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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2011
Countdown - #4
Professor Juniper
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 4, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.75
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#4 Professor Juniper (Black
and White)
Just one day away from the Pojo
top 3 of 2012, and just failing to make it is today’s
card, Professor Juniper. I must admit, this one
did make my
own top 3. I think it has had a massive (and often
overlooked) impact on the game right from the moment it
was released.
Juniper is a Supporter version of the old Professor Oak
card from the original Base Set. The effect is
incredibly simple: discard your hand and draw seven
What Junps (as I like to
call her) brought to the game was
speed. Play out your hand of everything useful,
then dump what you don’t need and draw a massive SEVEN
cards. Wow. Nothing in recent Pokémon history has given
that kind of drawpower.
Nothing. This card just turns
games around completely, turning a dead hand or an empty
hand into a fresh one of seven. Unlike Sage’s Training,
you are always aware and in control of what you have to
discard. Unlike shuffle/draw cards like Prof Oak’s New
Theory and Copycat, you are not returning unwanted cards
back to the deck where you
will (thanks
to Sod’s Law) be drawing them again.
Now a lot of new players, younger players, and just very
cautious players in general, often shy away from using
Professor Juniper. They look at the cost of discarding
the entire hand and think about how they might end up
losing something they might need later in the game. This
isn’t as big a deal as you would think though. For one
thing, it’s relatively rare to have to discard something
that will be needed: Pokémon decks tend to have a lot of
consistency built in to them, and this means that some
cards will become pretty much redundant during the
course of a game. Secondly, the game has a lot of
recovery right now in the shape of Junk Arm and the new
Super Rod. Yes, it takes a bit of skill to use Juniper
properly, and sometimes calculated risks are involved,
but the trade off of the massive draw is worth it.
That’s why you will sometimes even see this card in
slower Stage 2 decks, as well as it rush/donk
decks like Zekrom and Stage
1 variants.
is the best
draw card in the format right now, and a speed deck’s
very best friend.
Modified: 4.25 (you will rarely see a deck without a
couple of copies of this card)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! I hope that all of
you had a great New Year's holiday. Today's Card of the
Day (and #4 card in our countdown) is Professor Juniper
from Black and White.
Professor Juniper is a Supporter, and acts like a new
version of Professor Oak: you discard your hand, and
draw seven cards. Seven new cards can often be great,
especially if you have a hand that isn't so great or
that is easily recurred using something like Junk Arm or
Typhlosion Prime's Afterburner, although one slight con
of using Professor Juniper is that you sometimes won't
want to throw your hand away, leading to some rather
difficult game decisions. More conservative players
should also consider Professor Oak's New Theory, N, or
Copycat, which will not discard any cards, although it
is worth noting that Professor Juniper will reliably
provide more card advantage than any of these other
options. Realistically, most tournament decks will run
some number of Professor Juniper along with other hand
refresh cards (most commonly PONT and N), as these sorts
of effects are very important to keeping decks
consistent in a format where Pokemon-based draw is rare.
Modified: 5/5 Professor Juniper is an excellent draw
Supporter, and is quite worthy of our #4 Card of 2011.
Seven new cards can easily pull you out of some bad
situations, even if you have to occasionally discard a
hand worth keeping. Chances are that if you're running a
competitive deck in Modified, you will include at least
3 copies of this card, if not a full set of 4 (although
some decks will occasionally run 2).
Limited: 5/5 Like with N yesterday, card draw is
relatively rare in Limited, and any sort of hand refresh
is great. However, it is worth noting that one must be
careful when using Professor Juniper in Limited, as the
chances of discarding something you might need later are
much greater here than they are in Modified. That being
said, Professor Juniper is still an excellent option in
Black and White Limited, and should be run if you pull
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Top Card #4: Professor Juniper (Black & White)
Personally I wasn't too keen on Professor Juniper when
it was first released, but the massive power of this
card was obvious so I scored it higher to account for
those players who were not afraid of discarding cards
like it was going out of fashion for potentially huge
Then, with the release of Kyurem, I thought I finally
had a chance to make my Rain Dance deck shine. Sadly, I
suffered from 'empty hand' syndrome and lost almost
every game I played. I ran through all of the options
for drawing cards and was close to giving up when
suddenly I spotted Super Rod. Now that I no longer
needed to fear losing my Evolutions to the discard
effect, Profeesor Juniper became my saviour.
For those of you who missed the Black & White expansion,
Professor Juniper is a Supporter that makes you discard
your current hand and then draw 7 cards. As veterans of
the last format will know, drawing 7 cards is a massive
advantage, which is why Uxie LA was so popular. In fact,
the strategies that people used to maximise Uxie's
effectiveness (namely, reducing their current hand size
as much as possible) are also very effective with Prof
Juniper, although the reason is to reduce the discard
cost rather than to draw more cards with the Set Up
However, you shouldn't be afraid to play Professor
Juniper at any stage of the game, even if you are
holding a massive hand. If you aren't able to use the
cards you have, it is far better to get rid of them for
a fresh hand than pray for a useful topdeck that will
alow you to play your hand out because the extra time
you give your opponent will almost certainly spell your
In order to minimze the risk however, it is a good idea
to include all of the usual discard retrieval Items so
that you can get your vital cards back later in the game
if you are forced to discard them early. Junk Arm is a
must-have that will get back any Item cards you need to
be played on the same turn (including the other retrival
Items) while Super Rod will put your important Poke'mon
(probably Evolutions, Basics with coming-into-play
Poke-powers and Legend Pieces) back into your deck to be
found again, as well as restock your deck so that you
don't run out of cards. Burned Tower will allow you to
get back your Basic Energy as long as it is in play
(although your opponent also gets the benefit) and
Energy Retrieval will perform the same service for
players who dislike coin flips/giving the opponent an
advantage. Finally, Revive will put your Basic Poke'mon
right back onto your Bench whenever you need them.
If you are using Prof Juniper, you should avoid playing
Fisherman or Flower Shop Lady however. Because all 3
cards are Supporters you can't play them on the same
turn, and if you are already holding the Fisherman or
Flower Shop Lady when you play the Juniper, you won't be
able to retrieve them from the discard pile (we really
need another reprint of VS Seeker). Stick to the Item
cards if you want to avoid a conflict of interest,
especially since you can play all of your Item cards out
of your hand to reduce the cost of Juniper in the first
Professor Juniper is as powerful in this format as its
ancestor Professor Oak was back when the Poke'mon TCG
was first released and has definitely earned its place
as #4 on our Top 10 Countdown!
By the way, we've had a few cards that seemed like
reprints in the Top 10 (Vileplume UD, Junk Arm and
Poke'mon Communication alongside today's card) despite
the restriction says that says we can't highlight
reprints (or Double Colourless Energy would have been on
last year's list for sure). However, Junk Arm plays
quite differently to the old Item Finder (you can't just
grab any Trainer card and you can't cycle a pair of Junk
Arm to discard cards for a refill draw effect like Uxie
LA either) so I don't think it counts, and Vileplume UD
is not a reprint of the old Dark Vileplume for the same
reasons. Professor Juniper suffers the disadvantage of
being a once-per-turn Supporter that stops it from being
utterly broken like Professor Oak was.
Poke'mon Communication is the closest case, having
exactly the same effect as the old Poke'mon Trader. The
play environment today is completely different from when
Trader was released but it still fulfills the exact same
function, so it only escapes being a reprint due to the
rule about having the same name, although I'm willing to
be lenient because a) we didn't have Poke'mon Legend or
Lv X cards when Trader was released b) because Poke'mon
Trader is an age-old card that most newer players have
never even heard of before now and c) because we've
already finished last year's countdown and have
absolutely no interest in going back to change it.
Besides, we all like Poke'mon Communication and the
lovely consistency it brings right? Especially me, I
like that card way too much to suggest striking it from
the Top 10 of 2010. Unlike Double Colurless Energy,
which I've never quite learned to trust but which
inevitably makes me cry when I see on the opposing side
of the field. Please, get rid of all your DCEs, I don't
like being sad! [\slightly off topic and mildly
disturbing rant]
Anyway, back to Professor Juniper. Whilever we have
Super Rod, Energy Retrieval and Junk Arm (especially
Junk Arm) to cover the costs of playing Juniper, it will
be the strongest draw card outsied of the godly
Professor Oak itself. Even after we lose Junk Arm, it
will still be an awesome card that everyone will need a
playset of, even if their particular deck doesn't use
it. Juniper is just that powerful!
Modified: 5 (even with paying the full discard penalty,
you can just use multiple copies of all of your Poke'mon
to cover the loss, or use Poke'mon Communication to hide
the really imporant Poke'mon in your deck to be picked
up again later. With the retrieval Items we have
available even that stops being a major concern, so stop
being afraind of discard and play Professor Juniper like
you mean it!)
Limited: 5 (unless you are down to your last 7 cards in
the deck or you are holding your only copy of your tuly
awesome attacker in your hand, there is no reason not to
play Professor Juniper the second you draw it. An
auto-inclusion if I ever saw one)
Combos with: Junk Arm, Super Rod, Poke'mon
Communication, Energy Retrieval

Otaku |
Today is not only the revelation of the fourth best card
released last year, but also the Pojosama’s birthday!
Hail Pojosama
Many Games Learner Teacher
Our Thanks For Sharing
On to the review!
Professor Juniper
is a Trainer, and the third to grace our Top 10 list so
far. She is also
a Supporter, only the second to make the list. This
means her effect has to be potent enough to justify
burning your Supporter usage for the turn.
Said effect is discarding your hand and then
drawing seven cards.
Anyone who played in the early days of the game
(and many besides) shall recognize that effect as once
belonging to
Professor Oak.
I am trying to figure out if I should be scared
or pleased they didn’t just reprint the good old
Professor as a Supporter instead of bestowing (while
taming down) his effect by releasing it as a new card
that is a Supporter.
Professor Oak
was fantastic because when he was released in the
original Base Set, he wasn’t alone for powerful
Bill (then a
“normal” Trainer as Supporters didn’t exist),
Computer Search,
and Item Finder
came out alongside him.
Between the four (and sometimes even without
Bill) you
regularly had the option of crashing through your entire
deck (or nearly your entire deck) provided you didn’t
mind about half of it ending up in the discard pile.
Coupled with strong Basic Pokémon who needed
little Energy to attack and a few
PlusPower to
shoot for a donk and you had the basics of the game for
many sets.
Professor Juniper
cannot crash through your entire deck in a single turn,
but she doesn’t need to in order to be powerful and
deserve a spot in several decks.
Speed is still the name of the game, and the
fastest decks we have right now regularly play out most
of their hand, minimizing the loss of cards for
Professor Juniper.
For decks that aren’t as fast, you have many
options to minimize the sting.
The classic answer would be that which your deck
probably already runs, some recursion cards to recycle
what you had to discard after the fact.
Yes you have to toss those cards, but you’ll get
them back later.
Smart deck design and play can help many decks.
Since you aren’t going to be rushing through your
entire deck like with
Professor Oak,
alternating between “shuffle and draw” Supporters can
help you keep drawing into cards without building up a
large amount of “dead” cards in hand.
This is especially true if you’re trying for
disruption with N
or Judge, the
next turn
Professor Juniper (should you have been fortunate
enough to draw into it) makes a great follow up.
Sometimes the simple nature of Supporters will help as
well, just because you’ll have all the time after you
play one
Professor Juniper and the subsequent time next turn
before you play a second to finish off the rest of your
hand. This mostly
matters for burning a second Energy, finishing off an
Evolution, etc.
In Unlimited, this card has little use.
Few decks will need a “fifth”
Professor Oak,
given all the recycling power available to them.
In Limited play
Professor Juniper
is another must run.
Yes you will probably lack a method of retrieving
what you discard, but your deck is also largely basic
Energy you run just to make sure you have at least one
to attack and Basic Pokémon: you’ll have few Trainers or
Evolutions you’ll have to toss.
Even if you sometimes do have to toss something
valuable, you control when you use the card so you won’t
be throwing away anything good unless you truly believe
you need to.
Professor Juniper
provides an amazing level of raw draw power, and if you
build your deck correctly at a minimal cost, possibly
even just
Professor Juniper herself!
I score her so highly because while there are
some decks where running her would be counterproductive,
the actual way the format has played out is with decks
that can maximize her usage.
So by being useful in most decks and vital to so
many major decks,
Professor Juniper secures the number four spot in
our Top 10 of 2011.
So what could beat her?
Either something stronger, more universally used,
or perhaps cards that by being so prevalent contributed
to the strength of
Professor Juniper?