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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 18, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Noble Victories)
. . . all week it seems like I’ve been talking about the
Basic Pokémon from the last couple of sets (Reshiram,
Kyurem, Thundurus . .
. ) and about how amazingly powerful they are. Well,
guess what? It seems that the people who design Pokémon
cards don’t agree with me. They think that these poor
little Basics need some kind of help . . . something
that will give them a chance to compete against all
those big, bad evolutions.
That must be why they went ahead and printed
is a Trainer-Tool card that, when attached to a Basic
Pokémon, reduces the amount of damage it takes from an
attack by 20. To put it another way, that’s a permanent
Defender for Basic Pokémon. To put it in
yet another
way, it gives any Basic Pokémon
Donphan Prime’s Exoskeleton
PokéBody. I think you get the picture: this is
one heck of a card for Basic decks.
With an Eviolite attached,
it will take an attack of 130 damage to OHKO a
Zekrom, even after it has
used Bolt Strike (yes, it reduces self-damage too); as
for undamaged Kyurem and
Reshiram, that will need an
output of 150. Without factoring Weakness or
PlusPowers, that number is
only attainable by a very few Pokémon (Bad
Magnezone Prime, Rayquaza
& Deoxys LEGEND). The
calculations get even more scary
when you look at two-shotting
these things as it will take 2 attacks of 90 damage or
more to do the job (and don’t forget the hit your active
will take in between).
I could on even more about the way
Eviolite makes the huge BW Basics so hard to KO,
but it should be pretty clear by now just how much of an
advantage they gain from having it in play, which will
pretty much be the whole time thanks to Junk Arm. In
games between Basic decks, Eviolite
is really going to throw off damage calculations when it
comes to the Prize trade. Oh, and
Zoroark just lost a lot of its playability as a
Looking into my crystal ball (and by that I mean, at
spoilers for Japanese sets), I predict that decks built
around big Basic Pokémon are here to stay. In fact the
Pokemon are only getting
bigger: Mewtwo EX will have
an unbelieveable 170 HP and
even that is going to be topped by the EX versions of
Zekrom and
Regigigas which clock in at
a ridiculous 180. Who would ever have thought that it
would take a 200 damage attack to one-shot a Basic? Yet
that is exactly what will happen once these Pokémon get
an Eviolite slapped on them.
It’s interesting times ahead for the TCG, and you will
be spending a lot of them looking at this card in play.
(And no, before you ask, it does not work on LEGEND
Modified: 4.5 (it boosts the most dominant decks in the
format and it’s only going to become
more powerful
in the future, if you can imagine that)
Limited: 4.25 (playing this on a
Kyurem, Landorus, or
Druddigon = profit. You can
even use it to keep a Basic from being KO’d while
waiting for its evolution)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we're ending the
COTD week by reviewing a new Trainer - Item card that is
also a Pokemon Tool. Today's Card of the Day is Eviolite.
Eviolite is a Pokemon Tool, which means that you can
attach it to a Pokemon in order to get some ongoing
effect. Eviolite's effect is simple yet powerful: When
you attach Eviolite to a Basic Pokemon, damage that
Pokemon receives in attacks is reduced by 20. This
"permanent Defender" has been widely hyped since its
announcement, and has a natural home in decks using many
Basics, including Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Mew Prime,
and Tornadus. Eviolite is especially worth mentioning
when paired with Zekrom, as it reduces self-damage from
Bolt Strike to 20 damage instead of 40, which greatly
aids in Zekrom's survivability. Additionally, any of the
dragons with Eviolite will not be OHKOed with Blue
Flare/Bolt Strike and a single PlusPower, so now the
mirror matches will require three PlusPowers (or
multiple hits). That being said, Eviolite works very
well with any Basic, especially in Limited where weak
attacks are the norm.
Modified: 4/5 It doesn't belong in every deck, but it
works wonders in decks centered around Basics.
Considering the strength of our current Basics and some
of the upcoming cards in the Japanese Hail
Blizzard/Psycho Drive sets, Eviolite should get even
Limited: 5/5 You'll definitely run Basics in Limited,
and Eviolite provides a consistent 20 points of damage
reduction. You'd be crazy to not run it here, even if
your deck relies on many evolutions. It works especially
well with Druddigon and Kyurem here, as well.
Combos With: Any Basic, but notably Zekrom BW
Mattezhion |
Eviolite (Noble Victories)
Hello Pojo Readers, we end the week with a card that
makes me both relieved and fearful at the same time.
Today's card is the brilliant Poke'mon Tool, Eviolite!
Eviolite is an Item card and a Poke'mon Tool, which
for the newer players out there means that to play
Eviolite you have to attach it to one of your Poke'mon
and it stays in play rather than being discarded
immediately (other than that it plays the same way as
all other Item cards). In this case, you would only want
to attach Eviolite to a Basic Poke'mon as it has no
effect on Evolution cards.
Eviolite reduces damage from attacks dealt to the
Poke'mon it is attached to by 20, provided that the
Poke' on it is attached to is a Basic. This includes
self damage (so Zekrom will love using Bolt Strike with
this card attached) and is a very powerful effect due to
both the lack of other Poke'mon Tools in the card pool
and the generally high HP of Basic Poke'mon in this
Imagine for a moment that your facing a Zekrom with
Eviolite attached. How intimidated do you feel knowing
that even with the self damage from Bolt Strike, you
need 130 damage to take it out? What about a Reshiram
that will Blue Flare you to death if you can't hit 150
damage every time the opponent plays a Revive? Or a
Kyurem that will either Glaciate you to death or survive
to use Outrage for a big finish?
I'm sure you can think of even more combos (watch a
Donphan player cry when they face a Tornadus with
Eviolite that reduces their Eartquake to 20 damage a
turn!) and that isn't even the best part of the card! If
you look closely at the text, you'll notice that there
is nothing about discarding Eviolite from play, so the
damage reduction is permanent unless the rules change or
you're opponent has a Tool-discarding effect (maybe
Heatmor NV will see some play?). Also, you can play
Eviolite on an Evolution even though the damage
reduction won't take effect, just to get it out of your
hand (or because you attached it to the Basic form for
protection, maybe an especially vulnerable tech like
Magnemite TM or Horsea UL?).
Legendary Poke'mon already rule the roost in the
current format so this powerful boost makes me worry
that Evolutions will become completely unplayable, but
i've panicked before and been completely wrong (see Lost
World and the hype about Poke'mon Catcher for examples).
This tiem I'm going to calm down and recognise that this
is just a good card that will mess with damage
calculations and empower Basic Poke'mon while doing
absolutely nothing to empower Legend Poke'mon (if only
Eviolite's wording had stated "unevolved Poke'mon" it
would have been possible to use it to keep Legends alive
long enough to actually be useful!).
I am relieved that the Poke'mon Tool mechanic has
been reintroduced, so hopefully we'll see a few new
Stadiums and Technical Machines of tournament calibre
released in the next year as well. But if they reprint
Expert Belt, I'm going to quit the game!
I know that ZPS/Zekrom Donk decks are going to love
Eviolite since they typically run nothing but Basics,
and both ReshiBoar and ReshiPhlosion will love having an
extra tool to win Prize exchanges with. Expect to see
Eviolite cropping up from now until it rotates out,
because the power is real!
Modified: 5 (the only drawbacks are the lack of
effect on Evolutions and the fact that Eviolite doesn't
get discarded by Evolving the Basic it is attached to,
preventing you from using Junk Arm to get it back in the
same turn to attach to another Basci)
Limited: 5 (between the Legendary Basics available
and the lack of other options, this card is pure gold!)
Combos with: every Basic you want to keep up and
kicking, especially If that Basic has a tendency to hurt