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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lost World
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 7, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 1.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Lost World
Hello and welcome to a brand new and very scary week
here on Pojo’s
Why is it scary? Because we kick off by reviewing the
new Lost World Stadium, that’s why . . . the card that
some players hoped would never see the light of day
outside of Japan!
Lost World’s effect is both simple and completely
revolutionary. If your opponent has six or more Pokémon
in the Lost Zone when this hits the table, you can
declare yourself the winner of the game. This represents
a completely new win condition . . . the first (I
think) since
the TCG made its debut way back in 1996 (in
Japan, that is).
So . . . how do you get six of your opponent’s Pokémon
in the Lost Zone? Well, assuming they aren’t going to do
the job for you with Absol
Prime, you have a few alternatives.
Giratina LV X, Palkia
G LV X and Mime Jr
CoL are all capable of doing
this. The fact is though, that no-one is worried about
those cards. The real reason Lost World has earned its
notoriety is Gengar Prime.
With its ability to send (potentially) multiple Pokémon
from the hand to the Lost Zone with Hurl into Darkness
(used in combination with Seeker or forced hand-refresh
like Spiritomb TM) you have
what could be a deadly combo with Lost World and a deck
(conveniently named ‘Lostgar’)
that can win without even attempting to take a single
Rumours of Lostgar’s
complete domination in Japan has only added fuel to
players fears that the format will become dominated by
this one deck and a handful of possible counters. Are
they really justified though? Japanese tournaments are
played with a very different format from our own, and
some of the key cards from those scary
Lostgar decks have since
been rotated. There are also a number of counters
available which will easily OHKO
Gengar Prime, making it difficult for them to
keep swarming and keep sending Pokémon to the Lost Zone
(Absol G LV X,
Honchrow SV, and
Weavile G, for example).
While I do expect Lostgar to
be a common sight at upcoming tournaments, I don’t quite
see it as a play-this-or-lose format
As far as rating Lost World goes, that’s quite a
difficult task. It’s only as good or as bad as the cards
which make it work as a win condition. This is obviously
subject to change as more cards get released and rotated
out. The Lostgar deck will
be popular and may even be effective, so the card
probably deserves a high-ish
rating for now. Whether it will continue to be a key
card in the format, or a passing fad . . . we will have
to wait and see.
Modified: 4 (brings something new and viable to the
game, like it or not)
Limited: 2 (only has Mime Jr
to work with, and you would need ridiculous luck to win
with that combo)
Combos with . . .
Prime TM
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Lost World (Call of Legends)
This has to be the most anticipated card in the whole
set, possibly for the whole HGSS block. Yes, I know Call
of Legends isn't part of the HGSS releases but there are
enough reprints that everyone will think of it that way.
And CL sure isn't part of the Black & White sets, or of
any previous blocks!
First of all, I love the art on this card. Hideaki
Hakozaki Has nailed this piece, showing a once-idyllic
island being ripped apart by the gaping maw of the void.
The lightning, the breaking stone, the swirling
wormhole, I love it all. This new artist on the Pokemon
team has my vote, and I hope they stay on with all of
the old masters we know and love. It is such a pity that
I hate the card.
That's right, I hate this card. And that coming from
somone who gave Gengar Prime a good review and plays the
wily ghost without the ability to cheat with the Lost
I don't hate the Lost Zone Mechanic (I even thought it
was underused until HS Triumphant was released) and I
don't hate having new victory conditions. In fact, I am
a strong fan of all of the developing strategies I have
seen since the introduction of Diamond & Pearl. Not that
I don't like all of the strategic development that
happened during the 3rd generation of cards in the EX
series but despite being a long-time collector and
player amoung friends, I never learned about proper
competitive play until 2009 (I actually though Life Herb
was a good card in a competitive environment!).
Back on topic, the reason I hate this card is that it is
broken. It's that simple. And Lost World isn't just
broken in one way, no, it breaks TWO fundamental rules
of the game without any balancing that I can see.
The first is that depsite being a Stadium card, Lost
Zone is not a double-edged sword like all other Stadium
cards. With all other Stadiums there is a chance that
having the card in play will help your opponent as much
as or even more than it helps you (see Broken Time Space
and Snowpoint Temple). True, the more specific
effects of Stadiums will usually not help any opponent
unless they run a simliar deck (see Conductive
Quarry, Indigo Plateau and Sunnyshore City Gym). But
Lost World can be used to win without your opponent
getting a chance to ever use it against you because you
can use the effect of Lost World the turn you play the
card from your hand.
The second, more problematic way that Lost World is
broken is that there is no way for any deck (even
another Lost World deck) to counter the victory
condition. Not every deck can send your opponent's
Pokemon to the Lost Zone to match this new way to win,
but even if every deck did include a copy of Gengar
Prime or Absol G Lv X to return fire, Lost World would
still be broken. You can't take cards (including Pokemon)
back out of the Lost Zone, so as soon as the critical
number (6) is reached then playing Lost World guarantees
the win.
Admittedly you can't put more prizes back (unless you
use Dialga and Palkia Legend, and I don't see that
happening) but you can rescue a wounded Pokemon to stop
your opponent taking a Prize (healing, returning it to
your hand and adding more HP or damage reduction). Also,
when it comes to running out of cards against a
'milling' deck (a deck that forces you to discard a lot
of cards to lose when your deck runs out and/or your
hand leaves you without any options) you can use all
sort of retrieval cards to return cards from the discard
pile to your hand or deck. And even when you face
running out of Pokemon, there are plenty of search cards
you can use to fix that problem.
Even worse, your opponent has to take 6 prizes to win
but they only have to put 6 Pokemon cards into the Lost
Zone which can include any and all evolutions cards as
separate Pokemon. Send to Stage 2 Pokemon (that weren't
evolved with Rare Candy) from the playing field to the
Lost Zone (rather than taking 6 KOs) and you can play
Lost World to win.
I'm not saying that the Lost Zone should be changed
because the whole point of the Lost Zone is that you
can't retrieve cards form that out-of-play area. What
should happen is that Lost World needs to be given an
errata to make it that you have to have the Lost World
stadium in play for at least one turn before you can use
the effect (so your opponent gets first chance to use it
and/or a chance to discard it) and that the number of
Pokemon needed in the Lozt Zone to claim an instant win
should be raised to 9 or more. If some sort of nerfing
(intentional weakening) is not applied, then this card
needs to be banned for the good of the game.
If Lost World is released in 'as is' condition, then the
strategic element of the Pokemon Trading Card Game is
Modified: 5 (This card is broken, so it gets a perfect
score for power. I still hate it!)
Limited: 1 (Lost World is nearly useless in Limited, and
I still hate it!)
Combos with: Major errata or an outright ban. Seriously,
I will quit Pokemon if this thing still exists when
Nationals come around. No Joke.
conical |
2/7/11: Lost World(Call of Legends)
I want to start with something that mostly everyone will
agree with: Lost World is a very bold design. I don't
just mean in terms of game mechanics, though certainly
adding a new win condition in any TCG is a bold move. I
also mean in terms of what the Lost World is supposed to
represent. I mean, does no one else think that the card
reflects some sort of doomsday-ish landscape?
I'll spare the readers heavy analysis of the card; at
this point, Lost World has been analyzed from pretty
much every angle. I will say this, however: The card is
good, it will be abused in some form, be it a Gengar
Prime variant or something different, and anyone who
chooses to ignore that this will be played does so at
their own peril. As a player, I welcome the card
heartily. This should be fun.
Modified: 4.5/5
Limited:2/5(You...probably won't use this often here,
barring extreme luck)
Combos With: Gengar Prime
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day
is probably the most hyped card from the new Call of
Legends expansion, and for good reason. It seems to be a
card that everyone has an opinion on, and most people
either seem to love it or hate it, or think it's
overpowered or overrated, with very little middle
ground. Today's Card of the Day is Lost World.
Lost World is a Stadium card with a VERY interesting
effect: On either player's turn, if that player's
opponent has six or more Pokemon in the Lost Zone, the
current player may declare to win the game. From what I
understand, in Japan's LEGEND-on (HeartGold & SoulSilver
in the US) format, this card is currently the
centerpiece of the highest tier deck in their Modified
format along with Gengar Prime, with other decks not
even coming close. In our current MD-on Modified,
however, this deck probably won't be quite as dominant,
although it will still be a force to be reckoned with.
The basic idea of the deck is to get a Gengar Prime out
as soon as possible, then use Hurl into Darkness and
trigger Catastrophe early and often to disrupt your
opponent's setup as well as getting you valuable Pokemon
into the Lost Zone to win when you drop this card. In a
very slow format like Japan's HGSS-on, this is
incredibly powerful, as there are few ways to get rid of
Pokemon in your hand or get rid of the Gengar before it
removes a serious amount of your Pokemon to the Lost
Zone. However, things are not quite so easy for our
MD-on format, where the fast and powerful SP engine is
still around, and we still have things like Regice LA
and Banette PL to discard Pokemon from our hands to play
around Hurl into Darkness. The deck will still be
powerful, but another properly teched deck will still
have a chance, especially if one uses a Dark-type to get
rid of Gengar.
In Limited, Lost World isn't nearly as powerful, as
there aren't very consistent ways of getting many of
your opponent's Pokemon into the Lost Zone. Mime Jr. is
an idea, albeit a very unreliable one. I suppose you can
also take advantage of an opponent that is using
Relicanth's draw attack, but the odds of them getting
rid of six Pokemon in this way are incredibly low.
Modified: 3.75/5 I believe that Lost World is slightly
overrated as of right now, but will definitely be a
force once SP decks leave the format. The presence of
Lost World decks should cause Gyarados play to drop
drastically, as a few Magikarps in the Lost Zone is game
over for the Gyarados player. However, that being said,
any deck fast enough to set up before the Lostgar player
gets a Gengar Prime should be able to at least have a
chance against the deck, although if they don't have a
Dark tech, it still could be fairly difficult.
Limited: 1.5/5 Not nearly as good here, because there
isn't a consistent way of getting your opponent's
Pokemon in the Lost Zone. It can help against someone
using both Relicanth and Lucario together, but outside
of that, it really has limited use.
Combos With: Gengar Prime