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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Steelix #24/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 22, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.30
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Steelix (Unleashed)
We reviewed Steelix Prime a few weeks ago and it
turned out to be a potentially good tank with a few
obvious weaknesses. Today it is the turn of the normal
version, so you would expect it to be not as good as the
Prime . . . and you would be absolutely correct to do
It has 120 HP, which is good for a Stage 1 (but 20 less
than the Prime), a useful Psychic Resistance, a nasty
Retreat cost of four, and a double Fire Weakness. Until
recently I would have said that Fire is possible one of
the better Weaknesses to have, but Entei Raikou Legend
has been creeping into decks (often as a tech),
and that would spell doom for any Steelix. Being a Metal
type is excellent as always, giving you access to the
protection of Special Metal Energy.
It won’t shock anyone who knows the TCG to learn that
Steelix is lumbered with two very expensive attacks. The
first, Guard Press, costs [M][C][C] and does a pitiful
40 damage. Yes, it does reduce the damage Steelix takes
by 20 next turn, but it is so slow and does so little
damage that it probably won’t make much difference to
its chances of survival. Add another Metal Energy to the
cost, and you can use Steel Swing. This is a flippy
attack where you flip two coins and do 80 damage for
each heads. Yep, 160 for four Energy is good, but 80 for
four is not . . . and as for 0 for four . . . well that
probably just cost you the game.
Really, this card is pretty pointless. If you want to
use Steelix, stick with the Prime and avoid this one
like the plague. It’s slow and it’s flippy and those are
very bad things for a card to be.
Modified: 1.25 (No reason whatsoever to use this)
Limited: 2 (it can stall a bit and you might get lucky)
Combos with . . .
Time to dig out that binder graphic again. (Pojo Note:
Okie Dokie)
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing
Steelix from the HS Unleashed set.
Steelix is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon. Metal is a pretty
good type to be, as the types they are commonly weak to
aren't seen very often and Metal Pokemon can be given
damage reduction through Special Metal Energy. 120 HP is
excellent for a Stage 1, allowing Steelix to take a few
hits, especially with the help of Special Metals. Double
Fire Weakness is decent, as there aren't very many Fire
Pokemon seen in Modified except for Blaziken FB and the
random Charizard/Typhlosion/Ninetales combo. Psychic
Resistance is great. A Retreat Cost of 4 is absolutely
terrible, so use Switch or Warp Point if you wish to
Steelix's first attack, Guard Press, deals 40 damage for
[MCC] and gives Steelix a nice damage reduction of 20
during your opponent's next turn. This attack works
perfectly with Special Metal Energy, allowing for even
further damage reduction and increases Steelix's overall
survivability. The damage output is a little low,
however. The second attack, Steel Swing, costs a hefty
[MMCC] and is a coin flip attack, flipping twice and
dealing a massive 80 damage times the number of heads.
Although 160 damage for 4 energy sounds pretty good,
most of the time you'll average 80 for 4, and
occasionally you'll get no damage. Hence, this attack is
too unreliable to use as your main form of assault.
Modified: 1.5/5 Steelix might work with Special Metal
Energy as a tank, but tanking is not usually the best
idea in this metagame, and you are probably better off
using either Dialga G or Steelix Prime in this regard.
Limited: 2.5/5 Steelix could be a force here. High HP
for a Stage 1, mostly Colorless Energy requirements, and
the possibility of damage reduction make Steelix a
decent pick here. The only problems are that it's a bit
slow, has a huge retreat cost, and there aren't many
other Metal things in the set to work with it.

Otaku |
Today we look at the “other” new
Steelix from HS – Unleashed.
How does it stack up to its Prime
Poorly, I am afraid.
120 HP is still good for a Stage 1 and
in character for
The double Fire Weakness isn’t
the worst Weakness to have right now but
you’ll have to remember that unlike most
other types, they’ll be able to OHKO
Steelix without a good combo.
I am happy to see Psychic
It may only be -20 damage (I miss
-30) but especially when combined with
Steelix nature as a Metal Type
Pokémon and inherent ability to reduce
damage via the Special Energy version of
Metal Energy you’ll be able to shrug
off most small hits.
Unfortunately Psychic Pokémon are
one of the types that specialize in
disruptive Special Conditions and tricks
like damage counter placement that will
bypass these safeguards.
The four Energy Retreat Cost is
in character but should never be paid:
design your deck with something to get
this out of the Active Slot or be able
to let it go down swinging.
This is another Stage 1 Pokémon that has
to rely on just two attacks to get by,
and to be blunt they won’t do it.
The budget attack still has a
massive three Energy requirement, though
at least only one of the first attack’s
Energy has to be Metal, so you could
drop one
Metal Energy and a
Double Colorless Energy to pay for
That is still too slow,
especially for what you get: 40 damage
and reduce damage by 20 after applying
Weakness and Resistance.
Either the damage done or reduced
needs to be a lot higher or the Energy
going into it needs to be less, maybe
all three.
The next attack is a little better, but
only just: for a massive four Energy
investment, two of which need to be
Metal, you get to flip 2 coins and hit
the Defending Pokémon for 80 damage per
Roughly one in four times that
will actually be a great attack, but
half the time it’s a bit low and the
remaining fourth it’s going to do
So in short, it’s too slow and too weak,
unless it is Limited where the ability
to soak small amounts of damage might
actually make it a good pick.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Steelix (HS Unleashed)
Here we have another non-Prime clone who got suckered
with horrible attacks. We don't expect brilliance when
compared to the Primes, but do the normal versions have
to be this terrible?
Steelix packs a healthy 120 HP, which is balanced out by
the horrifice retreat cost of 4. Fire weakness is
normale and not particularly alarming, but Psychic
resistance is awesome. Being able to use Metal Energy
adds even more to the survivability of Steelix. I must
say, the decision to move Poison Pokemon from the Grass
element into the Psychc element is one of the best
recent game changes the organisers have made, thankyou
very much for that!
Good stats unfortunately don't make a card playable on
their own, so now we check out the attacks. Guard Press
is the first, and deals 40 damage with 20 less damage
being received by Steelix during the next turn. Sadly,
the cost of MCC makes this attack mostly unplayable and
the defence effect can be negated by the loved and
loathed Luxray GL. While this attack gives even more
survivability to Steelix (taking the maximum possible
damage reduction to 80 damage if you include resistance,
100 with Buffer Piece) you won't get much of a chance to
use it and it can be counteracted far too eaisly.
Steel wing is a bizarre choice of attack for Steelix
(considering the lack of wings or any other limbs aside
from a tail) and is just as disappointing as Guard
Press. For MMCC, you flip 2 coins and deal 80 damage per
heads. Flippy = Unplayable, so Steelix get canned.
All in all, this tank could have been brilliant if each
of the attacks cost 1 less M energy and the flip was
removed to just deal 80 vanilla damage. Or even if only
Guard Press was cheaper and Steel Wing did 70-90 with
2-3 damage counters removed. But it just isn't meant to
be, so I will mourn the loss of another great chance at
a playable Steel Pokemon and keep this in the memorial
Modified: 2 (and that is only because I like Metal
element Pokemon)
Limited: 1.5 (No Special energy, no tanking. No tanking,
no game!)
Combos with: Magnezone SF (either one, both have nice