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on a 1 to 5 scale
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5 is the highest rating.
Johnny Blaze
Dark T-Tar #20 – The 2nd part of the
Dark T-Tar deck. This T-Tar is otherwise known as the Sand
Damage one. T-Tar is dual type Fighting/Darkness and has a
weakness to Grass.
Sand-Damage has a lot of potentials to it. You could combine it
with Dark Amphy, Desert Ruins, and Spinning Tail T-Tar.
The Sand-Damage Poke Body goes perfectly with its only attack
called 2nd Strike. For Team Magma players out there 2nd Strike
is exactly like Pulverize. It does 70 damage for 3 energy if
there are at least 2 damage counters on the defending Pokemon
and 50 if there are no damage counters.
Just remember that T-Tar has to be active for its Sand-Damage
body to work unlike Dark Ampharos.
Unlimited: 2/5 – ER kills its attack but its Sand Damage body is
very interesting in Unimited. With the prevalence of Pokemon
being basic and baby Pokemon counting as basic, Sand Damage has
the potential to be devastating.
Modified: 4/5 – Watch out for Fighting resistance that can be
countered by a playing a certain Stadium card called Magnetic
Storm and then T-Tar wont have much problems. But as I stated
earlier you will want to be running Desert Ruins for its deadly
combination to do 20 damage to all those nice 100 Basic-ex
Pokemon like Rayquaza-ex.
Limited: 4/5 – Nice attack damage with 2nd Strike and
Sand-Damage can dish out to their basics while they are waiting
to draw their evolutions. A very good pick to include in your
deck if you are lucky enough to pull all Stages.
Dark Tyranitar COTD
Iowa Telecom WebMail (http://www.iowatelecom.net)
Today's Card of the Day is Dark Tyranitar from the Team Rocket
Returns set.
This card has a retreat cost of three which I consider high, but
if played right, it should not be a huge problem. It's mainly
going to hurt you when you try to retreat out of confusion. It
has no resistance. It is weak to grass, but there doesn't seem
to be a ton of grass decks in this format, so it is not a huge
As for the type, it is Dark/Fighting which lets you take
advantage of dark energy and R energy. The attack is not great
but its not terrible but most people won't be playing this card
for the attack.
What makes this card really good is the Poke Body. Ten damage in
between turns may not sound like a lot, but it adds up quite
quickly. This is extremely devastating if you can get it out
very early game. The only problem with this is most decks in
this format are based on speed and will have most of their
Pokemon evolved quite early, making this power less effective.
Combos: Dark Tyranitar + Dark Amphorous + Ancient Technical
Machine Rock They evolve, they take damage, they don't evolve,
they take damage it also helps you deal with those decks that
abuse Rare Candy.
Unlimited: 3/5
Too many SER's to make this card extremely helpful, but a lot of
decks revolve around basic Pokemon, for example, Haymaker and
Modified: 3.8/5
Limited: 4/5 Hard to get out but a lot of the Pokemon in this
format are basics.
Drift None
We look at anouther in the long family
line of Tyranitar, they must have bad blood in thier family
...all so dark...and creepy...well maybe. This one looks a bit
better at first glance, lets take a deeper look and see if we
there is perhaps use here.
Dark Tyranitar - TRR - 20/109
Details: HP 120
Type: Fighting/Dark
Weakness: Grass
Resistance: N/A
Retreat: Three Colorless
Break down time!
PokeBody: Sand Damage
As long as Dark Tyranitar is your active Pokemon, put 1 damage
counter on each of your opponet's benched pokemon between turns.
You can't use more then 1 damage poke-body between turns.
Well This would certainly be annoying, Your only real defence
against it is going to take Dark Tyranitar down or somehow find
a way to stop the power from working, a few trainers may come in
handy against him but if you can't get anything out that damage
is going to add up quick and hurt you hard. This is a trait I
LOVE!!! to see, bench damage has always been something of my
favorite to play..
Second Strike:50+
Cost 1 fighting, 2 colorless
If the defending Pokemon already has at least 2 damage counters
on it, this attack does 50 plus 20 more damage.
Only one attack? Really not that great either. If this came out
during some of the neo sets it might have proved useful in a
deck or two in the current format though its not really going to
do alot.
Unlimted: I ran it through a few test ideas to see what would be
possible. Pair is with Fossil Aerodactly, DCE, and a few thing
of choice and your going to have something going. Dark Tyranitar
well take down any active while working the wittle guys on the
bench, Your deck well have weakness to grass though but I havent
seen to much of that played. Though, if your looking for bench
damage theres better ways to go.
Rating. 3/5
Mod: Not cutting it here. Having only one attack here hurts way
too much,
Rating: 1.5/5
Draft: Pick it up, and from the boosters i've got you may pick
up more then one as well. The poke-body is amazing for draft
being not many pokemon have high HP. The attack cost is low
enough to deal massive damage, if you can draw this line its
going to leave your opponet in a lose only situation when you
get it out and powered up.
Rating: 4.5/5
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