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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Watchdog #79
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
August 30, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
79/98 (Emerging Powers)
No Pokémon generation is complete without its rat/ferret
type thing that you encounter far too much at the start
of the video games. This is the role played by
Watchog in Generation V.
They are rarely much good in either the game or the TCG
(though Furret SW was
awesome for a while).
At least this Watchog is . .
. interesting. It needs to be as well. A Stage 1 with 90
HP and a Fighting Weakness would have to have some
spectacular Ability or attack (like
Cinccino BW’s Do the Wave) to be worthy of
What you actually get with this card are two attacks.
The first, Watcheck only
costs a single Energy and lets you look at, and
re-arrange, the top five cards of your opponent’s deck.
Is this useful? Well, it could be if you are using some
kind of hand disruption strategy and looking for a way
of preventing your opponent from top decking their way
out of trouble. Is it worth an attack though?
Emphatically not. Not when
you have Slowking HGSS/CL,
which can do the same thing to the top three cards with
a PokePower, and also gives
the option of using it to fix your own top deck.
second attack, Quick Tail Smash, costs
two Colourless Energy and
does a pathetic 20 damage . . . but . . . you can choose
to flip a coin. Get heads and you will do 80, hit tails
and the attack does nothing. Obviously, if you play
Watchog you will likely want
to take the risk, but should you even be playing
Watchog in the first place?
Nah. There’s no reason to in
Modified. If you want a Colourless attacker use
Cinccino. If you want deck
manipulation, choose Slowking.
This card really shouldn’t see any competitive play.
Modified: 1.75 (slightly more interesting than most of
the rat/ferret things, but still not good)
Limited: 3.5 (yeah, both attacks work extremely well
here, and being Colourless is a real plus)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Watchog (Emerging Powers)
It's another beautiful day here on the Internet! The sun
is shining, the connection is strong and we have another
much awaited review for you!
Okay, so Watchog hasn't gotten anyone excited and
probably never will but I must say that this version is
miles ahead of the last release (having two Tails-fails
attacks and mediocre damage is absolutely unforgivable).
Watchog is a Colourless type non-evolving Stage 1 with
90 HP, Fighting weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and two
As far as survivability goes the HP is enough to survive
a cheap hit but heavy hitters and Fighting types will
bulldoze through and start looking around for the real
opposition. The retreat cost is cheap enough but I doubt
it will matter much except in Limited (Poke'mon Ctahcer
is performing as advertised). Overall, for a timid
meerkat-like Poke'mon the stats fit the theme even if
they are nothing to celebrate.
Being a Colourless type, Watchog can use any energy type
you can run support for and also benefits from Double
Colourless Energy, so with the bonus of being a Stage 1
(a smaller sacrifice of deck space) you can expect to
tech in Watchog pretty easily if it has any attacks
worth using.
Sadly, Watchog is going to be trapped in the binder for
a long time to come. The first attack is Watcheck, which
costs [c] and allows you to reorganise the top 5 cards
of your opponent's deck. While this could be extremely
useful if you are locking/destroying your opponent's
hand (via cards like Judge, Vileplume UD and Weavile UD)
and forcing them to rely on lucky top draws, the
existing competition makes Watchog obsolete. Slowking
HGSS has slightly weaker stats and only affects the top
3 cards of your opponent's deck, but that effect is
achieved with a Poke-power so your attack is free to
create greater mayhem.
If new hand control cards are released in the B&W Block
then Watchog may have a place after HS Undaunted is
rotated out (that set has pretty much defined modern
hand disruption). Until then this attack rocks in
Limited (only Cheren, Bianca or Great Ball will allow
your opponent to get through the crud you put on top of
their deck) but will fall comPletely flat in Modified.
The second attack is Quick Tail Smash and is much better
than most attacks with 'Tail' in the name, although it
is nowhere near tournament level. Assuming you are
playing Watchog and you Have done enough damage to your
opponent's deck, you can drop another energy to pay the
[c][c] cost and flip a coin. On Heads, you deal 80
damage which is absolutely brilliant (fair for the cost
and effective enough for a 1HKO on certain targets and a
2HKO on everything else) but on Tails you do nothing at
all. You can ignore the coin flip to deal a guaranteed
20 damage, but unless you are facing a Poke'mon that is
very close to collapsing then you will want to gamble on
the much higher damage.
The two attacks work together nicely (scramble the deck
then gamble on a quick KO to pull ahead) but all in all
I expect that this Watchog to be ignored by veteran
players because of the high amount of chance involved
(you are betting that your opponent won't have a decent
hand or a way to shuffle the deck as well as pulling off
a coin flip succesfully). I still like this card (the
revers holo is quite pretty) and I now forgive the
design team for what they did in making the BW version
(that card was both terrible and pointless).
Newer players would do well to trial a couple of Watchog
when they are first modifying their theme decks to learn
the basic tactics behind deck disruption and abusing
Colourless Poke'mon. After that, I never expect to see
Watchog again unless someone sets up a draft event. Oh
well, maybe it will become a starter in a future
hand/deck destruction combo.
Modified: 3.25 (Watchog is easy to use and very powerful
if luck goes your way, so it's ideal for newbies with
small collections)
Limited: 4 (the competition takes a nosedive so the
failings are easier to forgive and if you can get
Watchog out early the ability to control your opponent's
deck for most of the game will make your day. Being a
Colourless Poke'mon would bump it up into the must-run
category unless you have an overabundance of better
Combos with: Weavile UD, Judge, Vileplume UD
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo viewers! Today we are continuing our
COTD week by reviewing a new card from Emerging Powers
that was also an English-language exclusive, in that we
got this card before the Japanese. Today's Card of the
Day is Watchog from Emerging Powers.
Watchog is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon are generally good as they can fit into whatever
deck you want due to their relaxed Energy requirements,
and are thus very good for Modified, and can fill
space/cover weaknesses in Limited as well. Watchog has
90 HP, which is about average for a terminally evolved
Stage 1, although sadly it will still be OHKOed by the
likes of the heavy hitters in Modified. In Limited,
however, it should be able to take a hit or two.
Fighting Weakness means that Donphan owns you in
Modified, as do Throh, Sawk, and Boldore/Gigalith in
Limited. No Resistance is unfortunate, but not wholly
unexpected. Finally, a Retreat Cost of one is decent and
This Lookout Pokemon has two attacks, the oddly named
Watcheck and Quick Tail Smash. Watcheck allows you to
look at the top 5 cards of your opponent's deck and put
them back in any order for a single Colorless Energy.
This attack can be useful as a stall tactic in Limited
to bide some time while you are setting up your heavy
hitter, but in Modified, it's much too slow and takes up
an attack, so using something like Slowking HGSS/CL
would be much better for this type of role, even if
Slowking can only rearrange the top 3 cards.
Quick Tail Smash is Watchog's only form of offense,
starting off at 20 damage for two Colorless Energy (or a
Double Colorless, I suppose). However, before doing
damage, you can flip a coin. If heads, the attack does
60 more damage, if tails, it does nothing. Therefore,
you have the possibility of dealing 80 damage in a
single attack with a "tails-fails", or you can take a
conservative, consistent 20 damage. Note if you decide
to flip every turn you'll average 40 damage, so it may
be worth taking the risk if 20 damage won't guarantee
the KO, at least in Limited. In Modified, this attack is
too unreliable to be of much use, meaning that Watchog
is mostly relegated to Limited.
Modified: 1.75/5 Watcheck unfortunately takes up and
attack (and is largely outclassed by Slowking for this
reason), and Quick Tail Smash is too unreliable to be a
strong force in this format.
Limited: 3/5 Colorless typing, interesting control
options, and the capability of dealing 80 damage for two
Energy are what Watchog brings to the table in Limited.
As stated before, Watcheck can bring about interesting
stall options to your Limited game, especially if you're
waiting for that crucial topdeck or need to power up
something without your opponent drawing what they need
(this is especially of help if you can figure out what
your opponent needs). Quick Tail Smash also isn't
horrible here, as the 40 damage for two Energy you'll be
averaging is actually pretty good for Limited. Watchog
isn't something I'd build a deck around, but if you'll
looking for another Colorless line to fill up your deck,
it isn't a bad choice.