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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Yanmega Prime
Date Reviewed:
July 25, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.17
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Prime (Triumphant)
Hello, and welcome to another theme week
here on Pojo’s
CotD. This
week we are looking at those Primes
which made an impact in the recent North
American National Championships. All are
now significantly better than they were
when we first reviewed them. How long
will they stay good? Who knows? The
imminent release of Pokémon Catcher and
cards like Kyurem
and Beartic
is going to shake things up a bit for
sure . . . all I can do is rate the
cards for the format we have right now:
We kick off the week with the card that
has seen the biggest shift of all:
Prime. Before the recent rotation, this
was a $5-10 card that saw very limited
play. At Canadian Nationals, it was very
successful with two
Yanmega decks making the top
four. By US Nationals,
Primes were selling for upwards of $60 a
piece, every deck in the top four ran
it, and over half the decks that made it
out of the Swiss rounds included copies
of this card.
So . . . what happened? Well, in short,
the rotation happened. That meant three
things: firstly, the SP decks that could
beat Yanmega
for speed and damage output disappeared;
secondly, Dialga
G LV X, the card that made
unworkable went too; thirdly, the lack
of drawpower
in the new format meant that people
turned to Baby Pokémon (i.e.:
Cleffa) for
deck consistency . . . and
Yanmega eats
Baby Pokémon for breakfast (and easy
So, in a format that has just lost all
of its near-broken staple attackers (the
SPs, Gengar
SF, Gyarados
SF), people took a second look at
Prime, a card that does a lot of things
quite well (and a couple of things
Let’s start with the things that
Prime is ok at: the HP of 110 is
reasonable, but clearly not special,
while the Lightning Weakness isn’t the
nightmare it was when
Luxray GL LV
X dominated, but it’s still not much fun
with Magnezone
Prime and Zekrom
getting a fair bit of table time. Then
we have the attacks: Linear Attack is a
snipe for 40 damage
anywhere, while Sonic Boom does a
respectable 70 damage that is unaffected
by Weakness or Resistance. They are both
decent enough attacks, but some way
short of turning
Yanmega into a broken,
Now let’s look at what
Yanmega does
brilliantly. Firstly, it has free
retreat in a format where few Pokémon
other than the Babies have that
advantage. Secondly (and most crucially)
it can attack for free. That last bit
comes courtesy of
Yanmega Prime’s Insight
PokeBody. If
you can are holding the same number of
cards as your opponent, you get to
ignore Yanmega’s
attack costs. That is not a difficult
feat most of the time: you just play out
your hand accordingly and use Judge or
Copycat as necessary (for example when
your opponent tries to make life
difficult by keeping either a very small
or very large hand size). When they cost
absolutely no Energy to use,
Yanmega’s 40
snipe and effect-free 70 damage attacks
stop looking mediocre and start looking
amazing in this format, and with
Dialga G
gone, there is no way for your opponent
to lock the
Basically, Yanmega
became the fastest, most flexible
attacker in HGSS-on. The fact that it’s
a Stage 1 that doesn’t need Energy to
attack makes it incredibly versatile:
partner it with
Donphan to cover Weakness, play
it with Kingdra
to make sniping 50 HP Basics a breeze,
use it with
Cinccino and/or
Zoroark as
part of a Stage 1 toolbox, or include
Prime for draw Power and a late game
heavy-hitter . . . the choice is yours.
No wonder so many people are choosing
Prime these days.
Modified: 4.5 (the fastest, most
versatile attacker in the format right
Combos with . . .
Where would you like to start?
Prime, Judge, Copycat, any other Stage
1, Zekrom,
Prime . . .
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! While we still have quite
a bit of time left before the release of Emerging
Powers, we're going to spend the next few weeks
presumably catching up on cards that we've forgotten, or
cards that are important to our new HGSS-on Modified.
This week we're going to start by covering some of the
Pokemon Prime cards that made a big impact at the
various North American National Championships. Today's
Card of the Day was probably the biggest surprise, and
has since found itself it many of the current decks to
beat in Modified. Today's Card of the Day is Yanmega
Prime from HS Triumphant.
Yanmega is a Stage 1 Grass-type Pokemon. Grass-types
(aside from Yanmega) aren't at all common in Modified,
with the exception of some people still running Jumpluff
decks, and a few people that have Serperior as a combo
piece. Even still, Yanmega is generally used in
combination with Pokemon of other types, such as Kingdra
Prime, Jirachi UL/CL, and even Magnezone Prime. 110 HP
is fairly good for a Stage 1, meaning Yanmega should be
able to easily take a non-Weak hit unless the opponent
is Reshiram, Zekrom, or Magnezone. Lightning Weakness
could end up being a significant problem for Yanmega,
meaning that Zekrom, Magnezone Prime, and other
uncommonly played Lightning-types (such as Lanturn Prime
or even Ampharos Prime) can OHKO with minimal effort.
Fighting Resistance is great against Donphan, really
hurting Donphan's early-game setup and forcing them to
come up with an answer they may not have. Finally, a
free Retreat cost is the absolute best you can have, and
Yanmega absolutely shines with it.
Yanmega Prime has two attacks and a very excellent
Poke-BODY. The Body, Insight, makes all of Yanmega's
attacks free if you have the same number of cards in
your hand as your opponent. This is the driving force
behind Yanmega's current popularity, in that dealing a
decent amount of damage for free is very difficult to do
in Pokemon, and keeping the same number of cards in your
hand as your opponent isn't even that hard to do, as you
can simply play Judge, Copycat, or use Magnezone Prime's
Magnetic Draw. Yanmega decks typically each of these
methods (although possibly not all of them) in order to
keep the opponent off-balance as well as keeping Yanmega
Now onto Yanmega's attacks. Linear Attack allows you to
choose one of your opponent's Pokemon and deal 40 damage
to it for the price of [GC], although it's usually for
free. Linear Attack is absolutely excellent for picking
off your opponent's damaged Pokemon and weaklings on the
Bench, such as low HP basics (including the Cleffas and
Tyrogues your opponent put down and foolishly thought
they were going to use). This attack pairs especially
well with Kingdra Prime and Jirachi UL/CL, as Yanmega
can attack and Kingdra Prime can Spray Splash damage
onto your opponent's Pokemon, and then Jirachi can Time
Hollow, devolving your opponents damaged Pokemon,
knocking them out if they have enough damage on them. I
will note, though, that this attack is a little bit
expensive for the cost if you aren't reducing it using
Insight, but given that the cost will be reduced unless
something is seriously wrong, it shouldn't matter all
that much.
Sonicboom normally costs [GGC], and deals 70 damage,
ignoring Weakness and Resistance. While not particularly
strong (it won't be OHKOing many popular threats in the
late game, for instance), since Yanmega's strength is
due to its powerful early-game and its speed, Sonicboom
should do more than enough to your opponent's weak
Basics as well as softening them up to be hit later with
another Sonicboom or even a Linear Attack.
Modified: 4/5 Yanmega has been an absolute beast in our
current HGSS-on Modified, and it's quite easy to see
why. With a very abusable Poke-BODY resulting in this
Ogre Darner Pokemon having free attacks, Yanmega can fit
very nicely into any deck that utilizes Judge or
Copycat, and has already found its way into many very
strong winning decks. However, I can't help but wonder
if Yanmega's presence in Modified won't be weakened
slightly with the release of Emerging Powers and Pokemon
Catcher, which will inevitably shake up the metagame.
But until that set is released, Yanmega is most
definitely a Pokemon to be feared, and if you don't have
a way to deal with it, you'll probably find yourself
Limited: 3.25/5 Yanmega isn't quite as good in Limited,
due to the lack of Judge and Copycat to make Insight
work all of the time, but the attacks are still good for
the cost in Limited, and being able to snipe 40 damage
should really give your opponent a hard time when they
are trying to build up a bench. Free retreat is also a
major plus.
Combos With: Kingdra Prime, Magnezone Prime, Jirachi
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Yanmega Prime (HS Triumphant)
Hello all, this week we are going back over some of the
Primes which weren't playable in MD-on but have become,
if not viable, at least worth consideration in the
current HGSS-on format.
The first of these Primes is Yanmega, which was
completely ignored last format because it was
overshadowed by Gyarados SF. With the loss of that card
(the first and last playable Gyarados ever, I'm willing
to bet) Yanmega is one of only 2 Poke'mon capable of an
offensive attack without any energy attached.
Before I get too far ahead of myself though, I'll go
over the stats. Yanmega Prime is a Grass type
non-evolving Stage 1 Poke'mon with 110 HP, Fire
weakness, Fighting resistance, a free retreat cost, a
Poke-body and two attacks.
While there are no Stage 1 Poke'mon with the
survivability of Donphan Prime, the HP is excellent and
will alow you to survive most attacks at least once with
the resistance further prolonging your life. The free
retreat is also extremely useful as it allows you
freedom to run to the bench when Yanmega has taken a
beating. The weakness is surprising (I expected Fire
weakness) but definitely a problem as it allows Zekrom
and Magnezone Prime to expend a lot less resources
scoring an OHKO.
Still, as a Grass type Yanmega can take advantage of
Metapod HGSS to remove that weakness and can also
benefit from Sunflora HGSS which will make it easy to
search and play several Yanmega cards (which is a
definite speed advantage since both your attackers and
support are all Stage 1 Poke'mon). All in all, if you
can throw in a partner to handle Fire matchups then you
should be able to play Yanmega by Turn 2 and keep it in
play for several turns after that. If this isn't an
excellent start then I don't know what is.
But stats alone don't make a card great. The strategic
value of Yanmega Prime lies in it's Poke-body, Insight.
What this Poke-body does is make remove the energy cost
of both of Yanmega's attacks, provided you have the same
number of cards in your hand as your opponent.
The ability to attack for heavy damage without any
energy investment is awesome, as proven by all of the
Gyarados decks run in the last couple of years. The main
problem historically was that Gyarados outgunned Yanmega
with greater damage output, better type for matching
weakness, an attack that was always free (it can't be
shut off by Dialga G or changing hand sizes) and greater
survivability (better +30 weakness, same resistance and
more HP). With Dialga G and Gyarados SF no longer
present in the metagame people are now giving Yanmega
Prime another look.
Insight still has the difficulty of matching your hand
size to your opponent's. Fortunately, you can play
either Judge or Copycat to instantly synchronise your
hand sizes, although you suffer the drawback of being
unable to play any of the cards you draw when you
shuffle your hand in (unless you can draw cards to
replace them). Alternatively you can fill your deck with
Item cards to make playing out your hand easier for
those times when you want to synchronise your hand sizes
manually. I would use both approaches together, because
if Yanmega has to attach energy to attack then it
becomes a lot less potent.
The first attack is Liner attack, which normally costs
[g][c] and allows you to hit any Poke'mon for 40 damage.
While this isn't very impressive for 2 energy, as a free
attack it allows a lot of utility as you can 2HKO all
evolving Basics and several evolving Stage 1 Poke'mon or
you can finish off an opponent who has run away from
Sonic Boom. With Kingdra Prime as an attack booster (and
decent backup attacker) you can do a lot of damage with
this free attack, and you can still use this attack turn
2 if you attach enough energy.
Sonic Boom is both the main attack and grand failure of
this card. At the usual cost of [g][c][c], the 70 damage
would be poor return so you had best be able to match
your opponent when you need to use it. Although I think
the damage is low it is still a 2HKO on most Poke'mon
you will come across so as a free attack used with a
swarm of Yanmega Prime it can be highly effective. The
reason I dislike this attack is that it ignores weakness
and resistance. Since there are currently no
Grass-resistant Poke'mon in the format, the inability to
hit weakness is an unnecessary nerf. Admittedly the only
cards you are likely to run into with weakness to Grass
are Feraligatr Prime and Feraligatr HGSS, but the loss
of the ability to OHKO them (and any future cards with
the same weakness) still hurts.
Now that I have finished griping about the shortcomings
of Sonic Boom, it can still be used whether or not you
have Insight in effect as it only costs 1 energy more
than Linear Attack, so following the usual method of
evolution allows you enough time to power up before
battle begins in earnest. But getting this attack for
free is the only way to get your money's worth.
Since Gyarados bit the dust at the start of the month,
Yanmega Prime has been used as both the centrepiece of a
fast swarm deck and a tech sniper/wall that combos well
with Judge and Copycat if you have a couple of deck
slots spare. The fact that the only available Yanma also
has a Poke-body to give itself free retreat if there are
no energy attached (good for a 70 HP evolving Basic)
means you can tech in a 1-1 line and not have to worry
about conflicting energy costs in your deck, allowing
you a little more wiggle room with your energy mix in a
multi type deck.
If nothing else, Yanmega Prime is the best
sacrifice/wall in the format right now as you can pick
off an important bench sitter while absorbing several
hits meant for your other Poke'mon without anything more
than an Evolution card, a Basic Poke'mon and a Judge.
Mixing disruption with sniping is a heady combo (just
look at the succes of the SP decks mixing Luxray GL and
Garchomp C with Power Spray and Dialga G) so I expect to
see Yan,ega Prime tried out in a few decks at any given
Modified: 4 (I'm being generous, but free attacks are
not to be laughed at and the speed with which you can
play Yanmega Prime mixed with the disruptive force of
Judge allows you to take an early lead, which can extend
to the rest of the game if you snipe something critical)
Limited: 4 (the high HP, free retreat and sniping attack
make Yanmega a beast, and Stage 1 Poke'mon are usually
the main attacking force in a Limited deck because Stage
2 Poke'mon are so hard to play. With the lack of Trainer
cards in this set, increasing/playing out your hand to
activate Insight is a pain in the neck but paying for
the attacks manually is easier because of the higher
energy counts in Limited and the free retreat so you
should definitely go for it)
Combos with: Metapod HGSS, Sunflora HGSS, Copycat and
(most importantly) Judge