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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Pachirisu #18/95
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 17, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 2.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Call of Legends)
(as I like to call him) is another one of the
depressingly few new cards from Call of Legends to get
any attention at all from players. Is that attention at
all justified though?
Well, I won’t say it isn’t, but I will say that it is
most probably premature.
is an unevolving Basic with
an unimpressive 60 HP. Weakness to Fighting isn’t great
and the Metal Resistance is . . . better than nothing, I
suppose. Its one attack, Shocking Bolt, does a decent 50
for the fairly steep cost of [L][L]. What’s more, after
using it, you have to send all Energy cards attached to
Pachi to the Lost Zone.
Luckily, Pachi has a quick
way of accelerating Energy. Self-Generation is a
coming-into-play Power which lets you attach up to two
Lightning Energy cards to it from your hand. OK, I can
see how that could possibly get you a quick cheap Prize
(maybe even a donk win), but
it’s not really enough to justify any kind of hype for
the card.
The reason why people
are giving it
a second look is because of the way it can combo with
Shaymin UL (or even the
Lucian’s Assignment Supporter) to move that Energy on to
another Pokémon. As many Lightning Pokémon tend to be
very Energy hungry (All Raichu,
Electivire TM,
Lanturn Prime, for example),
this looks like a potentially useful play. Out of all
the possible options, Raichu
Prime seems to be the favourite as, if you can keep up
the Energy drops, you can hit for
120 damage per turn.
There are two main problems with that strategy though:
one is ensuring that you have enough energy in hand to
use the Power, and the other is that most Lightning
Pokémon tend to be glass cannons: big on attack, but low
on durability. For this reason, I don’t see
Pachi being enough to make
those cards competitive in the current format.
BUT . . .
Right now it seems that Pachi
DOES feature in a very successful Japanese deck, paired
with that Shaymin and one of
the new Black and White Pokémon.
Zekrom may be a Basic, but it has a ridiculous
130 HP and can hit for 120 for [L][L][C]
with no discard. It self-damages, but Seeker/SSU can
save it, and it also has a ‘Rage’ style attack to hurt
anything that can’t OHKO it.
So, if you manage to get hold of this card, I suggest
hanging on to it. It won’t make your
Raichu Primes any less
useless than they are now, but when the next set hits in
a couple of months time, you may be
needing them.
Modified: 2 (that rating is for now. If
Zekrom decks become popular,
this card will be an important tech)
Limited: 2.5 (eh . . . good for a quick KO I suppose)
Combos with . . .
Prime (for now)
(for later)

Otaku |
Alright, just barely enough time for a
quick CotD before I leave for work.
Today we look at
Pachirisu from Call of Legends.
Pachirisu is a Basic Pokémon,
meaning it enjoys a format right now
with some great help for Basic Pokémon
(easy to search, easy to play) and faces
mostly other Basic Pokémon as
As nasty as many of the Pokémon
SP are, its better for
Pachirisu to be in a format
dominated by them than in a format
dominated by huge Stage 2 Pokémon that
are only about a turn slower but easily
capable of OHKOing it
and having killer Poké-Powers/Poké-Bodies
on top of that.
is a Lightning-Type Pokémon.
Haven’t heard of any new
Lightning Type decks lately, but I doubt
Luxray GL Lv.X has gone away, so
there is an existing archetype or two it
could fit into, plus at least one card
of generic Lightning-Type support I can
find (better than nothing).
It will need some help since it
only has 60 HP: this is pretty low for a
Basic Pokémon that can’t further Evolve.
It has Fighting Weakness at the
damage doubling level, but that isn’t
really of consequence: most Fighting
Pokémon that see competitive play either
hit hard enough to OHKO it anyway, or
Evolve into something that does.
It does enjoy Metal Resistance
-20, which won’t come in handy all that
often but is far better than nothing.
The single Energy Retreat cost is
functionally low and good, but seems
quite high given how low the HP score is
and that it can’t Evolve.
Pachirisu does have going for it is
a Poké-Power.
When you play
Pachirisu from your hand to your
Bench, you get to attach up to two
Lightning Energy cards from your hand to
Pachirisu, which is just enough to
use its first attack.
Unfortunately, that first attack
is Shocking Bolt.
The 50 points of damage it does
for (LL) is actually quite solid, but it
becomes bad when you read the effect
text: you have to send all Energy cards
attached to
Pachirisu to the Lost Zone!
Not only are they currently
impossible to get back, but there isn’t
even a good combo to make use of them.
It also means that without the
Poké-Power (or the turn after using it)
you need Energy acceleration or can only
attack with it every other turn.
So for Modified, this card seems pretty
It ties with one other
Pachirisu for having the lowest HP
Pachirisu (all other versions have
70) and when playing it, I guess you’re
going for a quick opening 50 points of
damage and then expecting to sacrifice
If it attached Energy from the
deck, that could actually have been
useful, but since it drains your hand,
if you go first you might not have the
Energy to get a bonus Energy attachment
out of the Poké-Power.
In Limited, it fairs a little better.
It needs two copies of
Lightning Energy in hand to really
be of use, so it’s a little harder to
splash but not impossible.
If you do, you can get a quick 50
damage which is pretty good in Limited
play, but it is still pretty bad that
you have to remove all the Energy from
It might manage to live two turns
(when not facing Weakness), allowing you
two shots.
If you time it right you can take
down one Pokémon pretty easily, unless
it’s up against an uninjured Stage 2.
Just a reminder, I’ve still got auctions
up on eBay.
here to see if there is anything
you’d like. ;) Just remember that
Pojo.com is only letting me link here,
and is in no way responsible for the
virusyosh |
Happy Thursday, Pojo viewers! Today we continue our
reviews of the new Call of Legends expansion with a card
that may be a very valuable tech in a few decks, as well
as something begging to be broken by a rogue deck.
Today's Card of the Day is Pachirisu.
Pachirisu is a Basic Lightning Pokemon. Lightning
Pokemon aren't commonly seen outside of Luxray GL Lv. X,
but Magnezone is definitely playable, although maybe not
tier one. 60 HP is a bit low for a non-evolving Basic,
meaning that it can get sniped by Garchomp's Dragon Rush
as well as Gengar SF's Shadow Room for a KO. Fighting
Weakness is to be expected, meaning that Donphan and
Machamp will murder you. Metal Resistance is great
against Dialga G Lv. X, Steelix Prime, and Scizor Prime.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is totally payable, and can
also be made free through Unown Q.
Due to Pachirisu's low HP, it should have either a good
attack or a very good Power/Body to act a support
Pokemon. Fortunately, Pachirisu has a great Power, and
decent attack. Self-Generation allows you to attach up
to 2 Lightning Energy from your hand onto Pachirisu the
turn you play it onto the Bench. Although this fully
powers up Pachirisu's Shocking Bolt, this Power has many
other uses as well. Pachirisu makes a perfect partner to
Magnezone Lv. X, as the Energies attached to Pachirisu
can then be moved onto Magnezone (or any of your other
Pokemon) to power them up. It works especially well with
Magnezone Prime, as you can Lost Burn for high amounts
of damage regularly. Combine this with Seeker and
Magnetic Draw, and you have a very fast, hard hitting
deck (although with all of that Energy going into the
Lost Zone, you better make it count).
Pachirisu's attack, Shocking Bolt, does 50 damage for
[LL], with all of the Energy going to the Lost Zone
afterward. This is a decently-costed attack, and
actually works quite well early game with an Expert Belt
and maybe a Crobat G Flash Bite or two. This also makes
me think that some kind of "turbo Pachirisu" deck can be
built as a donk deck with the right support.
Modified: 3.5/5 Sure, Pachirisu has low HP, but anything
that is able to get around the once per turn Energy
attachment is amazing in Modified. The fact that it
combos so well with Magnezone can't be ignored, and it
can even power itself up quickly. Just be careful, as
its low HP makes it a giant target to be sniped or
dragged up.
Limited: 4/5 Great here. Although the Energy goes to the
Lost Zone and requires significant investment in
Lightning, you should be able to surprise someone with
it and get at least one KO. Too bad the HP isn't a bit
Combos With: Magnezone Lv. X, Magnezone Prime, other
slower Lightning types like Raichu