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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Research Record
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 23, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 4.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Research Record
Here’s an interesting card. It doesn’t seem all that
much at first, but it does look like it can be used in
any deck that can take advantage of some
Research Record is a Trainer, which is great in that you
can play as many as you like on your turn. It’s not so
great in that it can be locked by four very popular
cards: Spiritomb AR,
Dialga G,
Gastly SF, and
Vileplume UD. Its effect is
to let you look at your top four cards, put as many as
you like on top of your deck, and put the rest on the
Obviously, by itself, Research Record doesn’t do very
much. Where it shines is in combination with draw cards.
If you are playing anything which draws the top card(s)
of your deck, then Research Record can be a very useful
way of trying to maximise the effectiveness of what
would otherwise be just some random
topdecks. So what does it work with? Well
Uxie LA is a staple draw
card in virtually every deck.
Magnezone decks that run the Prime will also
benefit from using this, as will Fire decks with
Ninetales HGSS. Then there
are decks that use draw Supporters like
Volkner’s Philosophy (seen
in some Gyarados) or
Engineer’s Adjustments (I’ve seen it in a
Steelix deck before).
With space so tight in a competitive deck, though, the
question is: should you make space for this card? In all
honesty, I’m a bit doubtful. While it does do
useful, I’m not sure if it is worth putting 2-4 copies
of this in your deck just to combo it with
Uxie. In the end, there is
always going to be something I would rather have, such
as the fourth copy of a consistency card like Pokémon
Collector, or maybe something like Energy Exchanger or
Warp Point.
That said, I do think it is a card worth testing,
especially in decks using cards like
Magnezone Prime or
Ninetales which can call on
regular drawpower.
Modified: 2.25 (useful, but is it useful enough?)
Limited: 3.75 (It’s a Trainer that helps with
topdecks. If you pull it,
play it)
Combos with . . .
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Research Record (Call of Legends)
Today we have one of the few Trainers in the set u for
review. Pojo presents: Research Record!
This card is interesting in that it revolves around
fixing up your topdeck but isn't completely terrible.
Allow me to elaborate.
Fixing your topdeck so that you know what cards are
coming and being able to switch them around to get to
them faster is great, but drawing the cards immediately
without having to wait for the start of your next turn
is a far superior method for setting up your field and
winning the game. Even if the cards you draw aren't very
useful, you still can use them as fodder to pay the
sacrifice for another card (Bebe's Search, Pokemon
Communication and Junk Arm are all good examples of
cards that require a sacrifice).
To make matters worse, deck lists are always very tight
because you always want to use more cards than can fit
into your deck (if you don't it means that your
collection is tiny, or you haven't done enough
playtesting) so there is very little room for niche
cards, such as cards that rearrange the top of your
deck. The final nail in the coffin of topdecking being a
good strategy in Pokemon is that Slowking HGSS and
Chatot G, while not incredibly popular, will still pop
up from time to time in competitive play and totally
ruin your topdeck after you just rearranged it.
Screwing with your opponent's topdeck is a lot more
effective, provided you combine that strategy with cards
that deplete your opponent's hand so that the other
player will run out of options and just concede. Sadly,
Research Record doesn't do that.
What it does do is let you look at the top 4 cards of
your deck and place the ones you still want back on top
of your deck in any order, then you place the cards you
didn't want on the bottom of your deck in any order. The
usefulness of this effect is that you can thin the top
of your deck by 4 cards each time you play this Trainer,
which is great for decks that love to draw through their
entire deck on the first turn of the game (Uxie Donk,
Shuppet Donk and some Gyarados builds). While you still
have to draw the cards with other Trainers like Poke
Drawer + and Pokedex Handy-101 (and the ever-present
draw Poke-powers like Uxie LA), you can make your draw
count by removing cards that aren't immediately useful
to the bottom of the deck so that you can get to the
rest of your draw Trainers and Uxie LA's that much
faster for a more consistent setup.
Most players won't want to touch this card, but if you
need to thin your deck really quickly, then Research
Record may well be your cup of tea.
Modified: 3 (you won't want to use it most of the time
and Trainer lock is still as powerful as it was 3 months
ago, but Research Record is the best deck-thinning card
we have right now)
Limited: 4.5 (rearranging your deck is great in Limited,
especially since you can drop the fodder to the bottom
and get to the good stuff quicker)
Combos with: Uxie Donk |
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day
is one of the new Trainer cards from Call of Legends.
Today's COTD is Research Record.
Research Record is a Trainer card with the
straightforward effect of allowing you to look at the
top 4 cards of your deck and then put as many of them as
you like back on the top of your deck in any order, with
the rest going to the bottom in any order. In Modified,
I don't see much use for this card right now, as you can
search for most important cards that you may need.
Additionally, even if a card you're looking for is
unsearchable, you can just use something like Uxie to
draw into it, provided your deck is consistent enough.
If Research Record allowed you to take one or two of the
cards from the four you look at and put them into your
hand, it would be more playable. As it is now, it really
just seems to be a waste of a slot.
In Limited, however, this card is quite playable,
since there isn't nearly as much search. Looking at the
top 4 cards of your deck can ensure that you get that
crucial Evolution or Pokemon that you need, or just
allow you to cycle through your deck faster if you don't
need any of those 4 cards.
Modified: 1.5/5 I can see times where it would be
useful, but really, I don't see that much of a reason to
run it here.
Limited: 5/5 Unlike Modified, including this in your
deck will almost never hurt you, due to Limited's lack
of search.