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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 New Pokémon Cards
of 2010
#10 - Junk Arm
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 3, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 1.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#10 Junk Arm (Triumphant)
Hello and welcome to the start of Pojo’s annual
countdown of the top 10 cards released during the past
year. That means we are only looking at cards from Heart
Gold Soul Silver onwards, and reprints of old cards
don’t count . . . so Double Colourless Energy won’t
be making an appearance!
It’s always interesting to see what my fellow reviewers
pick, and we start with a card that just failed to make
my own list (it was top 15 for sure though). Junk Arm
may only be a recent release but it has already been
proving its worth. There are two parts to this card. One
which can be situationally useful, and one which is
undeniably brilliant . . .
Firstly, when used, Junk Arm requires you to discard two
cards from your hand. For most decks, that’s a fair cost
that’s usually easy enough to pay (after the first turn,
discarding starters, unneeded techs, and Pokémon
Collectors isn’t really a problem). For some decks
though, this is a positive benefit. Regigigas and
Gyarados in particular love to discard as a means
of kick-starting the deck’s engine. It’s also a useful
way to minimise damage from attacks like Gengar SF’s
Poltergeist by limiting the number of Trainers and
Supporters in your hand.
The big thing about Junk Arm, though, is what you get
for that discard . . . you can fish any Trainer you need
out of your discard pile. With so many powerful Trainers
in the format, you can see why Junk Arm gets a fair
amount of play. You can use it as a fifth Poke Turn in
an SP deck, another Rare Candy in an evolution deck, or
second Luxury Ball in just about any deck there is. The
possibilities are almost endless.
Because of its high utility and the fact that it can be
used in almost any deck, Junk Arm is a card you should
seriously consider in any list. Just one teched into a
deck, if you have a free slot, can grab you the card you
need to win a game. It is (obviously) hurt by all the
Trainer hate in the format right now (looks at Vileplume
and Spiritomb), and it isn’t always easy to find a slot
for it in a very tight list, but if you can squeeze it
in, it’s very unlikely that you will regret it.
Modified: 3.75 (will almost always be useful, if you can
find the room for it)
Limited: 1 (The only other Trainer in the set is an Alph
Lithograph so . . . yeah)
Combos with . . .
Gyarados SF
Regigigas LV X
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today we begin to bring in
the new year with our two-week long journey into the Top
10 Cards of 2010. These cards are only from sets
released in 2010, meaning HGSS-On. Our first Card of the
Day on our list is very important because it resurrected
a deck archetype and helping bring it back into the
spotlight as a tier one deck in Modified. Today's Card
of the Day is Junk Arm.
Junk Arm is a Trainer card from Triumphant with a
very powerful effect: by discarding two cards from your
hand, you can take a non-Junk Arm Trainer from your
discard pile and place it into your hand. Junk Arm is
great because it allows you to reuse powerful Trainers
like Pokemon Communication and Super Scoop Up, but also
has great utility as a way to discard unwanted cards
from your hand. If you are facing an opposing Gengar SF,
for example, you can Junk Arm away some of your Trainers
and Supporters so that Poltergeist hits for less damage
(provided of course they don't have a benched Vileplume
UD). Another amazing use for Junk Arm is in a deck based
around Gyarados SF, in which one can use Junk Arm to
discard Magikarps from your hand to increase Tail
Revenge's damage output. However, there are a couple of
things of note: since Junk Arm is a Trainer, you won't
be able to use it when Spiritomb AR is active, or when
Vileplume UD is in play, especially when these two are
coupled with a deck based around Gengar SF. Aside from
this (rather common) scenario, Junk Arm is worthwhile to
use when you use many different types of Trainers to
expand your options, and is definitely worth a spot on
our Top 10 List.
Modified: 4/5 Trainer use can be somewhat limited
right now due to the rather common Gengar/Vileplume
builds, but that doesn't stop Junk Arm from being a
great card. The discarding requirement can more often
than not be used to your advantage, such as getting rid
of unneeded set-up Pokemon in the late game to maximize
your Uxie's Set Up. That being said, Junk Arm doesn't
really do much of anything on its own, and requires you
to already have played some Trainers before you can use
it, slightly limiting its usefulness. It doesn't belong
in every deck, but it's still very, very good.
Limited: 1/5 Junk Arm is the only Trainer card in
Triumphant, and you can take a Junk Arm with a Junk Arm,
making this card absolutely useless in Limited.
Combos With: Gyarados SF, Uxie LA, any Trainer in
your discard pile.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
#10 Junk Arm (HS Triumphant)
Welcome to a new year of reviews here on Pojo, and to
the newest rendition of the world famous Top 10 Cards!
To start off the top 10 for 2010, we have a nifty
little Trainer called Junk Arm, which has proven to be
the salvation of Gyarados decks and a nice boost to any
player who loves their Trainer cards.
The effect is simple. You discard any 2 cards from
your hand, and then pick a Trainer that doesn’t have the
name Junk Arm out of your discard pile and return it to
your hand.
Gyarados decks love this card because they can
quickly discard all of the Magikarp they want to power
Revenge Tail and retrieve one of the many trainers they
like to run (Pluspower, Switch/Warp Point, Pokémon
Rescue, Expert Belt and draw trainers all come to mind).
After the loss of Felicity’s Drawing in the last
rotation, everyone thought the archetype was pretty much
dead since the Banette PT/Gyarados hybrids tended to be
too inconsistent (though ironically these hybrids are
doing better now that Junk Arm exists). Junk Arm fixed
that problem and made Gyarados decks stronger than
before into the bargain (since you no longer have to
burn your Supporter use discarding the Magikarp, which
means you can still use your search Supporters like
Pokémon Collector). HS Triumphant has been called the
new Stormfront since it has brought about several new
archetypes, most notably Gengar, Machamp and Gyarados
decks (just like Stormfront did, is there a pattern
Of course, Gyarados isn’t the only deck to like Junk
Arm. Many decks have Trainer cards they would dearly
love to reuse and usually there is a bit of fodder in
your hand you can sacrifice to pay for Junk Arm,
especially if your deck likes to attach energy from the
discard pile (CharPhlosion, Tyranitar, the odd Raichu
deck, Salamence if anyone still uses it). The discard
also helps when you want to drop an Uxie, since it can
clean out your hand rather nicely to allow for a big
In the current format, the only other way to retrieve
Trainer cards is to use Porygon Z TM, which is terrible
because it is a Stage 2 with a flippy power that doesn’t
actually put the Trainer card back into your hand but
rather puts it on top of your deck, forcing you to burn
draw power to pick it up or risk your opponent messing
up your deck. Seen in that light, Junk Arm is a
There are problems with the card however. Junk Arm is
susceptible to Trainer locking (Gyarados really hates it
when that happens) and sometimes you just don’t have
anything you can sacrifice. This is particularly true of
decks that have tight lists with multiple techs that are
only single copies in the deck (my Gengar deck is like
that, and some hybrid SP decks as well as Blastoise
decks have that particular problem) which would want to
steer clear of this card.
There may also be a problem with Junk Arm being a
dead draw early game, since it says you have to search
your discard pile for a card and show it your opponent.
Other cards like Bebe’s Search and Warp Point can be
played using only one effect or the other, but that is
only in certain circumstances and is based on what parts
of your play area are ‘public knowledge’ (your opponent
is allowed to know what is there without a card effect,
such as what cards are in your discard pile, how many
cards are in your hand or deck but not what they are,
and what cards are on your bench).
For example, you can play Warp Point when you only
have one Pokémon in play and your opponent will be the
only one who has to switch (and vice versa) but if both
of you can switch, you must switch a Pokémon whether you
want to or not (but if you didn’t want to switch out,
why did you play the card? *evil laughter*). Also,
Bebe’s Search can be used to put a single card in your
deck without getting a Pokémon out even if there are
Pokémon available to take, but that is because you
opponent cannot see your deck (it isn’t public
knowledge, so it is a legal play and not cheating since
your opponent wouldn’t be able to tell if you chose not
to take anything or if you just don’t have Pokémon left
in your deck). However the discard pile is public
knowledge (both the number and the contents of the
pile), so that little ruling doesn’t apply
Based on that, I think you have to be able to use
both effects of Junk arm in order to be able to play it
so early game it is a dead draw unless you can burn a
Trainer card from you hand to fulfil the second
requirement. I’m looking into the rulings; I’ll get back
to you on that.
Now that I am finished thinking out allowed I’ll get
back to the review and finish off by saying that Junk
Arm is a brilliant card in the current format and will
see a lot of play, even if it doesn’t appear in all
decks. To quote Otaku, this is a ‘must-eliminate’ card
that will appear in the list of cards you like and will
have to go through the cutting and play-testing process
to figure out whether or not you want to play it.
Modified: 4.5 (some problems, most notably Trainer
Locking, stop me giving out a perfect score. Bump it up
a quarter of a point if you can play it for the discard
without having to retrieve a Trainer form the discard
Limited: 1 (nothing in the set to retrieve except for
Alph’s Lithograph, a really strange occurrence in
Limited since having Trainers usually means having at
least some consistency. If there were other Trainers in
the set, this card would be scored much higher)
Combos with: any Trainer you want to play twice, but
some of the best are Pokémon Communication, Power Spray
and Rare Candy
conical |
#10: 1/3/2011(hey!): Junk Arm(Triumphant)
Didn't we review this thing like 2 months ago? Oh
right, Top 10.
A staple in Gyarados, and a nifty little tool in any
other deck. While in my previous review of this card, I
mentioned specifically re-using Team Galactic's
Inventions with this here card, it totally slipped my
mind that Rare Candy and Luxury Ball could also be
brought back. While most trainers today aren't as broken
as the ones when Junk Arm's ancestor, Itemfinder, was
usable, there's still plenty of excellent options to
bring back. You could even throw in a couple of these to
substitute for Rare Candies if you only have 1-2 of
them, and don't want to shell out 7-8 dollars each for
the rest. It's a massively inferior choice, but one that
is cost-effective, and better than just running 2 Candy
Modifed: 3.5/5
Limited: 1/5(there are no other trainers in Triumphant)

Otaku |
We begin counting down our Top 10
Pokémon cards of 2010 today.
Note that we are specifically
focusing on cards released in
2010, and not just what was popular:
this is a pretty important distinction
since a lot of potent cards were still
left from older sets, and we didn’t want
to end up with a rehash of last years
Top 10.
Junk Arm
is clocks in at #10.
It is a Trainer from HS –
Triumphant and we reviewed it exactly
two months ago on November 3rd!
Even if we hadn’t, its effect is
quite familiar to those who played
Pokémon in the early days of the Base
Set: “Discard two cards from your hand.
Search your discard pile for a
Trainer card, show it to your opponent,
and put it into your hand.
You can’t choose Junk Arm with
the effect of this card.”
It is an almost identical effect
Item Finder, a card from the
original Base Set that is a heavily used
in Unlimited play.
two big differences are that
Item Finder can snag another copy of
itself from the discard, and that when
Item Finder was printed there was
only one kind of Trainer.
As new sub-types of Trainer came
out, it was ruled that
Item Finder could still snag them,
even after they made Supporters and
Stadiums their own basic card types.
Still, when reviewing an
“updated” of a past card, what it is an
update of is the best place to start.
Let us examine
Item Finder and its uses:
Variable Trainers
Maximizing deck space
My first point is pretty obvious, but
perhaps my terminology isn’t: I just
mean that each copy of
Item Finder can function as any one
other Trainer in your discard.
Especially in a format such as
Unlimited, where you have as much
potent, reliable and easy to use
search/draw power, you will regularly be
able to use any Trainer you want pretty
Item Finder then earns its keep by
letting you essentially trade it (and
two cards from your hand) in for the
exact Trainer you needed from your
discard pile.
This means instead of having to
draw into a specific card, you can draw
into that card or
Item Finder.
If you need to go to extremes and
you’ve maxed out on a Trainer and
Item Finder, you can essentially
play that same Trainer eight times!
More realistic is playing a
single Trainer you were running for
specific match-ups multiple times, so
your potentially bad match-up evens up
or even swings to your favor.
That is very important since
actually running three or four copies of
a specific counter-card would weaken
your deck.
The second reason for
Item Finder being so potent is how
much deck space it can save: you can get
by running just three copies of really
important Trainers if you are maxing out
Item Finder, and as alluded to
above, run just singles or doubles of
less important Trainers.
In Unlimited, decks are often
half to two-thirds “classical” Trainers,
and half of those would be maxed out
Trainers if it wasn’t for
Item Finder: rarely would a deck not
make cuts and find running at least two
Item Finder reliable enough to
justify itself, and indeed instead
running three or even four often frees
up enough slots that you made room for
the copies of
Item Finder and then a few more
The final point is the most unique to
You have cards like
Computer Search and
Item Finder itself that have
significant discard costs, and cards
Professor Oak that discard your
entire hand!
three have effects that are well worth
it, and ensure you’ll almost always have
cards in hand to meet those costs.
Finder takes the sting out of having
to discard Trainers you might want
later, even if it ends up being later in
the very same turn.
This is the heart of the
Unlimited “Trainer Engine”, that is the
core method of setting up and “running”
your deck.
As we have seen,
Junk Arm is being played.
It is a “nerfed”
Item Finder: besides lacking things
Computer Search and
Professor Oak, it only hits the
contemporary Trainer (not Supporters or
Stadiums). The two big reasons not to
use it are fear of Trainer lock or
feeling you won’t have enough targets in
the discard soon enough to revive.
are real concerns, and can be enough to
keep it out of some great decks.
Still, even without access to the
powerful Trainers of the past, it
provides some great benefits.
player running it can afford to be less
stingy with Trainer use, and that
enables bolder plays.
You can’t feel safe because an
opponent has used up four
Plus Power: if they can build their
hand up this turn, they can afford to
throw it all away (via
Junk Arm) to reload.
A piece of TecH they’d be crazy
to run two of will get multiple uses.
Combo the card with
Vs Seeker and you get a taste of
“the old days”.
Together they allow you to access
any Trainer or Supporter for a net cost
of two cards from hand.
Despite all this, it is only half
of why
Junk Arm makes the Top 10 of 2010:
it is a good general usage card, but not
a must run.
Instead, it is a staple for decks
that must discard cards from hand
as a part of their strategy, the most
notable of which is
Gyarados Lv.52 from Stormfront.
As long as you can safely discard
Magikarp (instead of waiting for
them to be KO’d) you get a Stage 1 with
130 HP that can easily hit for 60 to 90
points of damage for no Energy.
Junk Arm, the deck was on the
decline (it had relied on cards cut in
the last set rotation for this effect)
but now its back and a force to be
reckoned with.
Junk Arm is on the list as a
representative of that deck.
In Limited play, the only reason not to
use this card is a good one: there is
only one other Trainer in this set, and
it is a Secret Rare.
I actually didn’t even realize it
was in the set when we first reviewed
this card.
Still, even if you get that one
Trainer and you get
Junk Arm, it is so situational it
just isn’t worth it.
Junk Arm
scores well because it is a good general
card that is great in a few specific
decks, one of which (Gyarados)
is a real presence in organized play.
Modified players should make sure
they own a play set, because with the
current card pool I think it stands to
get better, not worse, next format.
Players new to Unlimited might
want a set as well, to function as a
“poor man’s”
Item Finder: since Unlimited decks
run only a handful of Supporters it can
get the job done well enough, though it
should be switched out for
Item Finder as soon as you can track
them down.