use up resources overcoming them and being able
to set up the next draw with it's other attack can also be
useful. 3.0/5
Modifed: This should be a surprise to your opponent and, again,
cause them to waste resources. Find room for one of two in your
deck. 3.5/5
Limited: Anything that gives status effects is gold in limited.
Follow that up with a limited search capability via access to
your Prizes and I would place this as a very good choice. 4.3/5

Johnny Blaze |
Tangela – I love the claymation art
cards I like to call them. I grew up on Gumby and playing
Clayfighter and later watching Wallace + Gromit that I have a
soft spot for claymation.
As a tech card, Vine Tease can be really game saving. How many
times has your 1 or 2 tech cards been in your prizes all game
and there was nothing you could do about it?
Unlimited: 2/5 – I would only use it as tech. I wish I had this
card when I was running Team Rocket’s Trap deck when it was
popular. Other than that, I guess it could also be used against
Raindance at it resists Water and its 2nd attack can be
Modified: 2/5 – Again if you are running tech and those cards
are stuck in your prizes then Tangela can easily get those cards
for you. Also if you go 1st and your opponent only has a
Dunsparce then Wiggle could be good to confuse Dunsparce.
Limited: 3/5 – Tangela has saved me in draft. With a beefy 60 HP
and resistance to Water just Wiggle and let your opponent deal
with status effect while you Vine Tease the cards you need from
your prizes and build from there.
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