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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magcargo #6/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
August 31, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.90
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Magcargo (Unleashed)
This new Magcargo from Unleashed is a lot like
the old Magcargo EX, which I think actually saw some
play. However the game has moved on since those days:
Pokémon are now faster and more powerful, and it seems
like Magcargo is having difficulty keeping up (which is
what you would expect from a snail I suppose).
This incarnation comes with 100 HP (decent but not
great), a double Water Weakness (not bad as Water is
underplayed at the moment), and a not-so-nice Retreat
cost of three . . . time to look out those Warp Points!
It also comes with two attacks, both of which seem
overcosted and underpowered. The first, Searing Flame,
does 20 damage and inflicts a burn for [R][C]. The
damage is puny, and Status Conditions are not terribly
effective in a format full of free retreaters and
PokeTurns. Add another Fire Energy, though, and you can
use Lava Flow, which does 60 damage plus another 20 for
each Fire Energy that you choose to discard from
Magcargo. The good thing about this attack is that you
can tailor the damage according to the situation. Need
to KO a 70 HP Pokémon? The discard one Energy. Faced
with a Steelix Prime with Special Metal attached? Then
you might need to discard a couple of Fire to get the
KO. The massive downside is that it makes Magcargo
hugely Energy hungry and that 100 HP isn’t going to keep
it around for too long while you power it up. It really
needs some kind of Energy acceleration (preferably from
the discard pile) to stand any chance of working, so
Typhlosion Prime is a possible combo, but even then
there are better cards that can hit much harder (Charizard
AR comes to mind).
Sorry Magcargo, back in the binder with you.
Modified: 1.5 (Just not good enough these days)
Limited: 2.5 (it’s only a Stage 1 and it’s a low damage
Combos with
Typhlosion Prime
Heatran LV X
virusyosh |
Fire Pokemon are seriously uncommon in the new HS
Undaunted set. Aside from Flareon and the Magcargo line,
there really isn't much else. For today's COTD, we will
look at Magcargo.
Magcargo is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. Outside of the
random Charizard deck or Blaziken FB, Fire Pokemon are
extremely uncommon in the Modified metagame. This tends
to be for good reason, as Water decks are still very
popular, however you would think they would be played
more with the popularity of Jumpluff. 100 HP is very
good for a Stage 1, and is easily one of the high points
of the card. Unfortunately, Magcargo's good upper stats
are balanced by some atrocious lower ones: double Water
Weakness, no Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 3 are all
pretty bad.
Magcargo is a fairly straightforward Pokemon, only have
two two attacks. The first, Searing Flame, deals 20
damage and automatically burns for [RC]. While the
automatic burn is nice, I still can't help but this that
this attack costs too much for what it does. The second
attack, Lava Flow, costs [RRC] and does 60 damage plus
20 more damage for each [R] you choose to discard from
Magcargo. The ability to choose how much to discard is
really nice, however most discarding attacks of this
nature don't really work efficiently in competitive
play, and cause you to give up precious resources in
Limited. I guess it could theoretically work with
Typhlosion Prime to get the discarded Energy back, but
if you are going with that kind of strategy, it will
probably be better to stick with Charizard.
Modified: 1.75/5 It has good HP for a Stage 1, and
that's about it. Bad typing and underwhelming attacks
make Magcargo a pretty poor choice for the Modified
format. If you really want to use a Fire type, use
Limited: 2.25/5 High HP is good, and Lava Flow has
decent damage output if you can deal with the discard.
However, Fire is so rare in Undaunted that it may be
hard to build a deck with sufficient Energy to make
using Lava Flow worthwhile. Still a decent choice if you
can get the support to back it up, though.
Combos with: Typhlosion Prime |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Magcargo (HS Undaunted)
This is an almost playable version of the fiery snail we
all know and... don't particularly care about.
Magcargo has 100 HP (nice), water weakness and a retreat
cost of 3 (I know snails are slow, but this still
sucks). Fire typing allows the obvious combo with
NinePhlosion, a bonus that stops this Magcargo being
just one more piece of set filler, probably for the
first and only time since the other Magcargo in the Ex
series that allowed you to search your deck for
any 1 card and put it on top of your deck.
Magcargo also gets a boost form the Slugma in the set,
which has a power allowing you to discard the top card
of your deck and attach it to Slugma if it turns out to
be a R energy (any other card satys in the discard
pile). Admittedly this is risky, but every little bit
The attacks are where Magcargo falls short, as it
usually does. Searing Flame is an old standard from Ex
onwards, and this reiteration deals 20 damage with
auto-Burn for RC. Nothing special, and not fast enough
to be worth the cost (dropping the C from the cost, even
for less damage, would be more usable). Lava Flow is
where things get interesting, with a cost of RRC giving
60 base damage. The option is to discrad a number of R
energy from Magcargo, dealing 20 bonus damage for each
discard. With Typhlosion the damage can quickly stack
up, but the maths shows that this just isn't anywhere
near as good as the other fire attackers out there which
can get higher damage with fewer discards.
This card isn't tournament level, but it is a great card
for teaching newbies about how to invest their energy
with energy acceleration and discarding attacks.
Modified: 2.5 (the HP is nice and the newbies need
something to start them off)
Limited: 3 (if you get a lot of Slugma and/or Flareon,
it can be used)
Combos with: practice decks for newbies