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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Floatzel #16/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 8, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Floatzel (Unleashed)
So . . . today we look at Floatzel UL, another Stage 1
with 80 HP and the dreaded Lightning Weakness. He is a
free Retreater though, and that’s always nice to have on
a Pokémon.
Another nice thing to have is a Pokémon Power, and
Floatzel has one which is actually pretty good. With
Water Acceleration, you get to attach an extra Water
Energy once per turn to Floatzel. Now any Power which
allows you to break the once per turn attachment rule is
definitely worth a second look. The trouble with
Floatzel’s Power though is that it only permits
attachment to Floatzel itself. Sure, this could
speed up Floatzel as an attacker, but would you really
want to do that?
Well, no, not really. Floatzel’s only attack is
Waterfall, a vanilla 60 for [W][W][C] attack. Because of
the two Water Energy in its cost, you can’t even power
it up in one turn with a DCE and its Power, so what you
are left with is an attack which is still slow and
pretty poor value in this environment.
So, is Water Acceleration wasted on Floatzel? Well,
maybe not . . . if, say, there was a Pokémon that could
move the Energy off Floatzel on to something more
useful, then you might have a decent combo going.
Luckily there is such a Pokémon – Blastoise UL – which
can use its Wash Out Power to shift a Water from a
Benched Pokémon to itself. By doing this, Blastoise can
cope with its very high cost and the fact that its
attack bounces Energy back to the hand.
So, what we have here is an alternative to Feraligatr
Prime in a Blastoise Raindance deck. Is it a good
alternative? Well, Floatzel does have the advantage of
being a Stage 1, but it is also cursed with a bad
Weakness, low HP, and an increased vulnerability to
Power lock. On the whole, despite the slight speed
advantage, I prefer the Gatr as being a more solid
Pokémon that can function as a decent back up attacker.
If you are building a deck with Blastoise, though, there
is no harm in doing some playtesting with Floatzel to
see if it works out for you.
Modified: 2.25 (potentially useful Feraligatr lite)
Limited: 2.75 (not a terrible attacker here)
virusyosh |
Welcome back everybody to Pojo's Pokemon Card of the
Day. Today we are reviewing Floatzel from the HS
Unleashed expansion.
Floatzel is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Being a Water
Pokemon is pretty nice right now, as there is plenty of
support with Feraligatr Prime, as Gyarados and Kingdra
decks being commonly played. 80 HP, like yesterday, is
standard for a Stage 1, although it is a bit low to keep
alive in today's metagame. Double Weakness to Lightning
is quite bad, no Resistance is unfortunate, and no
Retreat Cost is excellent.
Floatzel has a Poke-Power and an attack. The Power,
Water Acceleration, allows you to attach a Water Energy
to Floatzel once per turn, but only if it isn't affected
by a Special Condition. This power is really just a less
powerful version of Feraligatr Prime's Rain Dance, since
it is only once per turn and the Energy can only be
attached to Floatzel. This is a significant loss, as one
of Rain Dance's major strengths is that the Water Energy
can be distributed quickly and throughout as many
Pokemon as you need, powering them up as you see fit.
Water Acceleration, in contrast, will only really be
used once or twice, speeding up the time it takes for
Floatzel to use Waterfall. Unfortunately, Waterfall does
a vanilla 60 damage for [WWC]. Since the attack is
nothing spectacular, this would make one think that
Floatzel would generally be most useful as a support
Pokemon. However, because Floatzel's Power generally
only helps itself, there are better options available
that suit the needs of many decks better (and more
Modified: 1/5 Lightning Weakness, Stage 1, and is
outclassed by Feraligatr Prime in almost every way. If
you want a quick way to get Energy on your Water Pokemon,
use Feraligatr. Alternatively, if you really want to run
a Floatzel for some reason, use Floatzel GL Lv. X.
Limited: 3/5 The acceleration can be really great here,
as outspeeding your opponent is everything in Limited.
Free retreat means that Floatzel might actually stick
around for an attack or two, as well. |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Floatzel (HS Unleashed)
Floatzel is a pokemon I
hate to see used against me (bad experience in the
prerelease) so I will proceed to vent my spleen.
First, Floatzel has
mediocre stats. Just like Fearow yesterday, Floatzel is
a non-evolving Stage 1 with 80 HP and Lighning weakness.
There is no resistance, but the retreat is free so it
evens out.
Now, Floatzel has a power,
Water Acceleration, and an attack, Waterfall. First, the
power allows you to attach a W energy from your hand to
Floatzel once per turn, which is okay but not brilliant.
Feraligatr Prime is obviously much better for Water
decks, and there are several other forms of energy
acceleration that let you choose which Pokemon to attach
the energy to.
Waterfall is nice, giving a
vanilla 60 damage for WWC. The damage could be higher,
but as an attack for a tech this is really quite
The problem is that
Floatzel is a lousy tech in the metagame. If you want to
use Blastoise HSU and don't have Feraligatr then
Floatzel does an okay job, but it has no other place in
a deck. The combo I just stated works well in Limited
Modified: 2.5 (not bad, but
the other options are so much better you'll never touch
Limited: 4 (good for
hitting quickly, even better if you play Blastoise at
the prerelease)
Combos with: Blastoise HSU