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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Crobat Prime #84/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 16, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Crobat Prime (Unleashed)
Now this is a card that has got a LOT of hype. Until
very recently though, all I had seen people make of it
were bad decks that were easily countered and wouldn’t
stand a chance in today’s metagame. Now one or two
possibilities have started to emerge and I may have to
revise my opinion a little. But let’s take a look at the
card and see what is both good and bad about it.
First of all the good stuff.
Crobat has 130 HP, which is pretty much the norm for
Stage 2 Pokémon, but given that Crobats tend to be
weaker than average in this respect, it’s nice to see.
Resistance to Fighting is good to have, making Crobat a
tough KO for cards like Donphan and Machamp. It also has
free Retreat which is great as it means you don’t have
to worry about wasting Energy or packing your deck with
switching cards. Best of all it has fast, cheap attacks,
both costing only the one Psychic Energy. This means you
are free to run a low Energy count (more space for techs
and trainers) and can attack very quickly (hopefully on
your first Trainer turn).
The attacks themselves aren’t too bad either. Severe
Poison will auto poison the Defending Pokémon and put
FOUR damage counters on it between turns. That’s a
pretty nice effect, netting you at least 40 damage for
one Energy and putting your opponent under pressure to
retreat or heal their active Pokémon immediately.
Crobat’s second attack, Skill Dive, has good Synergy
with Severe Poison too, as it offers a cheap snipe for
30. Useful for finishing off retreated Pokémon that have
taken enough Poison damage to put them in range of a KO.
Now let’s look at the bad . . .
- Unown G prevents the Poison effect (as do Steelix
Prime and Toxicroak G with their Body)
- Crobat is an easy OHKO for Luxray thanks to Lightning
- Free Retreat Pokémon are very common
- Poison can also be removed very easily by Evolving/Levelling
Up/Super Scoop Up/Poke Turn
- Nidoqueen RR will heal some of the poison damage, and
Garchomp C LV X will remove it altogether with its
Healing Breath Power
- Crobat cannot OHKO anything (except Hoppips and
Magikarps). The best decks can OHKO almost every turn.
- Crobat struggles to KO high HP Pokémon that can switch
easily, either because they retreat for free, or they
abuse Flygon RR’s or Metagross UL’s Body.
Those are some pretty serious drawbacks, but do they
make Crobat completely unplayable? Hmmmm . . . I think
that it definitely needs a cast of supporting Pokémon –
something to make it harder for your opponent to Retreat
and something that can snipe for more damage than Crobat
itself is able to (those are hints btw). It will also
benefit from Unown G being rotated out in September.
Crobat Prime certainly doesn’t deserve all the hype it
gets, but it doesn’t deserve to be forgotten about
Modified: 2.75 (has as many problems as it does
Limited: 3.25 (good, but it’s a Stage 2)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo! Today we are reviewing the last
Prime in Unleashed that we had skipped over before, and
this one had a bit of hype before the set's release.
Today's Card of the Day is Crobat Prime.
Crobat Prime is a Stage 2 Psychic Pokemon. 130 HP is
just about standard for a Stage 2, and should allow
Crobat to take a few hits. Double Weakness to Lightning
is terrible, as Luxray will have lots of fun KOing this
quickly. Fighting Resistance is definitely welcome, even
if there aren't that many Fighting types currently
seeing play. Finally, a free retreat cost is the best
kind, allowing Crobat to retreat pretty much whenever it
wants. Crobat Prime has two attacks, both for the
bargain price of a single Psychic Energy. The first,
Severe Poison, doesn't deal any damage, but instead
Poisons the Defending Pokemon. However, instead of 1
damage counter being placed between turns, a whopping 4
are placed instead! Not many Pokemon can handle the
pressure of taking 40 damage in between turns in
addition to normal attacks, and most will fall after 2
or 3 in between turn placements. However, there are
quite a few ways to get around Poison, as there are with
any other type of Special Condition, such as evolving,
retreating or Super Scoop Up, to name a few. However,
many common decks only run a few Switches and Warp
Points to go with their attackers with huge Retreat
Costs (with a few notable exceptions), many things won't
like being hit by this attack. Severe Poison works
really well with Gengar Lv. X, provided that your
opponent retreats, as Compound Pain will probably be
able to pick off a few of your opponent's Pokemon.
Additionally, Crobat may work with Gliscor Lv. X, in a
deck based around Special Conditions.
The second attack, Skill Dive, allows you to snipe any
one of your opponent's Pokemon for 30 damage. This would
allow you to pick of a weakened opponent that has
retreated after Severe Poison, and still works nicely
for the cost.
Modified: 3.5/5 Crobat Prime definitely has some
potential, even though Special Conditions are generally
thought of as being a waste of time. 4 damage counters
for Poison is nothing to scoff at, especially if you are
up against something with a huge retreat cost like
Dialga G or Gyarados and your opponent doesn't have any
Super Scoop Ups, Switches, Warp Points, or PokeTurns
handy. However, not all is good for Crobat: Lightning
weakness really brings it down, as Luxray can easily
OHKO it with a little help from Crobat G. Still, if you
want to try something a little different, Crobat Prime
could definitely be worth it.
Limited: 4/5 While not perfect for being a Stage 2, the
high HP, cheap attacks, and free retreat make Crobat
Prime and excellent choice here. Severe Poison is also
REALLY problematic here, as most Pokemon don't have an
easy way of retreating. If you get it out, you'll
probably win, and fast. Combos with: Gliscor Lv. X,
Gengar Lv. X |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Crobat Prime (HS Unleashed)
Hello, I'm back with the review for the right pokemon
this time!
Crobat gets 130 HP (great compared to other Crobats,
a healthy average compared to other Stage 2 Pokemon)
with Lightning weakness, Fighting resistance and free
retreat. Nice stats, though Luxray and Lanturn will give
you trouble.
Now the fun part. Crobat comes with 2 attacks, both
of which cost P. As it stands currently, Crobat G could
be fully powered on the first turn you can play
trainers, which gives you a lot of options for how to
start your attack, going for a snipe or damage over time
against the active.
Severe Poison is the first attack, and cauases an
auto-poison that deals 4 damage counters in between
turns. This damage could stack very quickly, and will do
very nasty things to your oppoent if you can somehow
stop them removing the effect. Sadly, that is the
problem with Special Conditions: far too easily removed
or avoided all together. Still, it is possible to get
this out on your first turn (if you go second) which
would give your opponent very little reaction time
before they lose their Active, and later on it will
still annoy your opponent and put time pressures on
them. Even better, with the right timing you can cause a
KO at the end of your opponent's turn, forcing them to
put up a sacrificial lamb and give you the first hit.
Poison is the strongest of the Special Conditions we
have, and against the right target it can prove very
effective in setting up a later KO with a cheap snipe.
Skill Dive is one of those cheap snipe attacks.
Dealing 30 damage to any one pokemon, it can help set up
for a later KO against an attacker being built on the
bench or for going after the one that got away from the
Sadly, the reason that Crobat has been so heavily
hyped is also the reason that he won't see widespread
play: it's a big pokemon that is great at early
harrassment. The cost of getting Crobat out can
generally be better spent on quickly building the main
attacker or an important tech (read: Nidoqueen and
Flygon). Crobat is excellent at doing what it is
designed for, but there aren't currently any decks that
require a Stage 2 light sniper with heavy poison damage.
If a deck build that focuses on Poison becomes viable
(the way Blaziken PT/Blaziken FB focus on Burn), then
Crobat will definitely be the mainstay. Until then,
you'll only see Crobat in rogue decks that specifically
aim to frustrate the opponent, rather than actually win
the game. On a side note, I happen to very much believe
that it isn't whether you win or lose, it's how much you
(censored) off you opponent that matters! *insane
Modified: 3 (does what it is made for very well, but
not many deck opening available to the big bat)
Limited: 4.75 (Plenty of Psychic, Rare Candy and less
Poison stoppers. Go nuts!)
Combos with: Gliscor Promo (Bind Eye Pokebody),
Toxicroak G (non-promo)