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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Vibrava Lv. 36
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
April 7, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.33
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Rising Rivals)
Most of the
time, the best you can hope from an evolving Stage 1 is
that it won’t be a liability. Sometimes you get
lucky and find one with some minor synergy with the
Stage 2. Vibrava is almost
unique in that it can be a great mid/late-game attacker
in its own right.
Although it has virtually
disappeared from the tournament scene,
Flygon was once a top tier
deck. One of the many weapons it had up its sleeve was
this card. It might have mediocre HP, a worthless second
attack, and meh stats all
round, but what it does have is Energy Typhoon.
For the low, low cost of a single
Colourless Energy, Energy Typhoon will do
20 damage for each Energy card in
your opponent’s discard pile. Early game, this is
weak. Later on, when your opponent has five or more
Energy in there (which they will unless they are playing
Gyarados), it’s amazing. Who
doesn’t want a Stage 1 that can do
100+ damage for one Energy? With Broken
Time-Space or Rare Candy, this thing could set up in a
turn and get a surprise one-shot KO when your opponent
was certain that you didn’t have the resources to get
out the Stage 2. Sure, it didn’t feature in every game,
but the fact that it was there if you needed it was
great. I’ve even seen it used as a 1-1 tech line in
decks that played no Flygon
at all.
Against Colourless-weak Pokémon,
against decks which run a lot of Energy . . . this card
was shock and awe.
Modified: 3.5 (The best evolving
Stage 1 I have ever seen)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Vibrava (Rising Rivals)
Here we have the Stage 1 that made this week's list of
useful evolving Poke'mon. vibrava is one of those
incredibly rare evolving Stage 1 Poke'mon that are worth
using, as opposed to skipping the stage with Rare Candy.
Vibrava is a Colourless type Stage 1 with 70 HP, +20
Colourless weakness, Lightning resistance, a retreat
cost of 1 and 2 attacks. The HP is the main problem with
Vibrava's stats, as 70 HP just isn't enough to survive a
serious hit and at the point of the game where you will
be evolving Vibrava you need that ability to take a
punch. The resistance is good against Luxray GL but the
weakness is a liability with a lot of Colourless techs
seeing play. The retreat is manageable but it is better
to evolve first.
Quick Attack is the absolutely tErrible second attack.
For [c][c] you deal 20 damge with an extra 20 for
flipping Heads, which is terrible value even with a
rigged coin. Quite simply whenever you see the words
"Quick Attack" next to more than one energy symbol, you
know that the design team are just filling space. It's
okay as a cheap first attack if it has solid backup, but
otherwise it ruins the card.
The main reason to keep Vibrava in play is its first
attack. Energy Typhoon is a much better offering which
costs [c] and shuffles all energy in your opponent's
discard pile into their deck (that includes Special
Energy, which cannot be recycled any other way in the
current game [with the exception of Special Metal
Energy]). In retrun fro your extreme generosity in
returning the energy, you deal 20 damage per energy card
to the Defending Poke'mon. With Vibrava's Colourless
typing, it becomes a very effective counter to Garchomp
C. Sadly, Double Colourless Energy only counts as one
card but the damage still stack up quite quickly with
Garchomp causing discards left, right and centre.
Energy-heavy decks like Rain Dance, CharPhlosion and
Magnezone can also be made to suffer with the
possibility of massive damage, provided you time it
However, as I mentioned above Vibrava has terrible HP so
attacking directly with Energy Typhoon should only be a
last resort/revenge KO. You are far better off using a
Memory Berry and Flygon Lv X, especially since you can
cause a lot of discards with that lovely Poke-body. This
method isn't worth anything against Gengar and Dusknoir
though, as the damage is absorbed by the resistance and
those decks typically run low energy counts (though the
discard from still hurts).
Vibrava RR is the only legal Vibrava we have right now
but it is still great, and both the evolution and the Lv
X are worth playing in a variety of decks.
Modified: 4 (Mostly you will want to skip straight to
Flygon due to the HP, but the attack can be a lifesaver
in the right circumstances)
Limited: 3 (Flygon RR is even more awesome in Limited,
but even without the evolution Vibrava can make Energy
Typhoon work due to the energy discards from retreating
and Volkner's Philosophy)
Combos with: Flygon RR (I know, it's stating the
blindingly obvious but we have to do it)
conical |
4/7/11: Vibrava(Rising Rivals)
What is with the Flygon line having such good basics and
Stage 1s? Trapinch SW isn't being reviewed, since it's
out of the format, but it was a critical part of
Flygon's strategy at one point.
So instead, we have Vibrava RR, a pretty good card in
its own right. Energy Typhoon is the primary weapon
here, dealing tons of damage once to any opponent with
lots of energy in the discard pile. Originally, this was
a great Kingdra counter, as Kingdra generally had lots
of energy after using Dragon Pump multiple times.
Nowadays, Kingdra isn't played much, meaning that
Vibrava isn't as good. It could still potentially deal
some heavy damage against a Charizard deck, or maybe a
LostGar deck based on energy acceleration via Mismagius
UL/Jirachi UL, but otherwise, its uses are very limited.
Still, it's a decent evolving Stage 1, and the one you
should use for any Flygon deck(assuming these still
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 3.5/5