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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Seviper #51/95
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 8, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Call of Legends)
Yep, today’s card is the
other snake
Pokémon. The one that doesn’t get the attention that
Ekans and
Arbok had in the anime . . .
that’s right, it’s Seviper!
I kind of like Seviper
actually, he’s a pretty cool guy, and I kind of like
this card too. After all, it’s an
unevolving Basic with good HP (90) and low cost
attacks that can
hit hard . . . and those are all very good things.
first attack though? That’s not good (or so it seems).
Poison Buildup only costs
one Energy, but its effect is
to Poison Seviper. Huh? Why
would anyone do that? The answer (predictably enough)
lies in Poison Effect, which, for [P][C]
does 20 damage BUT if Seviper
is Poisoned it will do an extra 60 AND cure the Poison.
Obviously, there are a few issues with
Seviper that you will want
to work around. Luckily, the cards exist to help you do
this. Skuntank G’s Poison
Structure Power will Poison Seviper
(and a Defending non-SP Pokémon) without the need to use
its first attack. You can the use Poison Effect to hit
for 80 and remove the Poison before it causes any damage
to Seviper. Hitting
80 damage for two Energy (and
the possibility of Poison) is a potent, cheap attack . .
. especially on a Basic. Of course, you will need a
Stadium in play for Skuntank
G’s Power to work and you have a few useful options to
choose from here too. Maybe
Snowpoint Temple to bump
Seviper’s own HP, Galactic HQ to punish evolving
Pokémon, or maybe Miasma Valley to hit any non Psychic
or Grass Pokémon that are put into play.
Of course there are a few drawbacks to
Seviper. Psychic Weakness
and a Retreat cost of two are not helpful, it gets run
over by Machamp SF, and even
with that big attack it will struggle to OHKO evolved
Pokémon and the SP LV Xs. Despite this, I think
Seviper is an interesting
Pokémon with a fair amount of potential. It’s not going
to sweep States (or even be played very much), but its
ability to hit fast and hard is not something to be
underestimated should you find yourself facing one.
Modified: 3 (neat card, not sure if it will work)
Limited: 4 (Poison Buildup
is needed here and will weaken
Seviper, but that second attack is deadly in
Combos with . . .
conical |
2/8/11: Seviper(Call of Legends)
Continuing on with non-reprint Call of Legends cards,
we have Seviper, who is actually somewhat interesting.
Basically, the strategy with Seviper is to poison
itself, then use Poison Effect to deal 80 damage the
next turn. This strategy is fairly slow, given that you
need to attack twice in order to do it and Seviper,
while 90 HP isn't bad for a basic, still won't live
long, given that it damages itself with Poison Buildup.
A more effective combo would be with Skuntank G. Play a
stadium, Poison Structure, and then Seviper deals 80
damage and takes no damage from poison, while the
opponent does. It won't win anything significant, most
likely, but it does make Seviper an interesting combo
card for future sets and formats.
Modified: 2.75/5
Combos With: Skuntank G
Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today's Card of the Day is
Seviper from the new Call of Legends expansion.
Seviper is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. Psychics are
fairly common in today's Modified metagame, with Gengar
variants being quite popular right now as well as a few
Toxicroak G and Banette PL techs in SP decks. Seviper
has 90 HP, good for a non-evolving Basic, and should be
able to take a few non-Weak hits. Psychic Weakness means
that Gengar mauls you, which is unfortunate. No
Resistance is also unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost of 2
is a bit high, so be sure to retreat with Switch, Warp
Point, or Warp Energy.
Seviper has two attacks, which seem to work rather
well together. Poison Buildup has the rather strange
effect of Poisoning Seviper for a single Colorless
Energy. Poisoning yourself is rarely a good idea,
although in Seviper's case, it can actually be rather
helpful. Even still, I would have preferred to see that
attack do a bit of damage, or maybe even Poison the
Defending Pokemon as well.
As for a reason to Poison yourself, Poison Effect
starts off at 20 damage, but does 60 more if you are
Poisoned and then removes the Poison condition from
Seviper, for a total of 80 damage for a Psychic and a
Colorless. 80 damage for two Energy is rather
respectable, although there is a better way to Poison
Seviper than using Poison Buildup. Skuntank G is a great
partner to Seviper in this regard, as you can use its
Poison Structure Poke-Power to Poison both the Defending
Pokemon and Seviper, use Poison Buildup for 80 damage,
and then remove the condition from Seviper, leaving the
Defending Pokemon Poisoned. One slight drawback is that
Poison Structure requires a Stadium to be in play on
your side of the field, but you can use something like
Snowpoint Temple to boost Seviper's HP, adding on to its
survivability in the process. Throw in an Expert Belt,
and you have even more fun.
Modified: 2.5/5 Most of you are going to think I'm
insane for rating Seviper this highly, but I think it
may have a chance as a rogue deck using the combo I just
described above. It loses to Gengar most of the time and
is probably too slow against SP, but it sure would be a
fun deck.
Limited: 3/5 Seviper works surprisingly well in
Limited, too. Although it doesn't survive quite as well
without Skuntank G, 80 damage is still a ton in Limited,
and will be able to tear through most of your opponent's
Combos With: Skuntank G