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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2011
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 5, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.75
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#2 Zekrom (Black and White)
Yep, our number two card of 2011 is the other Dragon,
Zekrom. Why is it placing
higher than Reshiram? Well,
you could argue it either way, but my guess is that it
is because Zekrom is just
that little bit more scary.
Why so scary? Because it is capable of the most infamous
act in the TCG: the first turn win, or ‘donk’.
Combine with Pachirisu,
Shaymin, and a bit of luck,
and this thing can do 120 damage
on the first turn
of the game. That’s right, your opponent starts with
a lone Basic that isn’t a Dragon and it’s all over
without them drawing a single card. Even if they
do have a
Dragon out, you run PlusPower,
right? Even if they
do have
another Pokémon Benched, well, you are going to be
hitting for 120 next turn as well, so it won’t last
drawback (40 points of damage to itself) wasn’t much of
a drawback at all when it was busy annihilating
everything in sight, and now it’s even less so thanks to
the fact that Eviolite cuts
the self-damage in half and reduces the damage it takes
from attacks on your opponent’s turn. Recently,
Zekrom’s speed, and the fact
that it isn’t reliant on setting up Stage 2 Pokémon, has
seen it begin to eclipse Reshiram
as the most powerful Dragon in the format. Use it with
Pachi and
Shaymin, use it with
Eelektrik NV, tech it into a
Magnezone deck . . . however you play it,
Zekrom is an absolute boss.
Just as Reshiram kept
Fire-Weak Pokémon out of the
metagame, so Zekrom
made sure that there wasn’t much Water around (which
ironically helped Reshiram
even more).
Some players hate the Unova
Dragons for the way they have centralized the format and
relegated most Stage 2 Pokémon to a supporting role. Me?
I think it’s only right that Basic Legendaries should be
powerful. After all, in the video game and the anime,
Pokémon like Mewtwo,
Rayquaza, and
Giratina are more than
capable of standing up to even well-trained Evolved
Pokémon. It never made sense to me that most of the
cards that represent Legendaries have been horribly weak
and useless (see every non-SP
Dialga for details).
With Lightning cementing its place as one of the best
supported and strongest Types, it’s no wonder that
Zekrom continues to have a
huge impact on the game.
Modified: 4.5
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Top Card #2: Zekrom (Black & White)
Yes, today we have the third and final Unova Dragon on
the Countdown. No Prizes for guessing tomorrow's card!
Now, while Kyurem has breathed new life into Rain Dance
and Reshiram has managed what Charizard AR never could,
Zekrom is the Dragon you will most ofthen see around the
And why is that? Because Kyurem is the King of Combo (I
was tempted to spell that with a 'K') and Reshiram is
the Lord of Beatdown, but Zekrom is the Master of
You know the stats, and pretty much the only thing that
Zekrom fears is Donphan Prime (although Landorus would
also be a problem if Fighting types ever get any energy
acceleration). All three Dragons have Outrage (although
their respective types make a small difference), so the
reason for Zekrom's wider range of appeal lies with Bolt
As with the other two signature moves, Bolt strike costs
2 specific energy and another on top (the price is
[l][l][c] in this case) which can be easily reached by
dropping a Pachirisu CL followed by a Shymin UL to move
the energy around, which is why having a starting hand
full of energy and Poke'mon Collector while you open
with Zekrom is enought to put an evil smile on anyone's
However, outside of a dedicated ZPST deck, you aren't
going to pull that trick off very often (MagneBoar can
do it once in a blue moon if they use Rayquaza & Deoxys
Legend along with Legend Box). So a few rogue builders
out there started dropping Zekrom and a few Lightning
energy into their builds to provide an all-purpose
backup plan of sorts.
The reason for this is that Zekrom gives us that lovely
120 damage shot to the head without being an energy hog.
Sure, you hit yourself as well but that is why we have
Eviolite. Take the Trollipede or Roserade/Leafeon decks
for instance. They are mad fun to play at a League, but
lack oomph if your opponent happens to be practicing
with their Reshiphlosion build or is playing a Donphan/Haymaker
hybrid. Out comes Zekrom with a bolt from the blue and
suddenly you go from getting mulched to still getting
mulched, but being a lot happier about it with Poke'mon
falling spectacularly on both sides of the field.
Then of course, there is the briefly mentioned ZPST
archetype perfected by the arrival of Tornadus (the T in
that deck name) and Eviolite (ever notice how
close that spelling is to losing a few letters and
revealing its true self?). For speed, no other deck can
touch the Zekrom rush and as long as you can free up
bench space for more Pachirisu and Shaymin drops, you'll
never be lacking for replacement attackers either. The
only exploitable weakness (aside from TecHing in a
Donphan Prime) is that ZPST can run out of resources
quite early, in which case the deck stalls and gives the
opponent time to recover, although hopefully you've
already wiped out the important Poke'mon by that point.
And since Zekrom doesn't lose anything but a little HP,
running out of cards in hand doesn't necessarily stop
you from finishing what you've started...
*evil laughter*
But even after the HGSS block rotates out, Zekrom will
be able to rely on Eelectrik to power up. Admittedly,
only a Benched Poke'mon can benefit from Eelectrik so no
more Turn 1 obliteration, but that still allows you to
commit atrocities with multiple Zekrom cards. I look
forward to waht the future sets hold for more combos
All three of the Unova Dragons have earned a place in
the hearts of gamer's, and all of them have a deck to
call home as well as being possible off-type beaters in
other decks due to Outrage. Hooray for awesome
Modified: 5 (that score is for the reasonable likelihood
of dealing 120 damage before your opponent can even draw
a card, but the synchronicity bewteen the attacks and
the ability to exploit the commonly found Lightning
Weakness are also big points in Zekrom's favour. As is
the ease of use when splashing Zekrom into your untested
deck idea, hooray for heavy and repeatable damage!)
Limited: 5 (you can deal massive damage with either
attack, and once Zekrom is powered up you'll be able to
devote your remaining resources to other Poke'mon rather
than having to pay for discards. Plus the full art is
the best of all of the ones I've seen)
Combos with: Shaymin UL, Pachirisu CL, Tornadus EP,
Eelectrik NV
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo readers! Our 2011 Cards of the Year
countdown is winding down, and today we are reviewing
our #2 Card of 2011, the only member of the Unova
legendary dragon trio that we haven't reviewed in our
countdown yet. Today's Card of the Day is Zekrom from
Black and White.
Zekrom is a Basic Lightning Pokemon. In Modified,
Lightning is somewhat of a popular type, with Zekrom and
Magnezone seeing a lot of play. Zekrom tends to see play
with Pachirisu CL, Shaymin UL, and Tornadus EP in the
"ZPST" variant, but also with Eelektrik NVI as well. 130
HP is amazing for a Basic, as we discussed yesterday
with Reshiram; it allows for Zekrom to easily take two
hits from the metagame's biggest threats without prior
investment. Fighting Weakness means that Terrakion and
the increasingly rare Donphan Prime will make Zekrom
fall easily, although most decks that run Zekrom have
ways of dealing with these threats effectively. Sadly,
Zekrom has no Resistance, but shares Reshiram and
Kyurem's Retreat Cost of 2, which is payable if you
absolutely must, but one would still probably rather use
Switch to avoid the loss of tempo.
Zekrom's two attacks, Outrage and Bolt Strike, are
very similar to Reshiram's. Outrage is the same attack,
dealing 20 damage plus 10 more for each damage counter
on Zekrom for two Colorless Energy. This attack is great
as always, but works even better with Zekrom's Bolt
Strike, which deals 120 damage for two Lightning and a
Colorless, with the side effect of Zekrom dealing 40
damage to itself. While this self-damage does a good job
at powering up Outrage, it also makes Zekrom more prone
to revenge killing than its other Dragon-type brethren.
Fortunately, Eviolite reduces this damage, as well as
increasing Zekrom's durability against other attacks as
Modified: 4.5/5 In a format of powerful and efficient
Basics, Zekrom is probably the most efficient in
Modified right now. 120 damage for three Energy is
great, and being able to do 120 multiple turns without
an Energy discard is fantastic. While Zekrom is prone to
revenge KOs, it also has great synergy with many useful
Energy accelerators like Pachirisu CL and Eelektrik NVI.
Zekrom is definitely a sight that you'll have to look
out for on the tournament scene, as it is definitely one
of the biggest threats in the format.
Limited: 5/5 Much like Reshiram, Zekrom is a Limited
bomb, perhaps maybe even moreso than its Fire-type
counterpart. Bolt Strike's 120 damage without a discard
is absolutely insane in Black and White Limited, easily
Knocking Out almost everything in a single blow.
Likewise, once Zekrom has a lot of damage, you can
switch to Outrage to grab even more KOs. Overall, Zekrom
is definitely worth running and splashing Lightning for
in your Limited deck.
Combos With: Pachirisu CL, Shaymin UL, Eelektrik NVI