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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sage's Training
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
September 21, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Sage’s Training
Sage’s Training sound like some mystical martial arts
ordeal that you have to go through to get special
abilities. A bit like Po in Kung Fu Panda. That’s
all well and good, but will it give you what you need to
win a game of Pokémon, hmmmmm?
Well, it’s a Supporter, and you only get to play one of
those per turn, so it had better be good. As with most
Supporters, the effect is fairly simple: you get to look
at the top five cards of your deck, choose 2 and discard
the rest.
Being able to dig through five cards is great. Other
draw Supporters (like Professor Oak’s Visit) tend to
give you the top three cards at most. Engineer’s
Adjustments draws four, but at the cost of an Energy
discard. The cost with Sage’s Training can be pretty
high too: discarding three cards could be costly, and
won’t always be an easy decision, especially if you
don’t hit want you want.
In fact, if you are trying to dig for a specific,
unsearchable card, the almost unplayed Cynthia’s
Guidance is slightly more useful as that gives you one
from seven AND you get to shuffle the others back in. As
for straight draw, I’d probably stick with safer options
like Uxie, or hand refresh cards like Professor Oak’s
New Theory. I could maybe see this working in a really
niche deck – such as an insane turbo Legend deck with
Legend Box that needs to thin itself as fast as
possible. It might even be worth a go in a Garchomp LV X
based deck, discarding Pokémon and Energy to get back
with Restore.
Those are pretty way out examples though. For more
conventional decks, stick with the more conventional
Supporter line up of Bebe’s, Collectors, etc.
Modified: 2 (not worth it, unless you are playing
something really weird that can make use of its
Limited: 4 (no problem discarding the rubbish cards
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Sage's Training (HS Undaunted)
Sorry I have been out of comission, I will catch up on
the reviews I have missed and plan on really big reviews
for Vileplume and Heatran Lv X, I hope you find that
they were worth the wait. More reviews later in the
I have mixed feelings about this card. It can be
brutally effective in the right situation, but those
situations are so rare.
What we have here today is a Supporter that allows you
to look at the top 5 cards of your deck, then choose 2
of those cards to put into your hand. The tradeoff is
discarding the 3 other cards you find, which will be a
real pain if you find 3 cards you really need and end up
sacrificing 1 or more to the discard (Rare Candy and
Special energy immediately spring to mind as worst case
The comparison to the failed Cynthia's Guidance is
obvious, and the discard penalty makes me think that
this card is beyond terrible, especially as it uses up
your Supporter use for the turn. The only redeeming
light I can see is in fact, the discard effect. Witht
the loss of Felicity's Drawing, Gyarados decks have
taken a major hit. This card could be used to get those
Magikarp into the discard, along with any other cards
that need to be discarded from the deck. Sadly,
the remaining problem is that this card relies on
topdecking, rather then Felicity which discarded from
the hand. Maybe in conjunction with Slowking HGSS and/or
Chatot G, that problem could be overcome but it is a lot
cards for a Gyarados deck to invest.
Also, Sage faces competition form Engineer's
Adjustments, which discards an energy to draw 4 cards,
which is a considerable boost to decks like NinePhlosion
and ShayMega that thrive on discrarded energy. For
energy acceleration, the Engineer wins hands down.
Possibly, including Bannette PT alongside the Sage would
handle all of your discarding needs (with the added
bonus of Bannette's low energy attacks, especially if
you use Broken Time Space and Memory Berry to access
Shuppet PT's Fade Out attack) in any future decks that
depend on certain cards being in the discard pile. Only
time will tell, but I don't expect to see this card at
tournaments (since Bannette would probably do a better
job on it's own, save your Supporter use for something
more certain).
Modified: 2.5 (great for the gamblers, but gamblers
generally don't make the top end of the player spectrum.
Use it if you still love Gyarados and don't have
Bannette PT)
Limited: 3 (discards probably won't kill you here with
all of the deck filler, so the limited search/draw is
better than nothing)
Combos with: Gyarados SF
Today we look at
Sage’s Training.
This is a Supporter which is
allows it to be more potent than a
Trainer but at the normal Supporter cost
of being limited to a single Supporter
usage on your turn.
Given the amount of strong
Trainer denial in the current Modified
Format, this is for the best.
The effect of
Sage’s Training you look at the top
five cards of your deck, choose any two
of them to add to your hand, and then
discard the rest.
So, why use this over a straight draw
card that usually clocks in at three or
four cards added to your hand?
After using it, you’re only up
one card over where you started: that’s
Bill or
Mom’s Kindness level.
The benefit comes from higher
quality, deck thinning, and card
In a game like
Yu-Gi-Oh, this is huge.
In Pokémon, it has been at
various times.
Ideally, you’ll add two cards to
hand that you want there, and three
cards to your discard pile you want
It becomes win-win.
Worst case scenario is that you
pick up five or your best cards… that
you just can’t make use of right now.
With a well made deck, is that
even likely?
I guess a draw of five Supporters
is possible, but highly unlikely.
There are other unpleasant
scenarios, like getting your five least
useful cards but as long as a few can be
used for something that turn, you’re
still coming out ahead.
Last format we saw an emphasis on
improving your hand via direct search or
shuffle-and-draw Supporters, so that is
how I tend to think this format as well.
might turn people off to this card,
since it is closer to straight draw than
Its real use is for decks that
need something in the discard,
anyway, so most players won’t be running
It is especially useful if you
have a card that needs a Pokémon in the
discard pile, since there aren’t a lot
of ways besides being Knocked Out to
accomplish that.
I’d like to comment that the art looks
pretty good to me, and more important
makes sense with the effect.
The picture looks like a monk of
some Eastern religion/philosophy (I am
not certain which), and the life and
training of a monk seems to reflect this
That is to say, the life of a
monk will often utilize
self-denial/sacrifice to attain
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. I usually add new stuff on
Wednesdays and Saturdays. I just
added almost 30 Game Boy Advance games
this last Saturday!
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no
way responsible for any transactions and
was merely kind enough to let me mention
the auctions here. ;)