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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2011
Countdown - #3
Reshiram #113/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 4, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#3 Reshiram (Black and
Time to move into the Top 3 now, and it will be no
surprise to anyone to see a BW Dragon making an
Very powerful Basic Pokémon have been a part of the game
right from the very start. They might look kind of weak
now, but Base Set Hitmonchan
and Electabuzz, and
Scyther from Jungle were
absolute monsters in their day.
Sneasel NG was the only card ever to be banned
for being too good (Slowking
NG was a mistranslation). More recently, of course, we
have seen the incredibly powerful SP Pokémon dominate
for two years straight.
These Dragons, however, take things to a whole new
level. They don’t compete with Evolved Pokémon by being
faster, they compete with
them by being equal or better in terms of HP and damage
output. Take Reshiram for
example. This is a 130 HP Basic Fire Type Pokémon that
dishes out 120 damage per turn,
as long as it has the appropriate Energy acceleration
(and hey, you have not one, but two options for that!).
Compare him to successful big-hitting Stage 2 Fire
Pokémon of the past like Blaziken
ex (100 snipe for two Energy and discard), or
Infernape DP (90 damage for
two Energy and discard), and you will see that
Reshiram stacks up pretty
well. Then you remember that it is a
Basic and . .
. well, you can see why it has been such a force this
year. Oh, and it also has Outrage: an attack which
punishes any opponent for not taking it out in one hit,
plus Eviolite to make that
task next to impossible for most decks.
was part of David Cohen’s Magnezone/Emoboar
deck that won Worlds in 2011. It was the star of the
decks that have been such a force in the HGSS-on format.
Since its release, Reshiram
has kept every potentially good Fire-Weak Pokémon (with
the recent exception of Cobalion
NV) out of the metagame.
This card has been a format-defining Pokémon and well
deserves its place in the Top 3.
Modified: 4.25 (The reason you never see Grass or Metal
decks at tournaments)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing
our #3 Card of 2011, and it's a card that most of you
are probably quite familiar with, as it has been tearing
up top tables in tournaments for quite some time now.
Today's Card of the Day is Reshiram from Black and
Reshiram is a Basic Fire Pokemon. Basically, if you play
Fire in today's Modified metagame, you're playing
Reshiram. 130 HP is amazing for a Basic, and will easily
be able to survive most assaults, except look out for
opposing Blue Flares and Bolt Strikes with a PlusPower.
Water Weakness is understandable, making Kyurem and
Vanilluxe a bit of a problem for Reshiram, although it
can still deal with both effectively given the right set
up. Sadly, Reshiram has no Resistance, and a Retreat
Cost of 2 is what we'd expect for this giant fire
dragon, and that cost is payable if necessary, but
chances are you'll want to use Switch.
Reshiram has two attacks, Outrage and Blue Flare.
Outrage deals 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each
damage counter on Reshiram for two Colorless Energy
(often a Double Colorless). This attack works incredibly
well with Typhlosion Prime's Afterburner, as that Power
loads both Fire Energies and damage counters onto
Reshiram. After using Blue Flare a few times, the
weakened Reshiram can then sweep with Outrage. Blue
Flare deals 120 damage for two Fire and a Colorless,
discarding 2 Fire Energy in the process. This attack is
excellent for its cost, and pairs incredibly well with
Typhlosion Prime and Emboar BW.
Modified: 4/5 Most of you should be familiar with
Reshiram's power in the Modified metagame, as
Reshiphlosion is a deck archetype that has been both
popular and effective over the past few months. With
monstrous HP and good attacks, Reshiram will likely be a
fixture in Modified for quite a bit longer. While Kyurem
and other powerful Water-types have slightly weakened
Reshiram's presence in the format, Reshiram is still a
dragon that everyone needs to be prepared for.
Limited: 5/5 Reshiram is a Basic with huge HP and
destructive attacks. Even if you only use Outrage,
chances are Reshiram will get you a few KOs by itself.
Add that to the fact that many Water-types in Black and
White are fairly weak (look out for Samurott, though!),
Reshiram should easily fit into any deck, especially
those willing to splash a few Fire Energy.
Combos With: Typhlosion Prime, Emboar BW
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Top Card #3: Reshiram (Black & White)
We are nearing the end of the Countdown, and today's
card is one of the most popular of them all. The Flame
of Unova, the saviour of the Afteburner archetype, the
great Reshiram!
This card made my personal #1 because it has the most
cherished attribute: inevitability. Once Reshiram gets
rolling, there is no way to get rid of it permanently
and if you are running a ReshiPhlosion deck, your
opponent doesn't even a chance to regroup between
one Blue Flare and the next.
I'm sure all of you are familiar with Reshiram's stats
to the point of having them permanently burned onto your
retinas, but for the sake of professionalism I'll go
over the important points. Reshiram is a Fire type
non-evolving Basic with that massive 130 HP, the retreat
cost of 2 and the iconoc Outrage attack, as well as the
signature Blue Flare move. All of those stats rock and
are significantly improved by the presnece of Ninetales
HGSS, Ability Emboar and most importantly Typhlosion
Outrage is awesome, and since there are now a few
Poke'mon with Fire Weakness being tested out (Durant,
Cobalion and Virizion from Noble Victories come to
mind), Reshiram is being tested in more diverse builds
to exploit that resurgence. The reason they weren't
popular prior to the release of Kyurem (who is slowly
balancing out the massive Fire presence), ReshiPhlosion
builds were so common that a Fire Weakness on its own
was usually enough to deem a card unplayable, and they
are still a mainstay of the tournament scene.
The reason for that is that popularity is that Blue
Flare has been beautifully exploited by the combination
of Engineer's Adjustments, Ninetales HGSS and Typhlosion
Prime. With a turn 2 Ninetales to draw all of the cards
you need for the rest of the game and Typhlosion to
power up each and every one of your Reshirams faster
than your opponent can take them down, there is now way
to survive the midgame onslaught of Reshiphlosion.
With the incredible consistency offered by having three
heavy Poke'mon lines and nothing else, you can fit all
of the other toys you want into a ReshiPhlosion build.
Did your opponent just KO a Reshiram? Promote the spare
and drop a Revive. Did they pull back a severely damaged
Poke'mon? Use Roast Reveal until you get that Poke'mon
Catcher you need. Is the target just out of range? Your
large hand size will support a lot of Pluspowers and
Rocky Helmets. Want to make your opponent cry? Judge
away the Double Colourless Energy and Rare Candy they
just drew and restock your deck at the same time!
Once you see Reshiram and Cyndaquil hit the table, the
only hope is to stop the Typhlosion or you will never
know peace. Taking down Reshiram is pointless as there
is always another waiting to take its place and get a
return KO to stay ahead in the Prize race, while you
will run out of resources sooner or later and submit to
the inevitable conflaguration of defeat!
Due to the heavy cost of Blue Flare outside of a
dedicated Typhlosion build, it is hard to tech Reshiram
into another build (not that there aren't people trying
with decks like Six Corners relying almost solely on
Outrage) and so I expect it won't be as powerful next
year when it will have to rely on Ability Emboar and
Energy Retrieval instead. But while we have the HGSS
block, Reshiram is the card to fear!
Modified: 5 (you can play with Kyurem, you can fill the
world with Rain Dance, you can even bring in
ridiculously powerful Poke'mon EX that can take 200
damage but you cannot stop Reshiram, king of the Prize
Limited: 4.5 (outrage is beyond awesome here, and with
Simisear BW provideing a solid line with great spread it
is easy enough to make sure that all targets will die to
Blue Flare. However, the discard cost is much more of a
drawback here, so you won't get as much work out of
Reshiram as you willl from Zekrom)
Combos with: Typhlosion Prime, Ninetales HGSS