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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Muk Lv. 49
Date Reviewed:
March 8, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.08
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Today’s review Pokémon is one of those busy cards with a
lot going on. All of that text must mean there is
something good about this card?
PL has a solid (for a Stage 1) 100 HP, Psychic Weakness
(but it’s only a +20), and a horrible Retreat cost of
three, so switching cards are pretty much obligatory. It
also has an odd PokeBody, Sludge Cell, which allows you
to remove two damage counters between turns if he is
affected by a Special Condition. In effect, this gives
him a net healing ability of one counter per turn if he
is Poisoned: nice, but . . . this is a format where
OHKOs are the norm on
anything that is not spectacularly big and
For one Psychic and one Colourless Energy you get
Strange Poison: an attack that does an underwhelming 30
damage but does give you a coin flip: heads and you
Poison your opponent’s Pokémon; tails and
Muk takes the Poison (which
triggers the Body). You can see the synergy here, but it
doesn’t really amount to much. You are either getting
40 damage for two Energy (meh),
or using Muk’s minor healing
At least there is some more synergy going on with the
second attack, Strange Sludge. That’s just as well
because with a cost of [P][P][C],
it’s very expensive and slow (no Double Colourless
acceleration for you!). The base damage of 50 is
atrocious for the cost, but if Muk
is Poisoned, you hit for an
extra 20 and inflict Confusion (the lamest of all the
Status Conditions).
There are two problems with the card really. Firstly,
you need a reliable way of Poisoning
Muk to get any benefit from
his attacks and Body. Two Energy coin flip attacks are
just not reliable or fast enough to be worthwhile,
forcing you to run some support in the form of
Skuntank G and a Stadium.
Secondly, even if you do pull off the self-poison
strategy, the rewards are very mediocre: a Stage 1 that
hits for 70 + Confusion for the steep cost
of three Energy. It just
isn’t enough to make Muk a
viable candidate for competitive play.
If you like the self-Poison strategy, try something
simpler, faster, and more effective in the form of
Seviper CL. That’s my
Modified: 1.5 (slow, and a lot of effort for an
underwhelming reward)
conical |
3/8/11: Muk(Platinum)
It's still Poison week, so it seems sort of fitting to
review Muk, given that he is, you know, made of toxic
Muk is weird, in that unlike other poison-based Pokemon,
Muk would actually rather poison itself rather than the
opponent. This is due to the Body, which heals it some
when affected by a Condition. It can do so via Strange
Poison, which can poison Muk on a coin flip. Or, you
could use Skuntank G to poison both active Pokemon
without relying on a coin flip. Sadly, the poison still
takes effect, and reduces the healing via Sludge Cell,
making it a worse Nidoqueen RR in competitive play.
Strange Sludge does more damage if Muk is Poisoned, and
confuses the target, but that's only 70 damage for a 3
energy attack that can't be sped up with Double
Colorless Energy. I'll give Muk props for creativity
with poison, but that's about it.
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 2.75/5 (Given some Stadiums and the common
Skuntank G, this could be kind of annoying.)
Combos With: Skuntank G

Otaku |
Our second card this week is
Muk Lv.49, released back in
Like all recent video game
Poison-Type Pokémon, in the TCG it is
represented as being a Psychic Type.
As I stated yesterday (and will
repeat the next few days) this is a
solid Type to be right now merely from
Type matching: you see a decent amount
of Psychic Weakness in this format.
Being a Stage 1 Pokémon is a
drag, since we have a lot of strong,
Basic Pokémon that can fake Evolving by
Leveling Up, and Stage 2 Pokémon that
can abuse the heck out of
Rare Candy, giving Stage 1 Pokémon
very little of an advantage over either
of them.
Muk Evolves from
Grimer, and there are only two
Modified legal options: one from
Platinum and one from Undaunted.
Both are Psychic, Basic Pokémon
with 60 HP and a hefty Retreat Cost of
The older version from
Platinum enjoys a superior Psychic
+10 Weakness, while the
version reverted back to the standard
damage doubling Weakness.
The Platinum version also
can attack for no Energy, and that
attack searches your deck for another
Grimer and Benches it.
The Retreat Cost and this attack
make it the superior choice: you really
don’t want to have to attack with
Grimer as it is there to Evolve into
Muk, and the other attacks are a bit
pricey for what they do, which is
probably very little before being KO’d.
has a solid 100 HP for a Stage 1
This isn’t enough to be a real
advantage, but at least it isn’t
starting out with a deficit like
Psychic Weakness +20 is actually
a pretty tame Weakness: to give you an
Uxie Lv.X doesn’t OHKO it!
No Resistance is disappointing
but common.
Three Energy to retreat is high,
but expected; given the
Grimer both require two Energy we
should probably be grateful they only
upped the cost by one.
has a Poké-Body and two attacks;
somewhat impressive for an
The Poké-Body, Sludge Cell,
removes two damage counters from
Muk between turns if it is afflicted
by a Special Condition.
So when Poisoned, Muk nets
one damage
counter removed.
Even if you fail both Burn
checks, you’d break even.
Any Burn Check you make and the
remaining Special Conditions essentially
grant a free
Potion between turns.
I can’t find a ruling for order
resolution, except one stating that it
is the controller’s choice whether to
remove two damage counters and then
place one for Poison, or place one for
Poison then remove two for the Poké-Body.
As you can tell, it isn’t much of
an issue since decks don’t rely on
Special Conditions or expect them to
I like this Poké-Body and find it
creative and somewhat useful… but this
format makes Special Conditions almost
The attacks tie into the combo.
For (PC), you get Strange Poison.
It does 30 points of damage and
gives you a coin toss: “heads” Poisons
the Defending Pokémon, and “tails”
Muk, which
Muk actually likes.
It really likes it, since the
second attack is Strange Sludge and for
(PPC) it does 50 damage, but an extra 20
and automatic Confusion if
Muk is Poisoned.
If both attacks could ditch one
Psychic Energy Requirement for another
Colorless one, this could be a really
fun deck.
It still might be, but it will
really have to work at it.
Vileplume to deny Trainers is again
the obvious combo.
There is also another
Muk you could run with it which we
will review tomorrow.
In Limited play, you’ll find this card
great so long as you can afford to run
Psychic Energy to reliably power it
The “okay” HP is actually good
here, the damage output goes from
questionable to good, and most
importantly Special Conditions and
healing are crazy good.
Muk will be quite the beast once it
gets powered and can Poison itself.
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo viewers! Today we are continuing
Pick Your Poison Week with everyone's favorite large
pile of sludge, Muk. Today's particular Muk is from
Muk is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Psychics like the
pixies and Gengar are commonly seen, but outside of
those and a few other supporting roles, not much is
really that common. 100 HP is decent for a Stage 1,
meaning that it should be able to take at least two hits
in our Modified metagame, while being sufficiently high
for use in Limited. Psychic Weakness definitely hurts,
but considering it's only +20, it could be much worse.
No Resistance is unfortunate, as is a huge Retreat Cost
of 3. Make sure to use Warp Point or Warp Energy to get
Muk to the bench.
Muk has a Poke-Body and two attacks, which seem to work
in synergy with one another. The Body, Sludge Cell,
removes two damage counters from Muk in between turns if
Muk is affected by a Special Condition. This works very
well with Skuntank G and a Stadium card in play, as Muk
will be taking 10 damage and removing 20 between turns,
which is a net gain of 10 damage healed. Although a net
gain of 10 HP healed each turn may not seem like a lot,
when the condition is easily met, every little bit
Muk's first attack, Strange Poison, also works in
concert with Sludge Cell. The attack deals 30 damage for
[PC], Poisoning the opponent if you flip heads and
Poisoning yourself if you flip tails. While not
terrible, if the aim is to poison yourself, you are
probably better off going with the combo given above.
However, this attack can be decent if your opponent is
sufficiently weakened, or you don't have enough energy
to use the next attack.
Strange Sludge, Muk's second attack, starts off at 50
damage for [PPC], but deals 20 more damage and Confuses
the Defending Pokemon if Muk is Poisoned. This attack
was clearly made to work in conjunction with Strange
Poison and Sludge Cell, but also works perfectly with
Skuntank G. While 70 damage and auto-Confusion is good,
it's probably too slow to work in Modified. In Limited,
however, Muk can be quite a good Pokemon if you pull a
lot of Psychic.
Modified: 2/5 It's very interesting, but too slow for
the format. Three energy for 70 damage just doesn't cut
it anymore.
Limited: 3.25/5 Not bad at all, especially because this
is a slower format. However, keep in mind that this is
also the set in which most of the SP engine was
released, so look out for your opponent's SP Pokemon.
Combos With: Skuntank G