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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
August 12, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we are
reviewing a pair of cards from the new HS Undaunted set,
which together make up Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND. Very
few LEGENDs have seen much serious play since HGSS first
came out. Will this one be any different?
Let's first look at its basic stats. Rayquaza & Deoxys
are a LEGEND Colorless and Psychic Pokemon. 140 HP is
pretty good for any Pokemon, however keep in mind that
if your opponent knocks this one out, they'll get two
Prizes. Rayquaza & Deoxys are Weak to Psychic and
Colorless, making this the first card I can think of
that will effectively have a quadruple weakness to
itself, making mirror matches a matter of who strikes
first. No Resistance is unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost
of 3 is quite expensive but not surprising.
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND have a Poke-Body and an attack.
The Body, Alien Virus, states that whenever Rayquaza &
Deoxys knocks something out, you take an additional
Prize. Very useful in any context, and even better than
Salamence Lv. X's Double Fall because it can be easily
used multiple times. The Body should easily set off too
if you can get Rayquaza & Deoxys's massive attack
powered up. Ozone Buster does a whopping 150 damage
for...[RRLC]. I understand that the colorless Dragons
usually take multiple Energy types in the card game, but
I still find it strange that none of the types are
Psychic. Anyway, after using the attack, you must
discard all Fire Energy attached to Rayquaza & Deoxys.
However, this LEGEND can be easily powered up initially
with Legend Box (if you're lucky) and can subsequently
be powered through Typhlosion Prime, or even Magnezone
SF, so getting the ridiculous amount of Energy and
different requirements isn't as difficult as it is on
some other Pokemon.
Modified: 2.25/5 Someday we may eventually get enough
LEGEND support that this will be playable, but right now
it's probably a bit too slow to hang with the fast
hitters of the metagame. Even still, 150 damage and
taking additional Prizes are excellent attributes,
waiting to be exploited in the right deck. I suppose it
could be used with Entei & Raikou LEGEND for themed
deck, but again, this is probably far too slow.
Limited: 2/5 If you somehow get both pieces (which
probably won't happen), this is immediately a huge
threat to your opponent if you can power it up. Legend
Box is available in this set, but there is no easy way
to replenish the lost Energy once you attack. Still,
taking half of your Prizes from a single KO is nothing
to scoff at.
Combos With: Typhlosion Prime, Magnezone SF, Legend Box
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend (HS Undaunted)
Finally, the one you have all been waiting for!
The stats are 140 HP, psychic/colourless typing (which
is at odds with the attack costs and limits the support
available) followed by psychic/colourless weakness (can
you say mirror match?). Finally we have a retreat cost
of 3, so patch some Switches. Weird stats for any card,
and provides low survivability for this Legend, with a
number of OHKO opportunites for your opponent. Get
Exploud SV, Azelf Lv X and Manectric PT to provide cover
until you are ready to use the truly awesome attacks
which offset the stats of these cards, or card (should I
use the singular form or plural? Legends are so
confusing gramatically!)
Now that I've finished telling you the survivability
problems and possible counters, we can get to the
exciting part. R&D (I only just noticed how appropriate
that acronym is just now) has a Pokebody titled Space
Virus, which essentially let's you take an additional
prize whenever you use R&D to score a KO. The attack is
called Ozone Buster (why not go really nutty and call it
CFC?) and costs FFLC with a forced discard of all fire
energy attached to R&D, but the payoff is 150 damage.
Good enough for a KO on pretty much anything with an
Expert Belt and some Pluspower.
Now, the problem is powering this awesome attack to
steal extra prizes (which based on the short-lived but
exciting era of Salamence Lv X decks is a viable
strategy pretty much all the time) while keeping R&D
alive. Machamp is the main problem here, with no
protective Unown G anymore, while Dialga G can remove
the Space Virus effect to ruin your strategy (if you see
it, KILL IT!). Also, the weakness means plenty of
attackers and even some techs can do enough damage for a
OHKO or 2HKO on this expensive asset. I have already
pointed out how to remove weakness and provide bench
protection, while Expert Belt can up the HP. Use
Defender for damage reduction and Rayquaza LA to
retreive lost energy after an attack (you'll need Energy
Link tools for this) and then fill out with draw power
and stall-tanks (though Luxray GL would fit very nicely
here as well) . Try to build with Lightning or Fire
types to cover the attack costs although Azelf is a
Psychic type that fits well. I think that using G&K
Legend in Rain Dance decks will be better than Deoxys &
Rayquaza Legend, but I know many people will try to use
this card and I wish them the best of luck proving me
Finally, I really want to see a mirror match with decks
built around this card fro the 600 damage/3 prize
wipeout and the look of agony on the opponent's face.
Modified: 3 (so much potential, but such a glass cannon
mixed with a leaky strategy mean I can't call this
tournament level until someone takes out a National
tournament with it)
Limited: 5 (not because you'll be able to play it, but
simply because you were able to pull both halves! Or even
1 half, take what you can get!)
Combos with: Exploud SV/Azelf Lv X, Rayquaza LA, Legend
Box, ****loads of luck!