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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magnezone Lv. 46
Stormfront - 6
Date Reviewed:
Mar. 1, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.87
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Whereas the Metal Magnezone
we reviewed yesterday is mainly useful for early game
set up, today’s version has a Power which can be used
throughout the game and which combos with virtually all
of the other Magnezones we
Like the other SF Magnezone,
it has 120 HP. Unfortunately,
being Lightning type means no Special Metal protection,
and the Fighting Weakness isn’t great either. Ideally
though, this should never be active – even if you attack
with it. We will see why later.
Super Connectivity is the big deal with this card. Once
per turn, you can grab a [L] or a [M] Energy from your
discard pile and attach it to your active Pokémon. Note
that the Power DOES NOT specify Basic Energy, making it
one of the very few ways in the game of recovering those
all-important Special Metals. Energy acceleration is
great in virtually all decks (err . . . maybe not
Gyarados), but especially
valuable in Magnezone when
you consider that FOUR of the cards we are reviewing
this week discard (or Lost Zone) Energy when they
attack. Having one of these out
means that you can keep fuelling your attacks while
keeping pace with your Energy drops.
Not only that, but you also have a decent attack. Gyro
Ball may only do 60 for [L][C][C],
but it also has the
(nice!) to switch out AND force a potentially disruptive
switch on your opponent. The fact that it can retreat to
the bench makes it a fairly safe candidate for using
Expert Belt, if needed. Attacking with Gyro Ball and
then promoting Spiritomb AR
to lock Trainers can be a useful strategy which was in
fact tried by some players (very similar to how the old
Cursegar deck was played).
Because we now have a superior attacker available in the
shape of Magnezone Prime,
this version is most likely just going to see play in a
very valuable supporting role. It really is essential
support though, and this is a card I would definitely
play one copy of in any Magnezone
Modified (in a Magnezone
deck): 3.75 (a great tech to support the Prime, and a
decent attacker)
conical |
Magnezone(Stormfront 6)
Didn't we review Magnezone SF yesterday? Oh right,
multiple versions.
This Magnezone, I think, is slightly better than
yesterday's. Super Connectivity is an excellent power
when in conjunction with yesterday's Magnezone and the
Level X both of which discard energy with their attacks.
It cannot bring back energy removed with Magnezone
Prime's attack, but it's still a useful tool. There is
also one other use which I wanted to mention, which is
using both Magnezone SF in conjunction with Palkia/Dialga
Legend. Magnetic Search is excellent for searching out
Legend Pieces, and Super Connectivity can retrieve the
Metal energy PDL discards with Time Control. If any deck
could easily tech PDL in, it would be Magnezone. I'm
just not sure how PDL benefits Magnezone.
Gyro Ball is an interesting attack, one which has been
used often with a benched Spiritomb to Trainer lock
after the attack, similar to how Gengar AR played last
format. In some ways, Magnezone is better at the
strategy; for one, Magnezone can abuse Double Colorless
Energy, which Gengar cannot. If you were to create a
Magnezone deck, this would likely be your main attacker.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 2.75/5
Combos With: Palkia/Dialga Legend |
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we continue
Magnezone Week by reviewing the Lightning-type Magnezone
from Stormfront, which seems to be more commonly played
than its Metal counterpart (which we reviewed
Magnezone is a Stage 2 Lightning Pokemon. Lightning is a
commonly feared type in today's Modified metagame, as
Gyarados and Kingdra are rather common and many players
dislike seeing Luxray GL Lv. X hit the field. 120 HP is
average for a Stage 2, but still should be able to take
at least two hits. Fighting Weakness means Machamp and
Donphan will hurt, as will Promo Toxicroak G, Metal
Resistance is great against Dialga and opposing
Magnezone Lv. X/SF 5, and a Retreat Cost of 3 is
gigantic, so use Warp Point or Warp Energy to get it out
of the Active position.
Magnezone has a Poke-Power and an attack The power,
Super Connectivity, is really what makes this Magnezone
see a lot of play in the Magnezone deck. Super
Connectivity allows you to attach a Lightning or Metal
Energy to your Active Pokemon once per turn from your
discard pile, with the cost of placing one damage
counter on that Pokemon. Since many of the commonly
played Magnezones (Lv. X, SF 5) have discarding
requirements in order to attack, Super Connectivity
along with these attacking Magnezones allow for a
constant stream of Energy to use Cyber Shock or Crush
Volt every turn.
Gyro Ball, costing [LCC] deals 60 damage and gives you
the chance to switch out your Magnezone. If you do, the
opponent must switch as well. In my opinion this attack
costs just a little too much, but it can be used if
necessary if you can't use your Energy recursion engine.
Modified: 3.75/5 Most Magnezone decks use this, and for
good reason. The amount of Energy recursion Magnezone
can provide is very helpful for this type of deck, even
though the damage counter placement is a drawback. The
biggest problem you'll have is once again figuring out
how many of these to run. Most common decks run 1 or 2,
from what I've seen.
Limited: 4/5 Much like yesterday's Card of the Day, if
you can get it out, you should have the game.
Combos With: Magnezone SF #5, Magnezone Lv. X

Otaku |
Fascinating… I assumed that I had merely
missed reviewing today’s card when it
was new, but I am not seeing a listing
Magnezone Lv.46, Stormfront 6/100.
is a Lightning-Type, which is useful in
the current format: your type matching
options are solid.
It is a mixed blessing (as is so
often the case) that pre-existing
Lightning-Type decks have been popular
earlier this format: you might be able
to hybridize with them for a stronger
deck but it also means players are used
to avoiding or coping with Lightning
Magnezone is a Stage 2 Pokémon,
allowing it to get away with better
stats and effects than a lower level
Pokémon while remaining balanced… at
least in theory.
It does mean that it will take
more room in your deck, and you’ll have
to use the lower stages.
Magnemite (Stormfront 66/100)
looks like the best bet, because it has
a Poké-Item that can give it a free
Retreat Cost.
You won’t really want to be
attacking with it so that is the primary
The versions of
Magneton are all pretty solid
looking, but again you don’t really want
to have to attack with it. It is
tempting to completely skip
Magneton and rely on
Rare Candy, but then you run the
risk of being shutdown by Trainer-lock
or an easy kill for Devolution attack.
Magnezone clocks in at 120 HP.
Of course this would have been
perfect until a few years ago, but now
it falls just about at the “average”
point for its Stage, at least in terms
of functionality.
If attacking, it should survive
one attack outside of the “extremes”
like damage stacking combos, unusual
attack effects, or being damaged by its
Said Weakness is a fairly common
one, Fighting, but at least it is the
now abandoned “damage plus” version:
Fighting Pokémon will strike for an
extra 30 points of damage.
Lamentably this will matter in
the current format as Fighting decks are
not an uncommon sight, and while “+30”
is almost always better than “x2”, it’s
still enough to put
Magnezone into the OHKO range for
multiple Fighting-Type decks.
I am happy to see this card does have a
Resistance score: Metal -20.
It won’t come in handy all that
often, especially since few decks are
unable to “play around” Resistance, but
it is appreciated nonetheless and adds a
level of depth to the game lacking when
TPC decides to ignore this field.
Finishing off the bottom stats we
have a Retreat Cost of three.
While not the largest, for most
circumstances it might as well be:
rarely will you want to pay that much
Energy to Retreat this card, and it is
high enough that using Retreat Cost
lowering cards will require stacking
them if you want to completely eliminate
the Energy requirement.
So this card is starting off fairly
adequate: it is neither huge nor small
and its stats are as a whole solid.
As for its effects, it brings a
Poké-Power and an attack to the table.
The Poké-Power is Super
Connectivity, which provides some
situational Energy acceleration.
Once during your turn, before
your attack, you are allowed to search
your discard pile for a
Lightning or
Metal Energy card (either the Basic
or Special Energy version) and attach it
to your Active Pokémon.
Doing so places a damage counter
on that Pokémon.
Like most Poké-Powers, it cannot
be used if
Magnezone is affected by a Special
This strikes me as a good, well
balanced form of Energy acceleration.
The only restriction on what can
receive the Energy is that said Pokémon
must be Active, and prevents a player
from easily prepping back-up attackers
on the Bench but won’t stop you from
loading up your Active quite easily or
from using a non-Lightning or Metal-Type
Pokémon capable of utilizing those
Energy types.
The damage being done likewise is
a small enough amount that both ignoring
it or healing it are options as long as
you’re using it for just one or two
extra Energy attachments a turn.
You do have the option, however,
of running multiples of
Magnezone Lv.46 and stacking the
You’ll probably need to include
some healing but if you can come up with
a good deck to justify it all, you can
make an attack that requires up to five
Energy a turn (so long as they are
Energy or
Metal Energy) fast and affordable,
even if that Pokémon discards those
Energy each turn!
The attack is a nice match for what this
Pokémon can do, without being obvious.
Gyro Ball requires (LCC) and hits
for 60 damage.
For a Stage 2 Pokémon, that isn’t
a lot but it is still high enough to be
threatening, plus even if the Poké-Power
isn’t an option, it is nice that it
works with
Double Colorless Energy (and the two
together make it easy to power up in a
single turn).
Just as important as the Energy
cost is the effect: you have the option
of switching
Magnezone with one of your Benched
Pokémon, and if you do it forces your
opponent to switch out the Defending
This allows a Pokémon you’re
probably playing for its Poké-Power, and
thus want to hide on your Bench, to get
back to the Bench easily despite its
high Retreat Cost and even some annoying
“trapping” effects.
It also can be used if you really
did want to focus exclusively on this
Magnezone to load a different one up
with Energy each turn as well as force
your opponent to “spread” their damage.
Lastly, sometimes you just need
an emergency method of forcing out a
problem Defending Pokémon, especially
since most decks that hide behind a
specific Active will run something to
frustrate Trainer and/or Poké-Power
usage (the preferred methods of forcing
your opponent to change out their
You can then bring up something
irritating for
Magnezone to hide behind like
Spiritomb from Arceus.
This is one of the two
Magnezone you’re basically building
your deck around.
There might be some question as
to whether you could get away with all
versions being today’s CotD or
tomorrow’s CotD, but one or the other
will be a part of any serious
Magnezone using deck.
So what about Limited play?
If you are fortunate enough to
find a Limited event using Stormfront
(or are meticulous enough to document
pack contents and “redraft” from your
existing cardpool), you find this to be
an excellent pick.
The fundamental rules still
apply: average HP scores and damage
output is lower, Energy acceleration is
even better than it is in constructed
You will need to mind your
Weakness though at least most of the
devastating Fighting Pokémon are higher
rarity levels instead of Commons or
Uncommons, but with your Weakness even
the more readily available
Fighting-Types are champs.
There are some Metal-Type Pokémon
kicking around this set, even at the
lower rarities, so Resistance might
occasionally come in handy.
Finally Gyro Ball not only enjoys
its damage output effectively being
better and being friendly to decks
running more than
Lightning Energy, but the effect is
much more valuable in a format where
players often won’t have any Bench
manipulation options.
There’s even a healthy amount of
Lightning Weakness in this set.
There really are only two reasons
not to run
Magnezone: you didn’t pull a
workable line (even a
is worth considering) or you actually
pulled enough other great cards that
there really isn’t room for the
Lightning Energy and/or
Metal Energy needed alongside the
Check out my eBay sales
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no
way responsible for any transactions and
is merely kind enough to let me link to
my auctions in the reviews. ;)